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"What! The Navy Headquarters is going to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates! Has Fire Fist Ace been captured?!" Lu Fei was a little confused when he suddenly learned the news.

"No, I didn't understand why the Navy Headquarters decided to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates.

Now the Navy Headquarters is calling on naval commanders from all over the world to attend a combat meeting.

Enelu and I are on our way to the Navy Headquarters.

Vice Admiral, please come quickly after completing your mission.

" The person who called Lu Fei"Vice Admiral" on the other end of the phone was Sparrow, a staff officer of the Mogu Town Naval Base.

Since Lu Fei was demoted, the military and civilians of Mogu Town are now under the management of Sparrow alone.

"It doesn't make sense!

Fire Fist Ace hasn't been caught, and no other captains have been caught.

Why is the navy confident in having a naval war with the Whitebeard Pirates? You know, if this happens, the main force of the navy will definitely leave the headquarters and go to the New World.

Marinford will be empty at that time, giving the rest of the pirates and criminals an opportunity to take advantage.

Who will guard the rear?"Lu Fei couldn't understand why the navy was so confident, and why the battle had to happen.

Was it because of the emergence of pacifists? This might also be one of the main factors.

The navy's obsession with the bloodline of the Pirate King was beyond Lu Fei's imagination.

Lu Fei's thoughts were a little confused.

Blackbeard was killed, and Ace was released. Would the war still happen? Would fate still take this step?

"Whoosh~~"A shock wave suddenly blew from the center of the island, and Lu Fei's black hair fluttered in the wind. In that shock wave, Lu Fei seemed to see a black spot, followed by a strong vibration. The surface of the entire Shampoo Islands and the surrounding seas were shaking. The rest of the people were not so lucky and fell to the ground under the shock wave.

"If you were to travel, where would you most like to go!"It is said that people who are hit by Tyrant Bear will fly in the sky for three days and three nights, and then appear in a random place in the world, a place known only to the bear himself!

The powerful shock waves were sent out continuously, a total of 9 times! And the Straw Hat Pirates are exactly nine people, so it's a perfect trip to go on a whim without the need for a plane ticket!

"I saw it all from the air just now.

There was a chaotic fight between pirates and navy at the port.

I guess they were entangled by the navy as well.

"The Flying Fish Knights who were waiting for the Straw Hats at the port didn't know that they might not be able to wait for the young masters they were talking about.

At the port of the Sabaody Archipelago, a warship from the Mogu Town Naval Base was docked there, but this warship looked very different from ordinary naval warships.

Not only was it much larger, but it also had strange metal decks and strange shells.

This was the modern warship that Lu Fei had snatched from the modern sticks.

On the warship were the CP9 group that Lu Fei had received.

The white horse handed over the wreckage of the pacifist to the CP9.

Then the whistle sounded.

There was no need to raise the sails.

The propeller of the ship was moving forward quickly, aiming at the doldrums and entering the new world!

It has been a long time since I set foot on the land of the Navy Headquarters, Marinfan, and now the Navy Headquarters seems very lively.

The rows of warships in the port and the navy on the island are arranged in an orderly manner.

One by one, the naval generals are constantly entering and leaving the Navy Headquarters, with anxiety and excitement on their faces.

"Boss, we are here!" Seeing Enelu and the others waiting for him at the port, Oden's loud voice and prominent figure made Lu Fei spot them at a glance, and he waved and ran towards them.

""Sparrow, Carl, Enelu, Oden, you are all here. Is Uncle Kent in charge of Magic Valley Town now?" Lu Fei took the lead and walked in front, chatting with Enelu and others.

"Well, boss, you are about to resume your original position.

I heard that you killed five supernovas by yourself this time.

You are worthy of being the base commander of our Magic Valley Town!

" Oden used to follow Hakuba, so he is currently the most active of the four.

Carl and Sparrow are both from the Naval Academy and have a military demeanor.

Enelu cares more about strength and generally doesn't think much of others.

But he is also very excited now.

After all, he is going to go to war with the Whitebeard Pirates, who is known as the strongest man in the world.

Enelu is looking forward to meeting the masters of the sea to continuously improve his strength.

Sparrow kept reporting to Lu Fei on the way about the financial and armament situation of Magic Valley Town and the image of a political commissar. No one mentioned Hakuba. They roughly guessed it. After Lu Fei brought Hakuba into the room, Hakuba seemed to Buddha disappeared. It was probably because Lu Fei helped Bai Ma hide. As comrades-in-arms for several years, although they are now in opposition to Bai Ma, there are still too many personal emotions.

Rushing to the conference hall, this time Zhan Guo will hold a pre-war mobilization meeting for all members above the rank of major general. The strategic strategy will not be disclosed to members below the rank of general to avoid leakage.

This war will be carried out in the New World. Vice Admiral Vergo of the Navy's only New World G-5 base must be invited. He needs to explain some of the conditions in the New World. Although many generals have combat experience in the New World, they certainly don't know as much as the local snakes.

"Boss, General Mendou has gone to the New World. Who will guard the Navy Headquarters? Don't let the pirates raid our home." Listening to Sengoku's deployment of troops, the three admirals and all the lieutenant generals, including himself, will go there in person, Oden said in confusion

"How could the Warring States Marshal not know everything you can think of? Don't worry, the Warring States Marshal is fully prepared and has definitely prepared everything.

We just have to obey his orders.

The Warring States Marshal's reputation as a wise general was earned through one battle after another!

"Lu Fei, who was in charge of the Navy Headquarters, probably guessed it.

Since all the Navy personnel had gone out, it would be natural for someone from the government to take charge.

Moreover, the person who came was related to both the government and the Navy, needless to say, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Steel Bone.


For this battle, the Navy really risked everything.

Killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred of their own.

The Navy was already prepared for this.

On an isolated island somewhere in the Grand Line, a purple pineapple-shaped fruit with a snail spiral was shaking on the branch of a fruit tree, and on the beach of this island, a small wooden boat was moored.

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