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"This kid is worthy of being my apprentice, hahahaha!

" Seeing Lu Fei fighting back and forth with Marco, the captain of the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates in the sky, Garp's words were full of pride.

The same was true for Sengoku.

Although Lu Fei seemed to be slightly suppressed by Marco, after all, his age and qualifications were there.

As the captain of the First Division of the Whitebeard Pirates, his opponent should have been one of the three admirals of the Navy Headquarters.

Now Lu Fei had tied him up with a single move.

How could he not praise him?

"Is this the kid? It seems that he has determined his position.

"Whitebeard quickly recognized Lu Fei.

After all, Ace told him some situations.

Whitebeard felt that Lu Fei was very opinionated.

He was friends with Ace, so he took the consequence of being demoted and let his men let Ace go.

However, he clearly understood his identity as a marine.

Whitebeard did not dislike such guys.

He had his own principles.

However, he was in trouble now.

Marco originally planned to deal with Kizaru, but now Kizaru was free.

Fortunately, the two sides had already shortened the distance and engaged in a melee.

The three admirals' area killing skills could not be used indiscriminately, although this also resulted in their side not being able to use large Range killing skills, but in comparison, it is more effective in weakening the navy's combat power.

After all, the navy has many people with large-scale attack abilities, and with more than a dozen Pacifists, it is now equivalent to half of them being useless.

Look at those Pacifists who dare not fire laser beams at will, and are fighting hand-to-hand.

The ice layer is very unstable. In some places, the ice layer is not very stable. The naval generals of the giant tribe dare not get off the warships at will, and it is easy to fall into the sea. This naval battle has become a half-land and half-sea battle. However, according to Lu Fei's attack heat, it is estimated that no one can stand on the ice.

"Hahaha, bring out my extra-large iron ball. My apprentice is so hardworking and impressive, so I, an old soldier, cannot fall behind." Garp also noticed that Ace did not show up and felt relieved. He also guessed what Whitebeard did, but he agreed with Whitebeard's approach. He should protect those who need to be protected!

"Fffffffffff, you are indeed a genius of the Navy Headquarters. You have become so powerful in just a few years."Doflamingo was very happy to see Lu Fei's powerful strength. He was thinking that when Lu Fei becomes a navy admiral or even a marshal in a few years, the cooperation between the two of them will spread all over the world and make a fortune together!

"Is this marine Luffy's uncle? Who is Luffy's grandfather? What should I call them after I marry Luffy? Big brother and grandpa?" Hancock thought of Luffy and her face turned red. She imagined the scene of her marriage with Luffy.

"Hehe, the thing that war lacks the least is corpses. I like war, I live for war, so many corpses, I want them so much, come out my zombie army!" On the ice, many pirates and navy were dying. Moria harvested their shadows and injected new seeds. Corpses covered with scars and even missing limbs stood up again on the battlefield and killed the pirates. The zombie army would turn a dead pirate into a zombie, and the zombie army could expand continuously like this.

"Go and make my invincible zombie army. Let my dead enemy become one of the zombies, hei hei hei! Hei hei hei!" Moria laughed wildly and wantonly. The continuous expansion of the army made him conceited.

""Shui Xin. Sea current shoulder throw!" However, Moria's laughter did not last long. Many people knew the shortcomings of the zombie army. The fish-man Namur of the Eighth Division of the Whitebeard Pirates threw the sea water out like a human body with a sea current shoulder throw. The sea surface poured over the zombie army. Shadows escaped from the bodies of the zombies one by one, and then lost their abilities.

"Damn it! My zombie army, the captain of the 8th division, Namur! Shadow Horn Gun!"Seeing his zombie army being wiped out in an instant, a spear made of shadows appeared out of thin air from Moria's hand and was thrown towards Namur floating on the sea.

Namur looked at the flying shadow horn gun with contempt, jumped out of the water, opened his mouth to reveal two rows of sharp shark teeth on his upper and lower jaws, and bit it. The shadow horn gun was directly crushed by Namur's huge bite force and sharp teeth.

Those shadows that broke away from the zombies also completely disappeared from this world due to the death of their original owners. Those corpses became corpses without shadows.

On the other side, an extra-large iron ball filled with the deck of the warship appeared on Garp's warship at some point. There was a huge chain on it. Garp grabbed a section of the chain and carried the extra-large iron ball over his shoulder. Then he easily swung this huge black iron ball, which was as big as a warship. The extra-large iron ball was swung by Garp with great power, and it whistled as it passed through the air.

"Bone Fist. Extra Large Iron Ball!"With a whistling wind, the huge iron ball flew out of Garp's hand and toward the Moby Dick where Whitebeard was. There were not many people in the Whitebeard Pirates who were worthy of Garp's attack.

"Garp, you old fellow, are still as energetic as ever. Aren't you afraid of hurting your old waist by swinging such a big iron ball?"Whitebeard pulled out the huge naginata that looked like a blue dragon crescent blade stuck on the deck of the Moby Dick, held the blade with both hands, squatted slightly, and began to accumulate power.

Whitebeard looked at the huge iron ball flying towards him, and the accumulation of power was completed. As his left foot took a step forward, the naginata swung out at a speed that was difficult to capture with the naked eye.

"Decades have passed, and you, old man, Garp, still have the same attack method as this old man.���"Ah! Ha!" Whitebeard shouted, and the blade of the naginata had already touched the huge iron ball. The blade penetrated into the iron ball, and the huge iron ball was instantly split into two in the air.

"I'll give it back to you, Garp!" Whitebeard threw his naginata into the air, and attached his left and right hands with armed Haki. He grabbed one half of the huge iron ball with one hand, and threw it back and forth with each half in his palm. At this time, the naginata just fell from the air. Whitebeard grabbed the naginata and danced with it. A white slashing wave containing vibration followed the two iron ball fragments and flew straight away.

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