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"What a misfortune, with the admirals in front and the Shichibukai behind! Is the end coming soon?"The strange monk Urouge was beaten by the pacifist and flew to the center of the area where Kizaru and Hawkins were fighting. It can't be said to be a battle, it should be said to be a one-sided massacre.

"No, you don't look like you're going to die yet!" In the smoke and dust, Hawkins was kicked away by Kizaru and the house collapsed. He climbed up from the wreckage of the house and saw the strange monk Ulki lying on the ground in front of him and said,"Who is stronger by face?"

At this moment, another figure appeared, running and jumping, double axes and whip kicks kicked the pacifist who was about to take advantage of the victory away, and the fallen major general Doregu came up!

""Pah Pah X~ Well done, Red Flag X. Doregu, you didn't bring shame to our navy, even though you are no longer a navy member." Just when everyone thought that another fierce battle was about to begin, a sound came from the side of the pacifist who was knocked away by Doregu.

In the smoke and dust, a figure holding up the pacifist���A person walked out from the ruins, it was Rear Admiral Lu Fei!

"General Kizaru, I didn't expect that the headquarters would send you here this time. The three Celestial Dragons have already ensured their safety."Walking out of the smoke and dust, Lu Fei casually put the pacifist on the ground and said to Kizaru

"Oh, it's Major General Lu Fei. Have the world nobles been rescued? That's great. I don't need those old guys to keep nagging me."The old guys that Kizaru was referring to were naturally the government officials and the Celestial Dragons.

"The dark nightmare, Lu Fei, the number one genius in the navy!"Dregu, Hawkins, Urouge, and Haiming, who was watching from a distant rooftop, recognized Lu Fei the moment he appeared. These celebrities in the navy were like high-value bounty criminals in pirates. They all knew each other's information.

"Major General Lu Fei, have you seen my subordinate Zhan Taowan? I can't contact him."Kizaru's lazy tone always makes people feel that he is not a reliable guy.

"Admiral Kizaru, the Den Den Mushi in your hand is a black eavesdropping Den Den Mushi. The Den Den Mushi that can contact your subordinates is probably in your bag. Seeing Kizaru calling an irrelevant Den Den Mushi, Lu Fei also had a frown on his face.

"Oh, that's it!" Kizaru took out two or three Den Den Mushi from his pocket and started calling them on the spot, ignoring the three newcomers worth over 100 million in front of him. However, Kizaru also noticed Hai Ming in the distance, there were four of them!

"I got beaten so badly just now, I don't know if I can deal with this guy now! Gigantuation! Karma!" Urouge's body began to grow rapidly, and his original height of more than three meters instantly increased to nearly seven meters, surpassing Bartholomew Bear's height. With his swollen muscles, the roles began to reverse, and Urouge, who was originally beaten by the pacifist, began to abuse the pacifist.

"Hehe, it seems to have had some effect." Ulki punched the pacifist into the house with a confident smile, but his confidence came too early.

"Ah! It's so hot!"In the smoke and dust, a golden beam of light penetrated his left shoulder, and a hole as thick as a finger appeared on Ulki's shoulder. Ulki's left shoulder was on the ground in pain.

"Wow, what an amazing work of art, DR. Vegabank, the Edison and Einstein of the pirate world, these pacifists are really bad news for the general public."Strong body, huge damage laser beam, combining these two in a pacifist, Jane is a perfect killing machine, Vegabank lives up to the name of a genius who is 500 years ahead of his time.

"The situation is not good. Even if there are three supernovas with over 100 million, they can't be opponents against the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Admirals of the Navy, and the geniuses of the Navy!" Seeing Urouge fall, the members of the three pirate forces became anxious.

""Major General Doregu, are you investigating him? Since you already know the inside story, why don't you try its power yourself? But be careful." Lu Fei said to Doregu who had been sizing up the pacifist. Doregu knew that the one in front of him was a humanoid weapon of the navy, not the Tyrant Bear.

""Roar~" A roar from ancient times sounded, and the skin on Doregu's face began to turn blue, his clothes were torn apart, his arms and legs turned into huge limbs, supporting the huge body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and his sharp fangs were like a guillotine on a beheading platform. The transformation was completely over. A giant dinosaur tens of meters tall appeared in front of everyone, the ancient animal species Tyrannosaurus Rex fruit

"Roar!"Opening its bloody mouth, the huge Tyrannosaurus Rex bit the Pacifist's head directly, and kept tearing it, trying to twist the Pacifist's head off. Unfortunately, he didn't have the time and opportunity to do so. A laser beam pierced through his abdomen. After a tragic roar, the tens-meter-tall Tyrannosaurus Rex disappeared, and instead, it was Doregu who was half-crouching on the ground, plugging the bloody hole in his abdomen!

"You supernovas are more interesting than each other. Each of you has a fruit ability that is really eye-opening, but your weaknesses are also obvious. Hawkins, you three have special abilities. Now calculate how much chance you have of escaping."Lu Fei took out the pistol that was no longer on his waist. It was loaded with seastone bullets. He hadn't used this thing for a long time. This time he wanted to make a quick decision.

"Escape chance, 0%, but this is my escape chance in my current state! Demon-subduing appearance!"The cool and handsome Hawkins has long disappeared, turning into a huge scarecrow-like terrifying monster!

""The fire of karma spreads all over the prairie! Divine bird!" The pitch-black flames formed a huge fire circle, completely surrounding the three supernovas with over 100 million in mass. One after another, small black three-legged crows flew out from Lu Fei's palm, and their target was obviously the three supernovas.

"What is this?"Just as the three supernovas were looking at the bird slowly flying towards them with puzzled expressions, a huge burst of heat suddenly exploded in front of their eyes.

"It's so hot!"Just a few drops of black flames like raindrops touched their bodies, and they felt unbearable. They rolled on the ground or slapped the flames with their hands, trying to put out the black flames. Unfortunately, this was not an ordinary flame. Unless they were willing to jump into the sea or hide themselves in a place completely isolated from the air, there would be no effect. The flames would only spread more and more. In the

No. 2 GR No Man's Land, Trafalgar Law and his gang were helpless against the pacifist in front of them. A white sword shadow cut through the sky and slashed the pacifist's neck. The sword penetrated into the wood and almost completely cut off the pacifist's head.

"BOOM!"Electromagnetic sparks jumped at the place where the pacifist's neck was cut, and an explosion occurred. Following the air wave of the explosion, with an elegant backflip, the white horse landed in front of Trafalgar Law's group, with its white robe and golden hair dancing in the wind.

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