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"Phew, I finally got out. The intelligence from the comrades in the intelligence department was very accurate. Fortunately, it was not Kizaru who came, but Aokiji, one of the three admirals. This way, escaping is relatively easy."On the Revolutionary Army's ship carrying the red road sign historical inscription, Sabo looked back at Aokiji who had not caught up and breathed a sigh of relief.

But first of all, we should thank those Celestial Dragons.

Originally, Sabo was ready to face Aokiji and the large navy force to encircle and suppress them.

As a result, in order to maintain their violated dignity, these Celestial Dragons called Admiral Aokiji before the red road sign historical inscription appeared.

When the news of the red road sign historical inscription at the auction house reached the ears of the Five Elders, it took dozens of minutes for them to send out the large navy force.

"Mole, you and Ghost Spider go chase those fleeing ships, and the rest of the fleet go surround this island, don't let any ship escape!" But it's too early to be happy now, the navy's reinforcements have arrived here, and the direction they are coming from is just the side of the direction where the Revolutionary Army's ships left. Ghost Spider led the fleet to chase other ships, while the ship that Mole was chasing was the Revolutionary Army's ship.

"Attack from both wings, sink the enemy ship!


"A punk head with a pointed mustache on his upper lip, wearing a lavender striped suit and a blue shirt under the navy's justice robe.

As one of the disciples of the former admiral Zephyr Black Arm and the current vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Mole's strength is unquestionable.

He is one of the masters of swordsmanship among the vice admirals of the Navy.

This time, almost all the navy came out, and as a vice admiral who stayed in the Navy Headquarters without an outbound mission, he naturally came.

The scale of this dispatch is not much smaller than when he was a colonel 27 years ago, when he followed Garp and Sengoku to capture Roger and Golden Lion who were engaged in a naval battle at the time. He was very curious about who their target was this time and what the purpose was, but it seemed that the upper level did not want to tell them, just ordered them to stop every ship that wanted to escape from here.

Commanding the warships to move, he chased after the ships, drew the long sword on his waist, ready to fight at any time

"It seems that it is too early to be happy now. Haku, Klar, you two block the shells coming from the right wing, and I will take care of the left one!"Looking at the several warships coming from both sides, Sabo assigned the task of defending the shells. Haku, the fishman karate master, and Klar, a partner of the Revolutionary Army, nodded in agreement and rushed to the right side.

"Boom. Boom!"A warship does not have only one cannon on the bow. Several warships fired at the Revolutionary Army's ships at the same time. Dozens of shells fell densely from the air. Some of them hit the sea in front of the bow, forcing the helmsman to stop the ship and block the ship's advance. The shells on both wings could not allow the ship to break through from the side. As a general with rich experience in naval battles, Mole knew how to block the enemy ship.

"Fishman jutsu.

Water strike!

"Haku, the fishman air master, grabbed a handful of seawater in his webbed hands, and used the fishman's unique jutsu to turn the seawater in his hands into drops of water as fast as bullets, which shot at the incoming shells, colliding and exploding in the air.

His long blue wavy hair was lifted up by the airflow of the explosion.

Kerla also used fishman karate to block the incoming shells.

Kerla, who had joined the Revolutionary Army and learned fishmanship from Haku at the age of 13, was about to surpass her master, but she was not a fishman, so she was not very good at dealing with fishmen.

But now she is a female warrior who can hit 3,000 tiles.

One tile means that she can break a tile.

3,000 tiles means that her current karate strength can break 3,000 tiles stacked together.

It is the same unit used to calculate strength as CP9's Daoli.

On the other side, Sabo seemed more relaxed. The iron water pipe cut through the sky, releasing a powerful colorless energy, just like a swordsman's slashing wave, shattering the shells in the air, not giving them a chance to damage the hull.

""Boom!" At this moment, a loud noise suddenly came from the rear of the ship, and the ship shook violently. Sabo and the other two hurriedly grabbed the pole to stabilize their bodies. Looking back, the navy warship hit them directly, and a small part of the sharp bow of the warship was directly embedded in the hull.

This warship was the one where the mole was. The mole jumped directly onto the revolutionary army's ship, raised his long sword, pointed the tip of the sword at Sabo and others in front, and rushed forward

"We are in trouble. The navy is on board. Sabo, go stop the vice admiral. We will handle the rest. Quick victory. It will be disadvantageous for us if we drag it on!"As soon as Klar finished speaking, he and Haku faced the rushing navy. The two mermaid karate masters were very powerful. They punched the navy one by one, knocking them away and making them scream.

General vs. general, king vs. king, the mole did not make a move after getting on board. He kept staring at Sabo on the boat. The young man in front of him brought him a sense of threat, but he did not realize Sabo's identity at the first time. This was not two years later. Sabo had not yet carried out revolutionary movements all over the world to attract the attention of the world.

""Knock! Knock, Knock!" The Mole attacked three times in a row, and the long sword was blocked by the water pipe in Sabo's hand in all three attacks. In the confrontation of strength, the Mole was even pressed back. The opponent should not be underestimated. Moreover, the Mole held the long sword with both hands, while Sabo blocked his attack with just his right hand.

"Armament Haki! Dragon Claw Fist!"Just as the two weapons touched, Sabo's right hand took on the appearance of a dragon claw, with the dark Armament Haki covering it, and struck the body of the mole in front of him.

""Iron block!" Seeing this, the mole couldn't free his hands to block it. If he put away his sword and retreated, the opponent's weapon would hit him, which might cause greater damage. Therefore, he chose to resist it. The iron block, one of the six styles of the navy, covered his stomach.

""Poof!" But how could the iron block be a match for the armed color domineering? Even if he used the iron block in time to avoid being directly attacked, the mole also felt the pain in his internal organs. A mouthful of blood spit out from his mouth, sprayed out, and fell on the navy uniform, staining the front of his body red. The whole person staggered back several steps before he stabilized his body.

However, as a soldier, the mole will not retreat just because the opponent is stronger than himself.

He is not fighting alone.

As long as he can delay the opponent, the other navy who discovers the situation will come to help him.

At that time, several vice admirals will attack together and will surely be able to capture the opponent.

He swallowed the blood that surged into his mouth, picked up the long sword and went up again, but this time he was more involved in the opponent and tangled, instead of wanting to defeat the opponent directly at the beginning, because it was obviously unrealistic to rely on him alone.

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