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Tải ảnh: 0.306s Scan: 0.344sThe sky is full of warships flying in the air. The ability of the Golden Lion's Float-Float Fruit is incredible. Once a non-living object is touched by his body, it will be affected by the ability of the Float-Float Fruit and slowly float up like a hydrogen balloon. Whether it is a feather or an island, the Golden Lion can do it. Just look at the black land above the warships floating in the air.

Although Enelu came to Qinghai from Sky Island, it was the first time he saw an island that could float except Sky Island. Not to mention islands, there are very few things in Qinghai that can fly in the air. Unlike the flying ships he asked his former subordinates to build, Sky Island's technology in some aspects is much better than Qinghai. He is now thinking about whether he should build one after he becomes the winner and can use his own customized ship.

The pirates were in a much better situation than the navy.

Although many pirates' warships were thrown down by the Golden Lion, the Golden Lion knew the limits of the warships with the most pirates and slowly let them land on the water, or perhaps on the ice.

These warships were all controlled by the pirates.

The mighty fleet of warships had more than a dozen intact ships, which were basically controlled by the pirates.

However, all the ships under Whitebeard seemed to have been destroyed.

No, there were still a few special ships that were intact, such as the iron icebreaker of the Ice Witch Whitebee.

It had a high hardness and survived the catastrophe.

It not only did not break when it fell, but also broke the ice surface, with only a few dents.

However, in addition to Whitebee's icebreaker, there is another ship on the sea that is not affected by the Golden Lion's ability. Perhaps it is too large for the Golden Lion to control. The huge body of Kameyama plus the huge island, it is a pipe dream for the Golden Lion to control it while controlling so many warships. The Golden Lion also has to take care of the island ships of the Flying Pirates in the sky, and cannot spare so much mental power to control Kameyama's ships.

Now with the help of the Golden Lion, the pirates have taken the initiative. Before, the navy deliberately destroyed the ice surface in order to disintegrate the Whitebeard Pirates, but now, the two sides have reversed. The navy now has too few warships that it can control. Zefa's submarine is very critical, rescuing the navy who fell out of the warships dropped by the Golden Lion in the air.

"Staff Officer Sparrow, Brother Carl, bring your troops and get on my back!" Another warship in the sky was deactivated by the Golden Lion and fell downward at an accelerated rate. This was the warship of the Magic Valley Naval Base, carrying the elite navy of Magic Valley.

Small black dots climbed onto the back and hair of the giant Oden, and densely packed white dots in navy uniforms crowded on Oden. I'm afraid no one would have thought that this giant who wielded a machete to kill pirates was actually a rare flying ability user. When the blue wings drove Oden's body to fly in the air, it gave people an extraordinary sense of shock.

"Fffffffffff! A flying giant? How interesting! Doflamingo in the air immediately realized that this was the blue bird he had given to Lu Fei. Doflamingo's thin line wrapped around the island of the flying pirate group above his head, and used the airway to quickly shuttle in the sky.

Looking at the giant Oden flying in the air, the navy and the pirates did not expect that the navy would not expect that there would be such a person under Vice Admiral Lu Fei. A giant, a giant plus the ability to fly, such strength should not be underestimated. You must know that flying devil fruits have always been very rare, no less than natural ones.

Oden's heart is still very good. After receiving a ship of the navy, he will go to receive another warship of the navy. He won the respect of all the navy at once. Even Akainu, who disliked Lu Fei, was very satisfied with Oden's actions. After all, now that the enemy is at hand, all past internal conflicts should be put aside and the current issues should be resolved before making calculations.

With Oden's help, the ice was soon filled with densely packed marines, and the heads were crowded.

However, this did separate the pirates from the marines.

It was obvious that the marines were in uniform on one side, and the pirates were dressed casually on the other.

Large-scale attacks could finally be carried out at will without worrying about attacking their own people.

The pacifist army led by Zhan Taomaru suffered heavy losses.

The sea was indeed not suitable for carrying out mechanized and biological weapons operations.

Once they fell into the sea, they would probably not be retrieved.

Moreover, these pirates were not ordinary scum.

Each of them was an elite who could fight ten people at once.

A dozen people surrounding a pacifist could always dismantle some parts.

When Sengoku saw Oden turning into a blue bird and saving the navy, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking back to when the Golden Lion caused chaos in the Navy Headquarters, the navy suffered countless casualties.

If any warship fell down, the sailors on the warship would be basically killed.

But now is not the time to relax.

The number of generals in the navy who can fly can be counted on one's fingers.

Admiral Kizaru and Vice Admiral Lu Fei are both in fierce battle and cannot extricate themselves.

The giant Oden is saving people and cannot beat the Golden Lion.

Sengoku really has no way to deal with the Golden Lion floating in the sky.

Warships are constantly being smashed down, then float up and fall down again.

From time to time, the Golden Lion uses the double swords that replace his calves to kick out golden slashing waves.

Just when Zhan Guo was having a headache about who would stop the Golden Lion, a thunderous sound sounded, and a bolt of lightning struck from the top of the Golden Lion floating in the air, accurately hitting the rudder on the Golden Lion's head.

Although the rudder was made of wood, it could not withstand the high temperature of the lightning and caught fire directly.

At this time, Zhan Guo remembered Enelu who had disappeared for a while, and had to sigh that Lu Fei's men were all excellent.

Even if the natural Enelu could not beat the Golden Lion, it was enough to delay for a long time.

The most effective of the three devil fruits was the natural one, especially the fast thunder fruit.

However, the opponent was the legendary pirate Golden Lion after all, and Zhan Guo would not be careless.

He must find a breakthrough for the Whitebeard Pirates as soon as possible, otherwise, if it continued like this, it would be troublesome when the Golden Lion killed Enelu and got away.

Now they were on the sea, and Zhan Guo himself was also a capable person, which was quite disadvantageous to deal with the Golden Lion.

The golden lion was also stunned by the sudden lightning strike. He thought that the thunderclouds here were formed automatically at first. After all, there were too many strange weather in the new world. He didn't expect that it was done by a person with special abilities, and he dared to attack him. He felt that his dignity as a legend was challenged. It seemed that he was chasing Enelu.

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