""Huh~ Long time no see, old buddy." Yuzhi Xilu exhaled a puff of white smoke and returned to his office as the warden of Impelton. He changed into the warden's uniform, held a cigar in his mouth, picked up his weapon, Murasame Maru, and once he clenched the Murasame Maru, the brutality and murderous desire in Yuzhi Xilu's heart could no longer be suppressed.

When this knife is pulled out to kill someone, water will flow out of the murderous blade to wash away the blood. This situation is like Murasame washing leaves, so it is called Murasame Maru. This murderous weapon stained with countless murders has once again revealed its edge after being silent for a period of time due to the imprisonment of Yuzhi Xilu.

"Too weak, Impeldown, the deep sea prison known as the Iron Wall, is only this capable, it is too weak, it makes me a little bored."When Kaido broke into the second and third floors underground, the prisoners in the prison basically recognized the emperor of the sea.

"It's too troublesome to go down layer by layer, so let's just punch through it, so it's easier to go up and down."Kaido deliberately released the prisoners in the prison to cause more trouble to the navy and the jailers. If these prisoners escape to the sea, it will cause more trouble, and it's possible to gain a few followers because of this move. Anyway, it's a convenient thing, why not do it.

Because Pelton's elevator has been stopped, Kaido directly blasted a big hole in the floor leading to the next floor, and then jumped down!

"Finally, two decent guys have arrived."In the fourth layer of the extremely cold hell, two people appeared in front of Kaido, Director Magellan and Guard Nagamine Shiryu, who stood in front of Kaido, and the purple poisonous dragon and the sharp blade attacked at the same time.

Impelton was right in front of him. Kizaru came from the Marine Headquarters and was very fast with the Light-Light Fruit. He was the first to arrive at Impelton, and a golden ray of light flew towards the entrance of Impelton.

At this time, a shadow fell from above Kizaru, and King of the Wind kicked Kizaru away, almost smashing Kizaru into the sea. Fortunately, Kizaru reacted in time and did not fall into the sea.

"Quetzalco, one of the five most recognized flying fruits in the world (not counting Lu Fei and Oden, after all, it is the habit of the navy not to expose if possible), King, one of the three disasters of Kaido's pirate group! Hey, hey, don't you know how to be considerate of the elderly and still play dirty tricks on them."In the sky, a handsome middle-aged man with green hairless wings but dull eyes flapped his wings like a pterosaur and stopped in the air

"Lord Kaido said that not even a fly can pass through here."Of the three disasters of Kaido's pirate group, King has some problems with his brain but is the strongest among the three disasters, Queen is the weakest in strength but the first in IQ, and Jack is average in both.

"Oh, it looks like we're in trouble. I hope Magellan and the others can hold on, and the rest of the support will arrive as soon as possible."When Kizaru saw Quetzalco appear, he knew there was trouble.

If it was the other two disasters, drought jack or flood queen, Kizaru could still use his flying ability and speed to break through directly, but King, who has the ancient animal species Quetzalcoatl fruit, is not so easy to break through, especially in the case of wind, the speed of Quetzalcoatl can reach the extreme. (Don't talk about physics, light is faster than anything else, don't be too serious)

"Laser beam!"Since the other party gave him a greeting gift, Kizaru naturally had to reciprocate, and the laser shot out from his fingers.

Seeing Kizaru's attack, King did not dodge or evade. As long as he didn't use his brain, he was really not afraid of anyone in a fight. He kicked out his right leg with armed color domineering, kicked the laser, and kicked the beam away. Then the beam exploded in the air, and the steam wave of the explosion set off waves on the sea.

At this time, Kizaru also came to King's side in an instant. The sword of Ama-no-Kuromo formed by light particles appeared in his hand at some point, and continued to attack King, using speed to attack with time difference, and Kizaru was very good at attacking before the enemy could react.

But the opponent was not an ordinary person. Kaido was the only one in Kaido's pirate group who could do it. The second person in the battle, naturally, would not be so simple. King used his sharp wings as a weapon to block Kizaru's Murakumo sword. This guy trained his wings into a powerful weapon just like Garp trained his fist into a weapon. With the added Armament Haki, he was unscathed by Kizaru's attack.

A gust of wind suddenly blew, and King's figure moved. Afterimages appeared in the air. King flew directly over Kizaru and launched an attack, but Kizaru was faster than him. When King's attack arrived, Kizaru had already dodged it easily and took a step back lightly. Of course, in the eyes of ordinary people, Kizaru took a step lightly, but in fact, it was because the speed was too fast that it looked like he was standing still.

"Sir Jack, there is something flying in the sky!"In front of the Gate of Justice, Jack and his team, who were responsible for guarding the Gate of Justice and preventing naval ships from entering, discovered a flying object in the sky.

"What are you waiting for? Fire your cannons and shoot him down! Who do you think I am? How dare you fly over my head!"Jack admired Kaido very much, so he imitated Kaido's tone and words. He spoke very similarly to Kaido and called himself"I".

On the pirate ship, turrets were set up one by one, aiming at the flying objects in the sky, and then they were directly loaded with shells and fired.

"Huh? You're looking for death!"The flying object in the sky was naturally Lu Fei, the second one to arrive after Kizaru. Lu Fei had already discovered the pirates led by Jack below. Lu Fei didn't want to pay attention to the guys below, but he didn't expect that the other party would dare to attack him.

""Shave, Storm Kick!" Use shave to dodge the incoming fire, then kick out a series of Storm Kicks that are like slashing waves to counterattack.

"Damn it!" Jack blocked two of the blasts, and the others also blocked a lot, but many still hit the ship, causing casualties.

"I really don't understand how a group of guys who can't fly got the courage to attack me, fire rain!"Lu Fei was not polite either, and he was wrapped in black fire and hovered above the ship. Small sparks fell like raindrops in clusters.

"Dark nightmare! Master Jack, this is the attack trick of Admiral Jinwu Lufei of the Navy Headquarters!"When they saw the strange color of the flame and the strong pain brought by the black flame, they knew who was coming. The black flame directly ignited several ships. The unfortunate pirates screamed and jumped into the sea in the sea of fire. Although there were sea kings in the sea, it was better than being burned to death.

""Stupid thing, you have strong limbs but a simple mind, can you fly? If you can't fly, why are you pretending in front of me?" Lu Fei deliberately descended and sprayed directly above Jack.

""Damn kid, how dare you talk to me, Jack!" Although Jack was very angry, just like what Lu Fei said, no one in their group could fly. There were a few who could do the Moon Step, but daring to fight Lu Fei in the sky was almost like seeking death.

But Jack couldn't help it. Although his Moon Step proficiency was average, he still chased Lu Fei in the sky, but his speed was too slow. Lu Fei ignored him. While accumulating flames and preparing his moves, he continued to fly upwards.

"Damn kid, if you have the guts, come and fight me, Jack." Watching Lu Fei flying higher and higher, Jack was angry but helpless.

"A gift for you." When Jack was annoyed, Lu Fei flew down from the sky. It was not the head-on confrontation Jack wanted. Lu Fei carried a huge fireball in his hand and flew downwards, ignoring Jack. His target was the pirate ships.

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