"Let's go!

"In the harbor of the New World Kaido Pirates' lair, there are several coated ships, several merchant ships and pirate ships mixed together.

This time they go to Impelton mainly to plunder the criminals who were captured by the navy and imprisoned in the Deep Sea Prison, not to fight.

If they can complete the mission without fighting, that is the best choice, but fighting is absolutely inevitable.

After all, the target of Kaido Pirates is not one or two but a large number.

Most of these ships are preparing to transport the imprisoned ability users who have been robbed.

As for the combat troops, there are only a few hundred people except the Three Disasters and Kaido himself. Kaido Pirates have already made a deep The Marine Prison had evaluated Impelton's combat power, and they believed that as long as the Navy could not reach them in time, they would have enough time to plunder these prisoners with special abilities.

The three Vice Admirals of the Marine Headquarters, Stoloberry, Mole, and Burning Mountain, were responsible for transporting the Oaks Bell and protecting the last batch of Marine Headquarters personnel. Kizaru would continue to stay in Marinford for a while. Before the candidate who would stay in the first half of the Grand Line for a long time was determined, he, the fastest among the Admirals, would temporarily take over and guard the first half of the Grand Line.

During the transportation, the new recruits who stayed in Marinford and the Marines who had already arrived at G-1 were discussing As for the relocation of the Marine Headquarters, it would be foolish if it was not noticed at this point.

Even the Osk Bell was moved away, which was a clear sign.

Some people were happy and some were afraid about the swap of the Marine Headquarters Marineford and the New World G-1 Branch.

Some were happy because they could always show their talents in the New World and quickly accumulate military merits and get promoted.

Some were afraid because the enemies in the New World were stronger than they could imagine and they could die heroically if they were not careful.

Fujitora was promoted to admiral, and this move gave those navy officers with some strength an opportunity.

Admiral Akainu didn't care about seniority, but strength.

Anyone who was strong enough had the opportunity to move up, unlike in the past when one had to accumulate military merits and then rise through seniority, of course with the exception of those with backgrounds, such as Lu Fei.

This special promotion method of an upright and middle-aged admiral also brought new motivation to the navy officers of the Navy Headquarters. After all, in addition to defending their country, people also have to eat, drink, defecate, and compare with others. A road to promotion is right in front of them, and many marines who have experienced life and death are willing to try their luck in the new world.

"Losing my head is just a scar the size of a bowl. In 18 years, I will be a brave man again!" The period of the navy was inadvertently promoted because of the transfer of the headquarters to the New World. The marines who were more likely to be in the headquarters of the navy were the elites among the elites of the navy, and they had all fought with pirates on the sea.

The news that even ordinary marines knew could not be concealed. The actions of the navy in recent days had made many people guess what was going on. Now it was just to let more people know. Anyway, the transfer work had been basically completed, and Akainu was not worried about any accidents on the way. The newspapers and various rumors instantly informed the entire pirate world of this news.

In the New World, the Whitebeard Pirates, there were obviously more wrinkles on Whitebeard's face, but Whitebeard's mentality was becoming more and more peaceful and relieved. Holding the navy's newspaper, Whitebeard commented unconsciously.

"Gulala, the lava kid is just like his ability, he has a bad temper.

The New World is not something that a little guy like him can move around.

It is a new world full of monsters.

The navy has just arrived, and these guys will definitely send a special gift to show their welcome.

Is it the G-1 Navy branch in the New World? I wonder which guy's territory it is.

"The New World is generally occupied by the Four Emperors, and the rest are mostly owned by other forces.

The navy has almost no foundation in the New World except for two naval bases and a few kingdoms that have joined the World Government.

"Dad, did you know about the transfer of the Navy Headquarters to the New World? Compared to the impetuousness of the past few years, Ace has matured a lot under the guidance of Whitebeard for almost two years. Coupled with his natural domineering aura, his leadership temperament has become more prominent, and his face has long lost the youthfulness of the past.

Seeing such Ace, Whitebeard was very pleased. His choice was not wrong. With strong strength and unique leadership temperament, it was right to hand over the Whitebeard Pirates to Ace. It was time for him to retire and teach the new generation of young people like the two old guys and old rivals, Garp and Sengoku. The future belongs to them.

On a plain somewhere in the Whitebeard Pirates, Hakuba was teaching a group of pirates to fly a plane.

After all, no one is a natural driver, and the plane is still a difficult thing to control.

Hakuba wanted to expand the bomber and fighter teams but had no pilots.

He taught them with the translation of the training manual brought by Lu Fei from reality.

The aircraft team led by Cavendish, the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates, has become a unique landscape in the pirate world, making all forces jealous.

"Boss Bai Ma, big news! The Navy Headquarters has moved to the New World!"Soon Bai Ma also knew this important news like everyone else.

The various forces in the New World had their own plans in mind after hearing this news. The arrival of the Navy in the New World was bound to set off a bloody storm, like a key that would open a brand new era.

At the end of September 1522 in the Haiyuan calendar, just as the Navy Headquarters moved to the New World and opened a new era that was recorded in the history books, another major event that could be recorded in the history books occurred.

A huge blue-gray flying animal fell from the sky and landed above the Gate of Justice that controlled the ocean current leading to Impelton.

It turned into a human form and silently cut off the surveillance Den Den Mushi, killed the guard, opened the valve to open the Gate of Justice, and opened a small gap large enough to enter the ship.

There were quick and

"This is the monitoring room of the Navy Headquarters. The monitoring screen of your Den Den Mushi has been black for dozens of seconds. Did you find anything unusual?"The Navy monitoring room who discovered the abnormality asked

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