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"Kuzan, I didn't expect you to leave the Navy. Do you really have to leave?" Lu Fei asked Aokiji, who was missing a leg and had a scarred neck.

"Well, I never thought from the beginning that everything the World Government did was right.

Since I can't become the Admiral of the Navy to find a way to change this, I have to leave and find other ways.

It's not necessarily a bad thing for Akainu to become the Admiral of the Navy.

There are many things in his philosophy that are inconsistent with the World Government.

"Aokiji said to Lu Fei while drinking with a stubble on his face.

Even if there were no other factors, his dignity as a strong man would not allow him to be Akainu's subordinate after losing to him.

Lu Fei didn't expect that Aokiji not only didn't say anything bad about Akainu, but also praised Akainu, which made Lu Fei very confused. It was indeed as Aokiji said, Akainu didn't want to completely obey the Five Elders, but wanted to follow his own ideas. It's just that although Aokiji and Akainu didn't want to listen to the government's orders in many aspects, their ideas and concepts were still too different, and they couldn't cooperate peacefully.

"Why are you telling me this? I am now an admiral of the navy. Aren't you afraid that I will tell those five old men?"Aokiji didn't expect that he would see Lu Fei after he left the navy to recover from his injuries. Moreover, Aokiji also said these things to Lu Fei that he shouldn't have said to a navy admiral.

"There are things I can do even if I don't stay in the Navy, and there are things that can only be seen clearly if you are no longer in the Navy.

I am still the same person as when I joined the Navy.

It is not me that has changed, but the Navy and the government.

I believe you have also seen all this.

In some ways, we should be the same kind of people.

Maybe we will have the opportunity to fight side by side in the future, but of course we may become enemies.

Thank you for the wine, and see you again if we are lucky.

"Pushing his bicycle and humming a little song, Kuzan and his pet emperor penguin built an ice bridge from Lu Fei's warship and rode away on the sea.

"Friend? Enemy? Maybe."Revolutionary Army, Pirate Hunter, Pirate, which side will Aokiji join? Lu Fei is looking forward to meeting Aokiji next time.

According to the original plot, Aokiji is most likely to join the Revolutionary Army. His current stance and style of doing things are somewhat similar to those of the Revolutionary Army. And secondly, Aokiji originally joined the Blackbeard Pirates to become an insider of the Revolutionary Army, which could also intensify the conflict between the Navy and the Blackbeard Pirates. After all, if a former admiral becomes a member of the Four Emperors, the Navy will also lose face.

But now Blackbeard is dead and there is no Blackbeard Pirates, and many plots have been changed. Everything depends on God's will. Now Lu Fei has to go to the New World Rocky Island. There is a person waiting for him to witness him becoming one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

New World Rocky Island, Rocky Port, next to the port, a small yellow submarine is docked on the shore, and a white bear in clothes is fishing with a fishing rod.

"Boss, can we successfully join the Seven Warlords of the Sea? Send someone to arrest us all."Bepo expressed his concerns to Trafalgar Law.

"No, doing so will only wipe out the prestige that Akainu has worked so hard to establish. Whoever applies first will be able to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea more easily at this time. Akainu needs to agree to let us show his attitude to the outside world."Trafalgar Law is fearless and knows what Akainu is thinking.

Once Akainu makes a move on a pirate like him who wants to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the Seven Warlords of the Sea will really exist in name only and no one will ask to join.

However, Akainu saw the benefits of the Seven Warlords of the Sea from the battle between Whitebeard and them this time.

Gekko Moriah and Kameyama, who were originally difficult to deal with, not only fought dog-to-dog with the pirates to help the navy, but were also solved with the help of the Whitebeard Pirates without the navy's help.

This is indeed what Akainu saw from the benefits of establishing the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The wise Buddha of Warring States is worthy of his name.

Although he hates to be with pirates, he knows the benefits of establishing the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The proposal to establish Shichibukai was put forward.

To become Shichibukai, one must first have a reputation on the sea.

How can one gain reputation? Of course, it is through fighting.

Since one wants to join the Shichibukai proposed by the navy, then naturally one cannot attack the navy.

In this way, pirates will help the navy to kill many pirates to prove themselves.

Also, it seems that the Shichibukai are given a lot of plundering rights.

Naturally, the target of plunder cannot be the navy? And if the navy cannot be plundered, who will generally be richer? Pirates and some countries? Although it seems evil and unjust to allow Shichibukai to attack countries, it will not harm the interests of the navy and the government.

At most, it will lose some prestige.

Those countries that have joined the World Government will not be afraid of such things.

In this way, those countries that have not joined the World Government will naturally join the World Government because they are afraid of such things (being robbed by the Seven Warlords of the Sea).

It seems that they have helped the World Government to control these countries.

Moreover, the Seven Warlords of the Sea will not only rob countries but also rob pirates.

After all, there are only a few people like Doflamingo who have dual identities as Celestial Dragons and Seven Warlords of the Sea, and they have no impact on the navy. After all, Dressrosa looks beautiful now in the eyes of the outside world, but they don’t know the darkness of Dressrosa.

There are also small villages and island residents without countries, facing the plunder The plunderers will naturally seek shelter, and the best shelter is the countries or navy that have joined the World Government.

This is beneficial for the government and the navy to control the people at the bottom.

The benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

This move of Sengoku is very meaningful.

This is why Sengoku has such a strong strength but more people still call him a wise general.

That's because Sengoku's IQ is more terrifying.

Rocky Port, the port, the wooden boxes placed in the port can be heard with a thumping sound coming from inside, as if there are some creatures stored in the wooden boxes. These are Trafalgar Law's sincerity, sincerity to the navy in order to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

"Boss, the warship is coming."In the distance on the sea, a warship is coming here quickly.

"I didn't expect such a big shot to come!" Holding a telescope, Trafalgar Law saw Lu Fei, the new admiral of the navy, on the deck of the warship!

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