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Seeing the two colonels being easily defeated by the Straw Hat Pirates, Lu Fei also felt that these two guys were pitifully weak, and had not improved much since the recruit competition a few years ago.

"Lieutenant General! Should we go over and help?"After seeing the Straw Hat Pirates kill more than a dozen lieutenant colonels again, the officers who were watching the show on the warship with Lu Fei could no longer bear it. Although they had looked down on these colonel-level officers of the headquarters before, now was the time to unite against the outside world. Seeing this scene, they couldn't help but ask Lu Fei

"Just watch with peace of mind.

It's only the lieutenant colonels and colonels who were defeated.

But there are still half of them, 100 colonel-level officers.

The Straw Hat Pirates don't seem to have much physical strength left.

If you go over there at this time, others will think you are going to steal the credit.

They have worked so hard and paid such a huge price, consumed so much of the enemy's physical strength, and are about to succeed.

If you go up and defeat the Straw Hat Pirates now, wouldn't you be intercepting the fruits of their victory? Not only will others not thank you, they will probably want to beat you in their hearts and divide their military credit.

What's more, even if they can't beat them, they still have their major generals and lieutenant generals.

"What Lu Fei said made sense.

The officers were speechless and continued to observe.

However, Lu Fei was not talking nonsense.

The situation was indeed as he said.

Even if the Straw Hat Pirates could fight, a few people fighting 200 people would almost use up their physical strength.

If they continued like this, they would not be able to hold on for long.

The other four vice admirals also thought so.

In their opinion, the Straw Hat Pirates on the No.

1 pillar of Judicial Island were already trapped.

The bridge connecting the pillars was broken.

The Straw Hat Pirates were surrounded by water and had nowhere to escape.

Standing on the warship, watching the encirclement shrinking, the navy had surrounded the Straw Hat Pirates.

"BOOM!"A huge explosion suddenly occurred on the broken Tower of Justice. It was not the bombardment of the warship. The bombardment had stopped after the Tower of Justice was covered by ruins. Debris flew everywhere. The already broken Tower of Justice completely collapsed. A large amount of rubble and debris splashed with the explosion.

In the smoke and dust of the explosion, a huge yellow figure flew out.

It was Rob Lucci who was knocked away by the Straw Hat Boy.

Rob Lucci flew across the bay and landed on the second pillar.

He lay on the ground with his face up.

The blood from his mouth kept flowing onto his clothes.

His beastly form was gradually returning to human form.

A white dove with a tie flew down from the mast of the warship and landed next to Rob Lucci, whose life or death was unknown.

Straw Hat Luffy also fell to the ground unable to move due to the forced use of the second gear transition.

Strictly speaking, this battle was a draw.

"Report to the entire fleet! Report to the entire fleet! CP9's Rob Lucci, just now, just now! Was defeated by the pirate Straw Hat Luffy!"The loudspeaker on the warship brought shocking news, which was hard to believe.

"How is this possible! Rob Lucci, who is revered as the strongest in the history of CP9, was actually defeated by a pirate!"At this moment, the navy was just like their parents who had always instilled in them the idea of how smart and powerful other people's children were. They also believed that other people's children were very powerful, but suddenly this powerful person was defeated by an unknown guy. It was hard to accept this fact.


" Coo...

"The pirate Straw Hat Boy Luffy seemed to be fatally injured and was lying there unable to move!"The investigator also observed the situation of the Straw Hat Boy. Compared with Rob Lucci, he was not much better except that he was still conscious.

As the saying goes, good fortune never comes alone, and misfortune never comes alone. After hearing the bad news, something unfavorable to the Straw Hat Pirates happened again. The naval escape boat they were going to use to escape was hit by a shell and sank in a raging fire. In an instant, they lost all their escape routes!

"Don't worry about Nico Robin's life or death, aim all shells at the first pillar and fire! Destroy the Straw Hat Boys immediately!"Rob Lucci was defeated, and the navy no longer bothered to care about Nico Robin's life or death as required by the government, and ignored the navy still on the pillar and launched indiscriminate bombardment again.

"Are these people all fools?...

Wouldn't it be enough to just run up to a lieutenant general and do it? Must we use artillery shells to solve it, and kill so many of our own people?" Lu Fei was complaining in his heart while ordering his warships to fire.

Are these lieutenant generals' brains full of shit? Are they happy to attack the lieutenant colonel and colonel he sent indiscriminately and kill them together with the enemy? It seems that the straw hat boy's escape is not unreasonable.

There are too many idiots.

The muzzles of the warships have all been turned to aim at the first pillar, and the fuse of the artillery shells has been lit.

"The pirates jumped into the sea! Are they all crazy?"

""Idiot! You can't survive if you jump into the sea!"

At this moment, the Straw Hat Pirates jumped off the first pillar one after another. Luffy, who was unable to move, was also thrown off the first pillar by Robin's ability. It was like being forced into a dead end with nowhere to go. In the eyes of the navy, he jumped into the sea to die.

"BOOM!"The delayed shells exploded on the first pillar, just like fireworks to send off the Straw Hat Pirates. The Straw Hat Pirates did not fall into the sea. There was another companion waiting for them below, the Golden Merry! But the Straw Hat Pirates were still in great danger and could be hit by the concentrated fire of the warships at any time.

"Hmm? Ocean current? I see, that's how it is, the Straw Hat Pirates are really good at it!

Turn the ship around and sail away from the warships!

" Lu Fei suddenly heard a strange voice in his ears.

The speed of the ocean current seemed to have changed.

The Gate of Justice was closed at some point.

The ocean current that was originally blocked by the door and disappeared created a vortex again.

The warships began to lose control like a rear-end collision.

Only the two warships led by Lu Fei who noticed this were unscathed.

The situation was out of control. In the chaos, three warships of the navy lost their combat effectiveness. The remaining seven warships also had problems with the accuracy of their artillery fire due to the ocean current. Instead, the small boat Merry took advantage of the centrifugal force of the vortex and Franky's wind to soar into the sky, distanced itself from the warships, broke away from the vortex, and escaped.

"I didn't expect you to come here in person.

We will continue the pursuit and will not give up.

We will bet on our navy.

No, even if it means risking the dignity of the World Government, we will destroy the Straw Hat Pirates and will definitely capture the most important criminal, Nico Robin.

Please approve the support of the fleet and additional soldiers!

" On Judicial Island, a piece of ice appeared on the sea.

Aokiji walked slowly on the ice, pushing his bicycle.

Reports from his subordinates came from the Den Den Mushi in his hand.

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