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Tải ảnh: 0.117s Scan: 0.562sA few hours ago, at the Navy Headquarters, Akainu received intelligence from a secret source and quickly boarded a warship and left the Navy Headquarters and headed straight for Mogu Town.

"The bloodline of the Pirate King cannot continue to exist in this world!

Fire Fist Ace!

You will be an important contribution for me, Akainu, to ascend to the position of Marshal in the future!

" That's right, the fish vendor before was Akainu's secret line.

After informing Akainu of Ace's whereabouts, Akainu vowed to catch Ace without stopping.

At this time, Lu Fei and Ace didn't know about this yet.

Lu Fei just wanted Ace to take Blackbeard away.

As for Ace, he didn't plan to intercept him, and Ace also just wanted to take Blackbeard away and didn't want to conflict with Lu Fei, but an unexpected accident that no one expected was on the way!

"Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates' Second Division, Ace the Fire Fist, you have been surrounded.

Just surrender.

I, Rear Admiral Hakuba Cavendish of the Demon Valley Naval Base, will definitely capture you!

Beautiful Sword Bluebird!

"As soon as Ace walked out of the prison with Blackbeard, the white horse guarding the prison exit attacked directly.

It was accurate and fast.

A white light flashed across the night sky.

Cavendish's long sword had already attacked Ace, and then pierced straight into Ace's head.

Ace's head exploded under the attack, turned into a ball of flames, and then reorganized. Ace was unharmed. The white horse did not use the armed color domineering in this attack.

Ace saw the generals of the Magic Valley Town base guarding the entrance and exit of the prison. He was relatively familiar with Lu Fei and Enelu, but he did not give up. He carried Blackbeard, who was still wearing seastone handcuffs, as if looking for a breakthrough to escape. It was unwise to fight. Enelu could fight him back and forth, plus the other major generals and Lu Fei, Ace did not have the confidence to defeat this group of people.

At this time, Blackbeard's eyes were cunning, and he was looking at Ace and the navy opposite. I don't know what I was thinking.

"Beautiful sword. Round table!"Hakuba's elegant and precise swordsmanship was like a ballet. He spun several times in the air and chopped at Fire Fist Ace. At this time, the sword was already attached with Armament Haki. Ace didn't dare to face it directly. You know, two years ago, when he was just famous in the sea and challenged Blackbeard, he knew that his natural system was not invincible. He was suppressed by Whitebeard's Armament Haki. For this ability, he still chose to dodge.

"Fire Fist!"Since he couldn't find an opportunity to take Blackbeard away, Ace chose to face the enemy head-on. A huge flaming fist shot out, covering all the navy generals in front of him, including Lu Fei.

""Draw the sword and cut!" Carl looked at the incoming flames, and grasped the hilt of the sword that had not been unsheathed. Then his palm turned rapidly, and three slashing waves flew out, cutting the flames in front of him. At this time, Carl's sword was still in the hilt, and there was no sign of it being drawn. Only his hand was not seen, and the sword was drawn and cut.

Lu Fei let Ace's flames fly to him. His extreme flame was the king of all flames. He was not afraid of any flame. The flames fell on him like steam and instantly evaporated, suppressing Or rather, he was devoured and burned by a higher level of flame.

The same was true for the natural Enel.

The fire could not reach his lightning-forged body, which was already elemental and had a high temperature.

As for the giant Oden, he swung his palm like a palm leaf fan and slapped the flames to the ground to extinguish them.

The white horse's elegant figure danced on the fire sword, like a spirit of fire.

Every time it stepped on the gap between the flames, it was in a place that was not invaded by the flames, but some places on the white robe were still charred.

The person escaped, but the clothes did not....

Who made his cape extra long to show off?...

When Ace saw this scene, he knew that he could not take Blackbeard away today, so he planned to evacuate by himself. At this moment, something unexpected happened to both parties. Blackbeard came behind Ace and suddenly pounced on Ace. Before Ace could react, the seastone chain wrapped around his hand by Blackbeard also entangled Ace's arm before he could transform into an element. Ace instantly touched the seastone and lost his strength, and was thrown to the ground by Blackbeard.

""Admiral! Quick! I caught him, you guys quickly handcuff him, he's the captain of the second squad of the Whitebeard Pirates!" Blackbeard's actions and words stunned everyone for a long time, especially those who were unaware of the situation except Lu Fei.

"Didn't he come to save you?"Even Bai Ma, who was worried about his clothes just now, asked in confusion. The rescuer was murdered by the rescued person, which was the scene in front of him.

"No, this navy commander, he is not here to save me, he wants to take me back and kill me!

Hurry up and cuff him, he is about to break free from me!

" Blackbeard clung to Ace, and the two of them trembled on the ground.

However, because of the seastone, both of them had little power.

However, relatively speaking, Blackbeard's physical skills were very good before he obtained the fruit.

After both of them lost their abilities, Blackbeard was much stronger than Ace, and no matter how Ace struggled, he could not break free.

"Vice Admiral Lu Fei, I have always admired you.

I want to be a navy officer and work for you!

I will tell you a secret.

This guy is actually the Pirate King Gol..


Roger's son!

I hope to use him to make up for the mistakes I made in my past career as a pirate and become one of your men!

" Blackbeard did so much just for this moment.

He needed relative freedom, at least the freedom to remove the seastone handcuffs, so that he could have a chance to escape.

He had been lurking on Whitebeard's ship for decades, and he didn't mind lurking beside Lu Fei for many more years, looking for an opportunity to turn over!

A warship of the Navy Headquarters had docked at the port of Mogu Town. The night was very dark. The navy sentries did not realize that a big man had come until the people on the ship got off the ship.


The bloodline of the Pirate King!

"The navy who heard Blackbeard's words were shocked..


Roger's bloodline is still in the world.

Hakuba quickly handcuffed the seastone handcuffs to the hands of Fire Fist Ace.

This is the bloodline of the Pirate King.

The first thing he thought of was not doubt and shock, but that he had captured Ace.

He could definitely make himself a household name with this news.

This is the bloodline of the Pirate King.

The person who captured him will naturally be praised by the world!

At this time, Lu Fei was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

The development of the matter was beyond his control.

Ace was actually arrested, and it was his generals who caught him, which was equivalent to him indirectly arresting Ace!

He just didn't want Ace to take Blackbeard away!

"As expected of the most talented person in the history of the Marine Headquarters, the pillar of the Navy, Vice Admiral Lu Fei, you have done a great job.

I will tell Marshal Sengoku about this achievement, and let the world know about your outstanding performance, Vice Admiral Lu Fei!

" Just as Lu Fei was frantically thinking of ways to let Ace escape, a figure rushed behind Lu Fei, wearing a fiery red suit with a three-star navy uniform, and the Admiral of the Marine Headquarters, Akainu Sakaski, arrived!

He had made a mess of things.

He originally just didn't want Ace to take Blackbeard away!

In this situation, it would be better to let Ace take Blackbeard away from the beginning.

Now that the admiral has arrived, Ace can't get away!

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