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417sAnd at that time, Lu Fei couldn't guarantee that he would have the fighting power of an admiral.

It was too early to think about all this now.

Moreover, these bad results were based on the collapse of Doflamingo.

As a half-prophet, wouldn't it be good for me to prevent all this? Then I could remind the Don Quixote family or interfere with the Straw Hat Pirates.

And there was another point.

At that time, Lu Fei couldn't guarantee that he would still stay in the navy department managed by the World Government.

After Marshal Sengoku, with whom he had a good relationship, stepped down, there was a high probability that Lu Fei would set up his own business.

"It seems that the lieutenant general has got the answer, what do you think? Seeing Lu Fei's relaxed brows, Doflamingo knew that Lu Fei had come up with a result after thinking.

"I wish us a happy cooperation.

" Lu Fei signed the agreement with a few strokes, then stood up and shook hands with Doflamingo.

Both of them had formatted smiles on their faces, but no one knew what they were thinking.

It is better to rely on yourself than on others.

With money, you can buy devil fruits and equipment, recruit subordinates, arm your own forces, and develop and expand your own troops.

This cooperation has accelerated Lu Fei's idea of expanding his power.

With the information of Doflamingo's underground market, he can get more devil fruits, and Doflamingo uses the weapons of Magic Valley Town to increase his share and influence in the underground world.

On the surface, this seems to be a win-win cooperation.

Money is the real gravitational force. Recently, fewer and fewer pirate ships have passed through Magic Valley Town, but there is an endless stream of big thieves who patronize the Magic Valley Town Naval Base. The wealth of Magic Valley Town from selling guns and confiscating pirate treasures has increased sharply, attracting this group of big thieves.

If you have money, you can buy equipment and devil fruits to become stronger. This is the idea of many bounty hunters, pirates and ordinary people in the pirate world. Even if this batch of"treasures" is in a naval base and the base commander is a vice admiral, it can't stop their enthusiasm. They use the professional skills of thieves to... Technically speaking, they are only here to steal money, not to fight, so they can steal the treasure without having to fight against these generals.

Thief A and Thief B, referred to as the A-B combination, are a famous thief combination in the Grand Line, because the fruit abilities of the two are a perfect match for stealing. A's is the animal-type Pangolin Fruit, and B's is the superhuman-type Bag Fruit. The former is easy to understand the fruit ability, while the latter has a bottomless pocket like Doraemon. One is responsible for carrying, and the other is responsible for digging.

This time they did the same thing. Late at night, the ground of the Demon Valley Town Naval Base was Below, a pangolin was digging the tunnel. There was no need to transport the soil in the tunnel out. Thief B used his ability to directly put the soil and rocks into his body. His body was like a package.

They had analyzed the terrain of the Magic Valley Naval Base many times and selected several places that they thought were most likely to store treasures. They dug holes from bottom to top.

After exploring several rooms without success, they finally found the treasure house. Looking at the boxes of gold and Baileys with a face value of 10,000 yuan in front of them, the two were very excited. These treasures were much more than those of their pirate bases and general naval branches.

"Hahahaha, with this much money, we can buy an island and become king, then find some powerful guys to be our thugs and do whatever we want."So much wealth made the two of them a little excited and out of control. They were completely excited and forgot to be alert to the risks that might come from their surroundings.

Just behind them, there was a calm pool of water. This was a pool that led directly to the sea. There were some tree branches on the other side of the treasure room. It looked like an animal's nest, but the two excited people had forgotten all about it and were desperately filling it with gold nuggets and Baileys.

Ripples appeared on the calm water surface, and a huge black shadow gradually approached from under the water, and then broke out of the water, and the huge splash of water poured directly on the two devil fruit users, making them instantly powerless.

The one who emerged from the water was the banana crocodile Gillian.

This was its nest.

Seeing the two little guys touching the treasure of its owner Lu Fei, it was about to be bitten.

The two people, who were weakened by the wet sea water, held it in their mouths and swallowed it along with some gold nuggets.

Then, they returned to the nest made of branches to rest as if nothing had happened.

After the devil fruit user dies, his ability disappears, and the treasures hidden in his body by the power of the Bao Bao fruit are released and filled into Gillian's stomach.

The gold nuggets will not be digested, but will be excreted with Gillian's feces.

Gillian's excretion place is on the beach of the training area of the naval base in Mogu Town.

The sea water will wash away the feces, and then only the gold nuggets will be left on the beach.

All this was observed by Lu Fei's observation and domineering.

The thieves lying unconscious on the ground in front of him were thieves who wanted to steal treasures from other channels.

It seems that letting Gillian guard the wealth cannot continue for long.

Seeing so much Bailey being digested by Gillian, Lu Fei still felt a little distressed.

Unfortunately, this is not a fantasy world and there are no storage rings.

It is better to spend the money as soon as possible and use it to arm and strengthen his soldiers.

Soon Lu Fei had a plan.

He first bought a batch of seastone weapons, similar to Smoker's ten hands, only the top is seastone and the rest are ordinary metal weapons.

After all, considering the price and hardness of seastone, it is too expensive to create a weapon made entirely of seastone, and the navy of the ability users cannot use it.

Smoker's method is the most suitable.

The armed color domineering can only hit the natural color ability users, but once they are touched by the seastone, not only will the whole body be weak, but also the fruit ability cannot be used.

It is too effective against some devil fruit ability users..

Dr. Vegabank, a scientist of the Navy, embedded seastone in the bottom of the warship, so that the Sea Kings would regard the Navy warships as part of the sea. Therefore, they could avoid the attacks of the Sea Kings on the Navy warships and smoothly sail through the Calm Sea, the nest of the Sea Kings. It is equivalent to a solid sea.

Armament Haki is mainly used to encounter the entities of natural ability users and attack special superhuman types, as well as to enhance its own attack and defense capabilities. Armament Haki cannot influence the ability of the ability user, nor can it prevent the ability user from launching the ability. Moreover, if the Armament Haki is not strong enough, the natural type cannot be captured.

Seastone is the real nemesis of all ability users. It can not only make the ability user powerless, but also temporarily turn the ability user into an ordinary person, whether it is natural, superhuman, or animal type.

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