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"11 billion!"The two representatives of the Four Emperors, who were very wealthy, were the first to bid, but 11 billion really made the two Four Emperors feel the pain.

"12 billion!"The price reached 12 billion in the competition between the two representatives of the Four Emperors. The representatives of Kaido and Big Mom refused to give in to each other and vowed to take down this red road sign historical text.

Lu Fei, who was watching the show, could only sigh that they were worthy of being the Four Emperors, each of them was rich and powerful. 10 billion was still a lot for Lu Fei now, even if he sold the entire Magic Valley Town and added other properties.

Doflamingo was very happy watching the bidding of both parties on the auction table. After all, the more he sold, the more he would get. He could get a lot of money while passing the hot potato to others. This was a result that Doflamingo liked very much.

The buyer was thinking Money is only a thing outside of one's body. Once it's gone, you can just go and rob it. The red road sign historical inscription is related to the legendary great treasure and the location of the Pirate King. If you miss it, you will definitely regret it.

After the Celestial Dragons left, the interference with the Den Den Mushi was cancelled.

Doflamingo did this on purpose to make it easier for those representatives to contact those who can really make the decision.

As for the government spies who may be lurking among them, Doflamingo was too lazy to pay attention to them at this time.

By the time they arrived, the auction would have been over and he would have left with his belongings.

As for the personal safety of customers, it was no longer within his responsibility.

"13 billion!"There are always unexpected things happening. In addition to the Kaido Pirates and the Big Mom Pirates, a member of an unknown force made an offer. Following the direction of the voice, a bunch of Observation Haki all looked over there, wanting to see which guy had such financial resources and dared to go against the Four Emperors, but the other party's face was wrapped tightly and his body was covered in a robe, so nothing could be found.

Lu Fei felt a little familiar when he heard this voice, as if he had heard it somewhere before. He thought hard in his mind but couldn't get a result.

"The guy who covered his face and dared not see anyone, I am from Kaido's pirate group. Our Lord Kaido wants this red stone tablet. You dare to compete with me? Don't even think about leaving this island alive."The strong man of Kaido's pirate group threatened the other party directly.

"This is an auction, isn't it? The rule here is whoever has the highest bid wins, not who has the loudest voice. Am I right, Mr. Tenyasha?" But the masked man was not afraid of the threat of Kaido's pirate group, and his voice was still relaxed.

""Fffffffffff, of course, everyone here is my customer, and I always treat my customers equally.""But you are no longer my customer once you leave the auction house," Doflamingo said in his heart. He was also curious about the third party who was bidding and intervening in the competition.

The representative of the Big Mom Pirates suddenly became quiet, and the bidding was even more surprising. They gave in so quickly? It didn't seem like the style of the Big Mom Pirates.

"18 billion!"The masked man bid again, surpassing the 17 billion bid of Kaido's pirate group, which shocked the audience. The representative of Kaido's pirate group was still in contact with Kaido. After hanging up the phone, he did not bid again, but looked at the masked man with a meaningful look. (Just think of it as something like a bank card in the pirate world, otherwise it would be a waste of billions of dollars to bring a ship full of Bailey and gold bars to exchange...)

"Congratulations to this gentleman, the red road sign historical inscription is yours!" Doflamingo smiled brightly, handing the money over with one hand and the goods over with the other.

No one expected that the final winner of the auction would be an unknown guy, but everyone looked at the masked man with sympathy and ridicule. He spent 18 billion and might be killed and robbed of the auctioned items as soon as he went out. Isn't this worthy of sympathy?

But there was no panic in the masked man's only exposed eyes. He picked up a pen and paper and copied the ancient text on the red stone tablet. He put away the copied paper, called two companions to move the huge stone tablet and prepare to leave the auction house.

Lu Fei also put away the box of seastone, and took the two gorgeous women given to him by the auction house and hung far behind the masked man. There were many people who made the same choice as Lu Fei, and they didn't want to miss it. In the upcoming battle, the Big Mom Pirates and the Kaido Pirates will definitely not let the person who got the stone tablet leave so easily, and they have been waiting at the port outside the island for a long time.

As expected, as soon as the masked man walked to the port, the representative of the Kaido Pirates took the lead and punched the masked man in the face with a heavy punch, whistling in front of the masked man with the sound of breaking wind.

At this time, Lu Fei, who was observant, found that the masked man made a very strange gesture with his palm.

The index finger and middle finger of his right hand were bent and put together, the distance between the ring finger and the middle finger was separated, the ring finger and the little finger were bent and put together, and the thumb was slightly bent, showing the shape of three claws.

The dark armed color domineering had already been attached to it.

He quickly blocked his face, grabbed the strong man's heavy punch, caught it steadily, and did not move.

""Crack!" A crisp bone-breaking sound was heard, and the claw-like hand crushed the strong man's hand bones. The strong man screamed with the sound of broken bones. The result was beyond most people's expectations. Although the strong man was not one of the Three Disasters of Kaido's Pirate Group, he was also a well-known captain-level figure under Kaido in the New World. He was actually injured by this masked mysterious man.

The strong man retracted his arm in time, but it was obvious that the front end of his arm near the palm was deformed.

It was broken by the masked guy and almost broke.

The strength of the masked man was beyond everyone's expectations.

The representative of the Big Mom Pirate Group who originally wanted to take action also hesitated.

Her strength was still a little inferior to that of the strong man, but she had some advantages in agility.

She didn't think she could get away with it at the hands of the masked guy.

""You bitch, do you still want to watch the show? If you don't take action now, he will escape. Let's join forces to take the stone tablet first, and then discuss how to distribute it." While she was hesitating, the strong man made a suggestion that she couldn't refuse. If she didn't get the stone tablet, she would have a hard time explaining to her mother.

Without hesitation, the moment the strong man entangled the masked man, she approached from behind, and the black dagger with armed color domineering in her hand pointed directly at the heart of the masked man.

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