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In the Sabaody Archipelago, Shaqi's blackmail BAR, Shaqi received a fax that roughly recorded the battle between the Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy Headquarters, as well as the current battle between the two sides. As a person in the intelligence business, the Shaqi family has spies all over the world, and can always get the latest intelligence long before others. The one who is responsible for compiling the devil fruit encyclopedia is the intelligence family that Shaqi belongs to.

"Is it over? The Navy probably didn't get any benefits."The bar has a sign saying it is closed. There is only a silver-haired old man drinking at the bar. This silver-haired old man is naturally Rayleigh.

"Well, it's pretty much what you guessed. The Golden Lion was captured by the navy, and both the Whitebeard Pirates and the navy suffered numerous casualties."As former rivals, Shakey and Rayleigh had guessed the outcome of the war at the beginning of the war based only on their understanding of Whitebeard, Sengoku and others, but the appearance of the Golden Lion overturned everything they had guessed.

Originally, the two believed that the Whitebeard Pirates would definitely suffer heavy losses in this battle.

If the strength of the Navy Headquarters could not even deal with the Whitebeard Pirates, how could they suppress the four seas? But after the appearance of the Golden Lion, this guess was wrong.

If the war wanted to end, a big shot must be captured or die before it could stop.

Unexpectedly, the one who was captured was the Golden Lion....

Is this considered a shot in the back while lying down? He originally just wanted to help Whitebeard and get a favor from Whitebeard for future plans, but he didn't expect to get himself involved.

Golden Lion is really miserable.

"Well, then I should also set off. After all, I have agreed to other people's requests. Now that the war is over, I have nothing to worry about. Shaqi, fill my wine bottle. I don't want to live without wine."Rayleigh took out the silver wine bottle and handed it to Shaqi, remembering the words that Bartholomew Bear whispered in his ear.

"I am Dragon's subordinate. This time I am here to help the Straw Hat Pirates leave. I will send the Straw Hat Pirates to the Amazon Lily Island. I hope you can help teach them."When Kuma slapped the members of the Straw Hat Pirates away one by one, he left these words. Although Rayleigh did not express his opinion in time, he had agreed in his heart. Now he has to fulfill his promise and teach Luffy.

Somewhere in the New World, the Kaido Pirates who blocked the Red Hair Pirates also received the latest news. After hearing the news, Kaido looked at the Red Hair deeply and left without saying a word.

"Boss Red Hair, the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated by the Navy, but Whitebeard and his captains survived, but Golden Lion was captured by the Navy. Now both sides have ceased fighting and evacuated."Laki Lu told Red Hair the latest news he got, which was good news for Red Hair, but bad news for Kaido. If Whitebeard didn't die, Kaido would still be the second among the Four Emperors.

Those forces in the New World that originally coveted Whitebeard's territory and hoped that Whitebeard would die in this war also shrank back. As long as Whitebeard didn't die, the Whitebeard Pirates would rise again! Don't provoke!

"Breaking news! The Whitebeard Pirates' large fleet VS the 100,000 elite members of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. The Navy has won, and the legendary pirate Golden Lion has been captured!" After that, the people on the Sabaody Archipelago who were anxiously waiting for the result finally got the final news. They didn't care about the rest, only the word"Navy" was what most people wanted to hear.

"We won! Although we didn't catch the fish, we caught the Golden Lion! Long live the Navy!"Many old people who knew the legend of the Golden Lion cheered. They understood what the Golden Lion represented.

And those young people who didn't know the legend of the Golden Lion also learned about it through the propaganda of many people. They cheered and were boiling with excitement!

This newspaper spent a lot of money to get this information from Absalom, and it was released as soon as possible before the Navy, attracting countless people's attention. Then dozens of minutes later, the Navy's broadcast also sounded.

"In the war between our Navy Headquarters and the Whitebeard Pirates in the New World, we encountered the stubborn resistance of the Whitebeard Pirates, which took longer than expected.

However, with the justice-filled fighting of the Navy Headquarters soldiers, we defeated the notorious Whitebeard Pirates, their affiliated pirate groups, and the allied Flying Pirates.

The legendary pirate Golden Lion was arrested by our Navy.

Our Navy Headquarters has achieved a complete victory.

We hereby announce it through the radio!

Repeat it again!

"Unlike the speed at which newspapers were disseminated, the broadcast message from the navy spread all over the world in an instant.

As the message continued to spread, only four words remained: the victory of the navy. This was the result that most people were eager to see. Only the pirates and navy who had personally fought in this war knew how terrible this war was and how much the navy had paid. The victory of the navy was an incomplete victory.

Soon the navy's newspaper was also issued.

The newspaper did not mention the tragedy of the navy at all, but only wrote in detail about the glorious chapter of the Golden Lion to highlight the strength of the navy that captured the Golden Lion, as well as the defeat of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Finally, it wrote about the number of casualties in the navy in a few strokes.

Unknowingly, the number of casualties was reduced by a zero, but the fools in the carnival did not see this obvious loophole.

They only wanted to see the words"victory of the navy"!

This is the art of propaganda and the need of politics.


Golden Lion is still in the hands of the navy, and the navy will definitely make a big fuss about the Golden Lion to once again enhance the prestige of the navy at this point and deter all pirates and criminals in the world.

As for the two unlucky Shichibukai, the world and the navy have long forgotten them. Perhaps when someone remembers them in the future, they will���Let me just say a few words

""Lieutenant General, Boss, we are here. Wake up!" He opened his eyes and saw Carl in front of him. The fierce battle made Lu Fei fall asleep after treating the wounded and boarding the warship. Now that the warship has docked and returned to Marinford, Lu Fei was awakened. Although the war is over, many things still need to be dealt with, such as confidentiality, such as combat statistics, etc.

The Navy Headquarters, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Steel Bone. Sora, personally greeted everyone, but the joy in his eyes was heavy. After all, it was an incomplete victory at the cost of so many lives of the navy. Goel.D.Roger's bloodline is unknown, and Whitebeard is still alive and well. Fortunately, the Golden Lion was captured, otherwise Sora's heart would be unbalanced.

The fleet that originally surrounded the Marine Headquarters, Marinford, is now only a dozen lonely ships. In contrast to the laughter of the world, the Marines of Marinford are solemn. When they think of the death of their comrades, their joy for victory will be suppressed a little.

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