I don't know if Lu Fei's action frightened the Kaido Pirates. Since Lu Fei killed a hundred people with special abilities, the Kaido Pirates have obviously been much more obedient. They no longer hunt devil fruit users on the sea in the New World. Those people who had retreated have also become active again. The

Kaido Pirates in the New World were really hurt by the killing of a hundred people with special abilities by Lu Fei. In the past, Kaido would definitely not sit idly by, but this time, the Kaido Pirates had a bigger goal, and the death of these hundred people with special abilities was temporarily shelved.

If this shocking plan can succeed, there will definitely be more people with special abilities. During this period, the actions of the Navy were not small. The number of pirates on the sea was constantly being cleared by the Navy, and the Navy's recruitment was also growing steadily. The new officer took office and made three fires. Akainu performed very well.

In the recruit training square of the Marine Headquarters in Marinford, three old men lined up one by one, and in front of them stood rows of navy recruits. These recruits looked at the three famous old men in front of them with admiration and respect.

The three old men are Zephyr the Unkillable, Garp the Iron Fist, and Sengoku the Buddha. Although Garp and Sengoku have retired, they are still in the Navy Headquarters, training new recruits for the Navy and contributing their remaining strength.

However, the three of them are obviously not thinking about the new recruits in front of them. The news they just received is that Akainu proposed to move the Navy Headquarters to the New World and exchange with the G-1 Navy Branch in the New World. Akainu's radicalism is fully revealed.

"Sengoku, Zephyr, what do you think about this? Does the current Marine Headquarters really have the strength to directly face the Four Emperors of the New World?"Garp didn't care much about this, after all, he was already a retired man.

"The overall strength of the Navy Headquarters is now the strongest in the history of the Navy. There are four admirals alone. The world-wide recruitment has also recruited the best navy players in other positions except for the two admirals Fujitora and Green Bull. The pacifist troops of Vegabank are also growing. Overall, this is indeed a good opportunity to advance to the New World."Sengoku still agrees with Akainu this time. Sooner or later, the Navy will face the Four Emperors head-on.

"Yes, sooner or later our navy and the pirates will have to decide the winner, and the damned pirates should all be wiped out!

"Zeff had long abandoned his reputation of not killing.

When he was 42 years old, his family was killed by pirates.

He began to hate pirates and offered to resign, but was retained by his superiors.

He still had hope for the navy, and later became an instructor from admiral.

The first batch of students included Akainu and Kizaru.

The third batch of students he trained at the age of 44 included Kuzan.

At the age of 50, he continued to train many outstanding navy officers.

When he was 65 years old, the training ship led by Z was attacked by pirates.

All his beloved students except Ain and Binz were killed, and his right arm was also seriously injured.

He learned a lesson from his own experience: kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself.

"Hey, you two have become more warlike as you get older, I wonder when I can hold my great-grandchild in my arms."Garp is different from these two. One of them has no family, and the other has lost his family. Naturally, they only care about the navy. Garp, on the other hand, has a son and a grandson, and is very hopeful about the future.

"Well, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's see who can bring out the best marines this time."Zhan Guo immediately changed the subject. After all, the two old guys next to him brought out the youngest general and the marshal of this term, so Zhan Guo naturally didn't admit defeat. In the

Grand Line Seven Water City, the Seven Water City's chief Bingshan was testing the newly built ship with the shipbuilders of the No. 1 Shipyard. This was an island ship, and it was also a new attempt for the shipbuilders of the Seven Water City.

"This is the order from the Navy.

It seems that in terms of shipbuilding capacity, our Seven Waters City ranks first in this ocean.

It seems that the Navy cannot build such an island ship by itself, so it placed an order with us.

"The island ship in front of us is naturally the one that Lu Fei customized for Kameyama.

Lu Fei does not want to do everything by himself.

Although he has Rob Lucci, the number is still too small.

If Rob Lucci had not been a member of the World Government before, he would probably have become a vice admiral by now.

Lu Fei can be said to have trained a large number of vice admirals for the Navy Headquarters, including Enelu, Oden, Kazan, and the base chief of the Magic Valley Zhenhaiju branch, Sparrow.

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