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"Ding-ling-ling~" In the Mogu Town Naval Base, the alarm on Lu Fei's cell phone rang.

He needed to go back to the real world.

It was already morning in the real world, and his parents would probably call him to eat.

He didn't want his parents to open his door and see an empty bed and be frightened.

After returning to the real world and drinking a bowl of porridge, Lu Fei waited until his parents went to work before returning to the pirate world.

With the energy Lu Fei needed now, a bowl of porridge was not enough.

After returning to the pirate world, he ate a lot to fill his stomach.

People who practice martial arts have great strength and eat a lot.

The bowls used in the Navy cafeteria are the same size as washbasins, otherwise they are not enough for these strong marines, especially those above the petty level.

The Dao Power of each marine above the petty level is basically over 80 points, which is 8 times that of ordinary marines.

The key is that the Dao Power of ordinary marines here is 10 points, which is 3 times that of ordinary earthlings.

It is not strange to have such a large appetite.

Dao Power refers to wrist strength and kicking power.

Some people may not have high Dao Power, but they have strong abilities or fruit abilities in certain aspects and can easily defeat opponents with much higher Dao Power than themselves.

For example, Kizaru's dōji may not be as high as Rob Lucci's, but do you think Lucci can beat Kizaru? Both sides have different focuses.

Lucci focuses on taijutsu and the six styles of the navy, while Kizaru focuses on the ability of the dōji fruit.

Therefore, we cannot judge a person's strength based on dōji alone.

But for the navy who do not have fruit abilities and have basically the same starting point, they can still compare each other's dōji to determine who is stronger.

Fortunately, the biological resources in the pirate world are very rich, the population is small, and there are many oceans and islands. Otherwise, if there are more people with appetites like Luffy, they will kill a sea king every day. The consumption of this kind will sooner or later eat up this ocean.

The priority supplier of artificial devil fruits is Kaido Pirates of Beasts, so the demand that Lu Fei put forward to Doflamingo cannot be met in a short period of time.

Lu Fei has not received any news about the method of hunting devil fruit ability users to seize devil fruits.

However, the scientific research team of the Mogu Town Naval Base has applied many new technologies to the navy's warships through the Korean warships brought back by Lu Fei from reality, and strengthened the navy's warships.

Most of the world is the sea, and naval battles are the most, so the ability of warships is very important.

""Boss, give me a glass of beer!

A big one.

" In a bar somewhere in Magic Valley Town, Lu Fei thought about these things and ordered a glass of beer from the boss Henry.

The bar owner Henry had been out to sea before and pursued onepiece, but later he retired and stayed in Magic Valley Town to open a bar.

He was an adventurer, not a pirate.

His goal was to explore and find treasures, not like pirates who aimed to rob others' treasures.

The land in Magic Valley Town is still very fertile, and the wheat produced locally can be regarded as a specialty of Magic Valley Town.

It is very popular with travelers when made into bread or beer.

However, the most attractive thing is the safety of Magic Valley Town.

In this sea full of dangers, people are eager to find a safe place to settle down.

Some travelers felt the peace and beauty of Magic Valley Town and stayed here, becoming new residents of Magic Valley Town.

Since the collection of Sao, every time the White Horse reported, it also invisibly promoted the Magic Valley Town Naval Base, and it was often reported in the newspaper because of defeating powerful pirates.

The sea has become the dream home of those peace-loving people.

Walking on the streets of Mogu Town and looking at the streets full of laughter, vitality and beauty, Lu Fei felt a sense of accomplishment in his heart. This is the wonderful life of the people under his rule. There is no oppression of power and no crisis of survival. It is like a paradise. However, many people don’t know that here, powerful guns are manufactured and sent to the world. In the bunker of the naval base, assembly line production never stops.

Only a big fist can bring a peaceful life. The regime comes from the barrel of a gun. To maintain all these beautiful things, there must be relative force.

Mogu Town is Lu Fei’s home in the pirate world. Staying here is like staying in a real home. It is comfortable and beautiful, with companions and comrades one by one. Lu Fei wants to protect and own all of this forever. In the

Marine Headquarters, Marinford, a silver Den Den Mushi with a white beard rang in a room. The only one who can dial this silver Den Den Mushi is the golden Den Den Mushi.

"belebele~~"Rest time is always short, and there are endless naval missions to be carried out. The Den Den Mushi keeps ringing, and new missions are coming.

"What's the matter?"A navy officer handed a Den Den Mushi to Luffy, and Luffy picked up the Den Den Mushi and asked.

Not knowing what the Den Den Mushi said, Luffy's expression changed from calm to serious, and then to a strange and helpless look.

After hanging up the phone, Luffy shook his head. The task in the Den Den Mushi was a little beyond his expectations. He had thought that this thing was about to happen, but he didn't expect that he would be involved in it personally, and he couldn't refuse this task.

Judicial Island, also known as the Never-Night Island, is a nominal court established by the World Government on the Grand Line.

Anyone who is pressed to the Judicial Island must have been identified as a criminal.

The prisoners will only be escorted through those empty courts, and finally they will reach a huge cold steel door, which is the Gate of Justice.

Prisoners who pass through this door will generally never return, symbolizing the absolute justice of the World Government.

There are only two places that can be reached after sailing out of the port of Judicial Island.

One is the Navy Headquarters where the main combat power of the World Government is located, and the other is Impeldown, a deep-sea prison full of torture chambers and execution platforms, which imprisons the most evil prisoners in the world.

Judicial Island will not show any mercy to the prisoners, but will only send them to formal punishment.

���The judicial organ of the Judicial Island is the gate connected to the center of the World Government.

Since there is no night on the Judicial Island and it is always daytime, it is also called the Island That Never Sleeps.

There are often some pirates who break into the Judicial Island to rescue their partners, but since the establishment of the Judicial Island, no one has been able to escape after entering the Judicial Island.

This time, because of the appearance of the red road sign historical inscription, the World Government sent CP9 to successfully capture Nico Robin, the only survivor of O'Hara.

The historian who can read the text on the historical stone tablet will put Nico Robin on trial.

The ones who broke into the Judicial Island were naturally the Straw Hat Pirates.

Spandam, who held the golden Den Den Mushi, used the golden Den Den Mushi because he was afraid of his own personal safety and ignored the lives of the other CP0 and the navy.

This is the so-called Demon Killing Order!

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