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Tải ảnh: 0.134s Scan: 0.518sThe density of the cloud increased significantly under the control of the Golden Lion, making the original method of free fall from the cloud invalid. Just like the clouds of the Sky Island, Lu Fei was wrapped. Those who have tried the pain of encountering water know that taking a bath will make the whole person weak, not to mention the cumulonimbus clouds with thunder and lightning.

Fortunately, the domineering power can still be used. If you can't see the situation outside, you can use the domineering power to understand it. Closing his eyes, Lu Fei carefully sensed it. Outside the cloud, Lu Fei didn't come out of the cloud for a long time. Enilu was naturally anxious. He punched the cloud with a punch, and his arm easily penetrated into the cloud. Soon he understood why Lu Fei, who was so strong, hadn't run out yet. There was water vapor in it!

Since destroying the cloud failed, Enilu thought of killing the Golden Lion. Once the ability user is unconscious, all the controlled things will lose their effect, and the cloud will automatically disperse at that time.

Lu Fei's current condition is not bad.

After all, it's just water vapor, although it's a bit thick, it's not water yet.

There's no problem with breathing.

It's just that the ability of the fruit has indeed weakened a lot.

Light contact with water will not affect the ability.

Only when the whole person is immersed in sea water will the ability not be used.

And it's just that he can't use it, not that he has lost the ability.

Lu Fei's current situation is that he can use the ability but is too weak, and the power of the ability is too small.

A small black flame ignited in the cloud, burning, scorching the cloud, slowly evaporating the water vapor.

When the water vapor is almost evaporated, Lu Fei can break through the cloud.

Moreover, as the water vapor becomes less and less, Lu Fei's weakness is also constantly decreasing.

It doesn't take long to break through the cloud.

These few short minutes have been hard on Enelu.

How could he be the opponent of the legendary pirate Golden Lion now? Without Kizaru's help, he was beaten and fled.

Thunders resounded in the sky, and Golden Lion was chasing Enelu.


" Just as the Golden Lion was chasing after Enel, a huge sound and shadow attacked the Golden Lion.

The giant Oden had come to help Enel, and a specially made huge machete chopped down from the top of Enel and the Golden Lion.

However, Enel was not afraid of such an attack, because he was a capable person, he understood what Oden meant, not only did he not continue to run away, but he went towards the Golden Lion.

After all, if Oden's attack hit both of them at the same time, he would still be unharmed.

Now he just had to find a way to give Oden a chance to hit the Golden Lion, but he didn't dare to get too close.

He was not strong enough to fully predict the attack of the Golden Lion's armed color domineering and transfer it to the element in advance to avoid it.

(Just like Aokiji being stabbed by Whitebeard in the war at the top, Luffy in Punk Hazard fighting Caesar, Vergo fighting Smoker in G-1 Naval Base).

Armament Haki can indeed hit elementalized natural ability users, but natural ability users can be transformed into any shape after elementalization. So, for example, if you know with your Observation Haki that the opponent's next attack is going to hit your chest, you can directly make that part of your chest empty (see the attachment at the bottom).

Oden's attack came as expected, and the powerful blade cut Enel in half at once, and continued to slash at the Golden Lion. The Golden Lion was not a natural type. Oden and Enel felt that they had won this attack, but they still forgot one thing, the strength of the Golden Lion itself.

""Keng!" Why should Golden Lion dodge this kind of attack? Why not just block it? It's not Hawkeye's slash, there's no need to dodge. Golden Lion raised the famous sword Sakura Ten on his calf and directly took Oden's slash. The two swords of completely disproportionate sizes collided with each other, giving people the feeling that you blocked a real machete with a pen knife.

"Click~~"Oden's weapon was not a famous sword. Under the powerful attack of the golden lion, a gap was broken. Enel, who was cut in two but unharmed, reacted and rushed to support Oden. Oden was not as powerful as him, and his life was in danger if he was attacked by the golden lion.

Thinking so in his heart, the thunder drum was struck, and thunder beasts jumped out one by one and attacked the golden lion.

The original golden lion would definitely avoid or block such an attack, but this time the golden lion was determined to vent his anger and kill people to avenge Lu Fei's misery.

He turned a blind eye to the attacking thunder beasts and attacked Oden's neck, heart and other weak points with the blade.

All accompanied by a series of small golden slashing waves, Oden retreated step by step, and the big knife in his hand was soon broken by the attack, leaving only the handle.

Oden is in a very dangerous situation now. He is too big. Although he can fly, his speed is not fast. He is being chased by the golden lion and is in danger of losing his weapon. The armed color domineering that he has just learned cannot stop the golden lion's blade.

Enel can't stop the golden lion. Kizaru and Marco are fighting. The others can't fly at all. They are out of reach for the battle in the sky above 100 meters."Hahahaha!" The golden lion's eyes are full of madness. He doesn't dodge or avoid Enel's lightning. He is determined to kill people to vent his anger.

""Oden!" Enel shouted angrily and anxiously. Although he didn't have much relationship with Oden, Oden was one of the few people he knew since he came to Qinghai who could be called a friend. Moreover, the two were comrades-in-arms and served under the same commander.

Finally, even the only remaining handle in Oden's hand was broken.

His body was cut with many wounds and bleeding.

It seemed that his whole body was bathed in blood.

The sharp blade of the golden lion attacked again.

This time Oden couldn't resist and could only use his wings to block his life.

The golden lion's attack came, and Oden's blue wings were pierced.

Blood splattered and fell to the sea!

The golden lion has not given up the pursuit.

Although he knows that Oden, as a devil fruit ability user, will basically die if he falls into the sea with such an injury, he will hate it if he doesn't finish him off with his own hands.

Regardless of the pain on his back burned by Lu Fei's flames and the torn off Feeling the pain on his scalp, he dived to chase after Oden's whereabouts.

At this time, no one noticed that the cloud that trapped Lu Fei was constantly shrinking. After all, clouds are made up of a lot of water vapor attached to dust particles. Once the water vapor evaporates, the clouds will naturally become smaller or disappear. Lu Fei pushed aside the clouds and saw this scene. Oden was his subordinate, and he was a protective person.

However, although Oden was in danger at this time, it also gave Lu Fei an opportunity to attack the golden lion. He took out a pistol with seastone bullets, quickly approached the golden lion and shot at the golden lion. The golden lion didn't know that Lu Fei had escaped at this time. His attention was on Oden and Enelu. In his madness, he had no time to take care of other things.

After the gunshots, two sounds of falling into the water sounded one after another, splashing a pool of water.

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