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Tải ảnh: 0.076s Scan: 0.323sThe skills of the marines at the helm and the superior performance of the warships did not allow a single warship to capsize in this sudden surge of sea levels, but the warships' artillery formations were completely broken up, and many warships collided with each other. Whitebeard's control was very strong, and the pirate ships he attacked were well prepared and did not suffer any damage.

But there was a unique ship that remained motionless in this surge of waves, as still as a mountain, allowing the waves to beat and surge.

The Seven Warlords of the Sea Turtle Mountain at the back of the warship group, during which a laser beam accidentally hit his tortoise shell, but it only left a shallow white mark, which was similar to tickling for him.

His most powerful reliance was defense, and his huge body.

The Four Emperors Big Mom also had a turtle fruit-like ability user, Pokumus of the Fur Tribe, but there were still differences when similar fruits were used on different people, such as Buggy's fragmentation....

If this heaven-defying fruit was given to someone else, it might be a big deal.

There are three major categories of devil fruits: natural, superhuman, and animal.

Under the animal category, there are ancient and mythical beasts, but ordinary animals are also classified.

For example, a dog-dog fruit has a dog-dog fruit jackal form, a dog-dog fruit dachshund form, etc.

There is not only one type of turtle.

Therefore, although there are many similar fruits, they will never be repeated.

A devil fruit will only appear after the devil fruit ability user dies.

"Shoot! Sink the Moby Dick!"The navy was well-trained in moving the warships and loading and firing the shells on the warships, but the navy generals above the rank of vice admiral did not make any moves. They were preparing to face the tsunami that was about to sweep over and the terrible attack of the Tremor-Tremor Fruit ability user!

A strong gust of wind suddenly hit a certain sea area in the New World, blowing the ships sailing on the sea and moving in the direction of the strong wind.

A certain New World pirate group was preparing to return to the Grand Line through the windless belt to avoid the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters at sea, but as a result, after they sailed for a distance, a strong wind blew, and they could not stand steadily on the deck. When the strong wind dissipated, they had been blown back to the starting point by the strong wind.

Just when he threw away his curiosity and continued to move forward, a huge wave suddenly came from behind, pushing their ship forward continuously, and it was getting faster and bigger and higher! The waves of several meters high turned into tens of meters, hundreds of meters! Covering the sky and the sun, it turned into a huge tsunami!

""What? The roar of the sea? Why is the warship constantly shaking?" Just as the navy and the pirates were firing shells at each other, there was a sudden roar of the sea, and the warship also shook with the sound of the sea. Just as they were checking the situation around them, a huge shadow appeared on the sea behind the Whitebeard Pirates in the distance. As the shadow gradually approached and became clearer, the navy was now terrified:"The tsunami is coming!"

"Is Whitebeard crazy? If they take photos of the tsunami, they will suffer too!"As an old rival for many years, Sengoku doesn't think that Whitebeard would be so stupid as to come up with such a stupid move. When the sun's rays were blocked by the huge tsunami, he clearly saw the layers of coating on the pirate ship of the Whitebeard Pirates! The members of the Whitebeard Pirates began to hide in the cabin and began to dive below the sea surface. They were prepared for all this.

"I've been tricked." Watching the Whitebeard Pirates' ship disappearing into the sea and the huge tsunami about to hit the fleet, the Chief of Staff of the Navy Headquarters, Tsuru, did not panic at all. Facing the overwhelming tsunami,

"We are doomed! There is no place to escape. Even a warship cannot withstand such a huge tsunami. We are doomed!"The weak navy soldiers were pale and trembling. They watched Li getting closer and closer. They looked up to see the huge tsunami at the highest point. They were terrified.

"It's over!" The tsunami was about to hit them. Many marines closed their eyes and greeted the arrival of death with fear. The shadow of the tsunami had covered the entire military group, and they had nowhere to escape.

However, the imagined plot of the sea water splashing on their faces and washing them away did not happen. There was only a crackling sound similar to breaking glass, and a biting chill, which made the marines in the dog days of summer sneeze with their chests hugged.

Trembling, they opened their eyes and saw a white expanse. In front of the tsunami, the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Aokiji Kuzan, stood in front. The tsunami was completely frozen into an ice sculpture just a few meters away from the warship where Aokiji was.

"Ice Age! He is so old and still so powerful, what a monster."Aokiji exudes white mist, which is formed by the condensation of water vapor in the air. Aokiji is like a mobile refrigerator, but the power is a bit outrageous.

"Fffffffffff, what a good show!

Admiral Aokiji Kuzan and Whitebeard, they are all perverts.

"Doflamingo laughed, his eyes under the sunglasses were full of fanaticism, he longed for such power, there were many people who were as shocked as Doflamingo, only Hawkeye stared at the ice layer, although the tsunami was frozen, it was separated, but at the same time the sponge was also frozen, the navy and the Whitebeard Pirates were separated, the Whitebeard Pirates under the ice layer were unknown whether they would break through the ice and come out directly, or use some sneak attack strategy.

""Hmm?" Suddenly, a series of strange noises rang out from the frozen sea surface within the fleet, and the noises were widespread.

Was the Whitebeard Pirates planning to directly penetrate the fleet from the bottom of the sea to engage in a close combat and catch the navy off guard? Garp immediately understood that this was the sound of bubbles produced by the coating ship floating up.

Although the sea surface had been completely frozen, there was a place where the ice layer was the weakest, which was under the warships!

""Watch out for the bottom of the ship!" Garp shouted, but many navy officers didn't have time to understand what Garp's reminder meant, and even if they thought of it, there was nothing they could do because the sea surface was frozen.

The Whitebeard Pirates rose unexpectedly fast, and many navy officers were still immersed in the skill confrontation between Aokiji and Whitebeard. Suddenly, many warships were directly overturned on the ice by the pirate ships that floated up from under their ships. Most pirate ships were much smaller than warships, and it was easy for them to emerge from the weak frozen zone at the bottom of the warships.

The warship where Lu Fei was was also pushed up, but it was not overturned. It was just stranded on the ice. The waves of cold made the navy officers on the warship shiver. Lu Fei had to ignite his own fire to bring warmth, otherwise these navy officers would be frozen and have no fighting power before the battle started.

"Gulala, you are so close, the humanoid weapons developed by your navy can't attack casually."It is indeed as Whitebeard said, warships and pirate ships are mixed together, pirates and navy are mixed together, and pacifists are almost useless. They can only use their bodies to attack, and the navy also has too many range attack skills. As long as they are mixed together, the navy will have no place to work.

Lu Fei looked at the ships of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, but did not find Ace.

The biggest target of the navy is Ace, which has a higher priority than Whitebeard.

If Ace hides, it will indeed make the navy anxious.

With Ace's personality, he will definitely ask for a fight.

Now Ace has been knocked unconscious by Whitebeard and thrown in a secret place.

As long as the consumption continues, the navy will not be able to find Ace and cannot defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, and this battle will stop.

Whitebeard did not want to fight the navy to death, he just wanted to force the navy to retreat, he did not want to lose his family.

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