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Tải ảnh: 0.153s Scan: 2.671sThis is the representative of Kaido, one of the Four Emperors. Some people stopped bidding immediately and kept silent. If they bid at this time, they would offend Kaido, one of the Four Emperors. It would be a loss to offend Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, for this rare flying animal fruit.

It is said that Kaido, one of the Four Emperors, is planning to prepare a team of 500 people who are all animal-type ability users. I think Kaido will not let go of any animal-type devil fruit.

At this time, although the host on the auction table was a little surprised, he was not worried about anything. This rare flying animal fruit is more than this price, and this auction not only has the representative of Kaido, the Four Emperors, but also some powerful guys who are not afraid of Kaido, the Four Emperors, and will definitely reach the expected price in their minds.

Sure enough, at this moment, an elegant voice came from the upper box. It was a woman who spoke again:"900 million Baileys!"

The whole place was silent. When everyone looked in the direction of the voice, they suddenly realized that the representative of the Big Mom Pirates who dared not to fear the Four Emperors Kaido was one of them, and she shouted out the 900 million offer.

I don't know if the other two Four Emperors Whitebeard and Red Hair sent representatives to participate, but I haven't heard any news about the two Four Emperors for the time being.

""You stinky bitch, just give me this fruit. Women should just stay at home and have children. One billion Baileys!" The two Four Emperors obviously knew each other. They were probably two captain-level figures.

"This is not your pirate group's zoo, so there's no point in making a loud noise. If my mother likes this fruit, I will definitely get it, 1.1 billion Baileys!" The woman had just called Big Mom with a Den Den Mushi in her hand to report the situation of the auction. After getting Big Mom's nod, the woman became more confident.

Both parties were obviously angry. In just a few minutes, the price of this devil fruit skyrocketed to 1.5 billion Baileys, which was half higher than the original estimate of 1 billion Baileys. This is the charm of the auction!

The first auction item, this flying animal devil fruit, was eventually won by the representative of Kaido's pirate group for 1.5 billion. The Big Mom Pirates just wanted to disgust the people who were determined to get the animal-type devil fruit. It's just Kaido's pirate group.

Lu Fei still thinks he is very rich, but now it seems that compared with the old forces such as the Four Emperors, he is really a poor man. He is also very interested in this flying animal-type devil fruit and dares to compete, but his budget is insufficient. He doesn't want to waste money on this auction item. He has his own clear goals.

After the auction of the first auction item came to an end, the atmosphere inside was really enthusiastic. The host was working hard to introduce the second auction item that had been sent to the stage. However, the two gorgeously dressed women who were not holding up the auction items were replaced by the previous two.

"Now we start auctioning the second item, a seastone crystal, which is as big as two fists.

As we all know, seastone is the natural nemesis of Devil Fruit users.

Once the body is touched by seastone, the Devil Fruit user will be physically weak and unable to use their abilities.

Only a large seastone can make the tricky natural and superhuman Devil Fruit users helpless.

Such a large crystal can be used to make dozens of seastone bullets or weapons.

The starting price is 500 million Baileys, and each bid must not be less than 5 million Baileys.

The auction starts now!

"The host shouted enthusiastically.

"600 million Baileys!" The one who bid was the captain of a famous pirate group in the New World. The nobles and kings did not value seastone. Generally, only pirates and the navy would buy it.

"700 million Baileys!" Lu Fei also joined in and bid, but his price was soon drowned out by the bids of others. People from all sides in the auction hall competed to bid, and no one wanted to fall behind.

"One billion Baileys!"When everyone bid up to 900 million, Lu Fei bid again. At this time, there were only a few people participating in the bidding. After all, the processing of seastone is also a difficult point for some forces, and the processing fee is still a lot.

Unexpectedly smooth, no one bid again, Lu Fei won this piece of seastone crystal for 1 billion, but what Lu Fei didn't know was that the processing of seastone is indeed difficult for this pirate world that is relatively fantasy rather than technological.

The navy has a genius scientist like Vegabank, and seastone weapons are not very common.

But all this is not a problem for Lu Fei.

At worst, he can take it back to modern society and find someone to process it.

Hardness comparable to diamond? Is diamond very hard? Modern technology can easily cut diamonds.

In addition, Lu Fei also knew why every time an auction item was changed, even the woman holding the auction item would be replaced.

In the box, the auction staff sent the seastone to the The seastone fell into Lu Fei's hands.

Fortunately, the auction house carefully gave him a box to isolate the energy of the seastone.

Otherwise, it would be very uncomfortable for Lu Fei, a person with special abilities, to clean up the seastone by himself.

In addition to the seastone, the two women who brought the seastone to the stage were also given to Lu Fei as gifts.

Lu Fei was not polite and hugged one of them with one hand.

One billion Baileys were exchanged for gold bars, which is enough to sleep with several second-tier stars in reality.

It has to be said that the girls in the second dimension have perfect bodies and feel very good.

As time went by, the atmosphere in the auction house became more and more heated. Under the profound skills of the host, it set off a series of climaxes.

Precious auction items were presented on the auction table for auction, including weapons, antiques, rare animals, devil fruits, quick swords, etc. Among them, the branches of the treasure tree Adam attracted a lot of competition. As one of the most resilient trees in the pirate world, the treasure tree Adam is perfect for shipbuilding. Even the Pirate King Gor.D.Roger's Golden Jackson was also made from the branches of the Treasure Tree Adam.

Legend has it that there is such an island in the sea. There have been wars on the island. The entire island was destroyed by the baptism of war. However, there is a huge tree that still stands. No matter what happens, the tree stands there. After the war, people rely on this tree to build new cities and countries. There are only a few trees in the world. People call it the strongest tree, Treasure Tree Adam!

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