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No. 6 Red Tree, Kidd's sudden attack not only did not annoy Bai Ma, but excited him. Why did he come here? To correct his name!

Fighting with Eustas Kidd, the supernova with the highest bounty on the island, was his original purpose. He welcomed the other party's initiative. He did not dodge or evade the incoming bullets. The holy sword Durandal was in his hand without knowing when. The white sword flickered, and the blade split the bullet in two, flying past Bai Ma's body, and then disappeared.

"Storm Leg. Kaidori!"As a former rear admiral, Bai Ma has mastered the Six Styles of the Navy very well. After all, these things are very effective for showing off, so Bai Ma will naturally learn them carefully, just like why Bai Ma learned swordsmanship when he was a child, because swordsmanship looks the coolest, in a word, handsome.

Compared with the ordinary storm, Kaidori, an upgraded version of the storm leg, is much larger and more powerful. Bai Ma can use it easily with a crescent-shaped wave while raising his foot. Then, without pausing, he moved in the direction of Kidd and swung his long sword.

"Squeak~~"A bunch of iron weapons and guns flew in from everywhere and blocked Kidd's body, blocking Bai Ma's kicks. Bai Ma could also feel that the holy sword Durandal in his hand was attracted by a strong force, but this force was not enough to make his weapon fall out of his hand. Only the sword moves would be deformed due to the influence of magnetism.

""Shave~" Seeing the collection of shield-like iron objects floating in front of Kidd, Hakuba used the Navy's Six-style Shaving, stomping on the ground at a high frequency, and appeared at the side of Kidd at a speed that ordinary people could hardly see, as if teleporting, and slashed with a sword, taking Kidd's head directly.


" Magnets have two levels of attraction and repulsion.

Seeing the sword shadow of the white horse attacking, Kidd quickly activated the repulsion of the magnet to repel the holy sword Durandal.

Under the influence of the repulsive force, the movement trajectory of the holy sword Durandal was deformed.

The sword that was supposed to cut off the neck only brushed across Kidd's face and left a red line.

The white horse did a red somersault in the air to stabilize its body, and landed steadily on the ground under the influence of the repulsive force.

Kidd felt a touch of liquid flowing on his face. His fingertips brushed across the wound on his face. He looked closely and red jumped in front of his eyes. He was bleeding, but he had received countless scars from the four seas to the current Chambord Islands. Such injuries would not make him painful, but would make him angry.

""Repulsion." Kidd's eyebrows had wrinkled at some point, and he wiped the blood off his face and uttered two words. The weapons that had been blocking Kidd like a shield shot out at the white horse with the speed and power of bullets.

Seeing the piles of weapons and guns flying at him, the white horse twisted his body like a stroll and dodged all the attacks easily. Don't forget that he is the one who has mastered the color of seeing and hearing.

"Observation Haki?" Being able to become the leader, Kidd obviously has a wide range of knowledge. The other supernovas also saw that not every supernova is like Luffy who knows nothing.

"The rear admiral has mastered the color domineering, what a great guy, Kidd is probably no match for Hakuba Cavendish."After seeing this scene, Luo spoke to the crew in a low voice, but his eyes were not on the two people fighting, but on the mysterious man who came with Hakuba, wearing a mask and leaning against a tree with his arms folded. This mysterious man gave him a more dangerous feeling.

"I am not as good as him."Also as a rear admiral, Chiqi.X.Seeing this scene, Doregu asked himself in his heart, he couldn't do this, he knew the difficulty of developing Haki, especially Observation Haki, are all the subordinates of a genius genius? Doregu couldn't help but think of Hakuba Cavendish's former superior, Vice Admiral Lu Fei.

As supernovas who have just been out to sea for less than a year, although many people have heard of Haki, they don't know how to develop it. Moreover, they don't need Haki to grow their strength quickly in a short period of time, but prioritize developing fruit abilities. Therefore, none of these people can use Haki at this time, and they are naturally very curious when they see the rumored Haki.

""Suck~~ I want to see if the domineering power of observation Haki can easily dodge all the enemy's attacks as rumored!" The firearms that were reflected by the repulsive force and did not attack Hakuba were sucked back again, and attacked Hakuba Cavendish for the second time.

But the result was obviously unexpected. With this level of attack, the trajectory of the objects' movement was all in a straight line towards Kidd's direction, which was very simple and the speed was very ordinary, not much faster than a bullet. It was still so easy, but Hakuba would not just passively take the beating. He used the shaving again, and cooperated with the moon step to bypass the objects and shields in front of Kidd, and stabbed Kidd from the top of his head!

At this time, Lu Fei was leaning against the tree trunk and took out the Den Den Mushi and Kaputonghua.

"Lu Fei, you must be careful when you are on a mission in the Sabaody Archipelago.

As the deputy of Pirate King Roger, Pluto Silver Bass Rayleigh is already over 50 years old and his strength has declined compared to his peak period, but even so, his current strength is not something you, a kid, can mess with.

I sent his wanted order from 20 years ago to the Navy branch here, you can get it yourself.

"Garp was nagging on the phone, but this further showed the terrifying strength of Rayleigh.

You know, when he took Lu Fei to the New World, he didn't let him pay attention to any other pirates except the Four Emperors.

"Do you know how that old guy got the title of Pluto? At that time, I was ordered to hunt down Roger's pirate group.

Once, Roger's enemies gathered together and surrounded Roger, who was exhausted and escaped from the navy after fighting with me.

When he was about to succeed, Rayleigh, the deputy captain of Roger's pirate ship, came out and slaughtered more than a dozen pirate groups at that time.

They were not ordinary pirate groups.

They were all masters of the New World at that time.

After that battle, Rayleigh was crowned with the title of Pluto.

Some people said that Pluto means the one who sends the enemy to hell, and some people said that Rayleigh's lethality is comparable to the ancient weapon Pluto.

In short, he is an old guy who is not easy to mess with.

You must be careful!

"Kapu urged Lu Fei very much.

He was a person who had personally experienced that era and had fought with Rayleigh several times.

It can be said that without Rayleigh, Roger would hardly become the Pirate King.

If Rayleigh had not followed Roger to form his own pirate group, he would now be in the same position as Whitebeard.

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