Under the leadership of the patriarch Rogge, the family members arranged according to their status and cautiously walked up the white jade staircase leading to the conference room.

On the eighth floor, the ornate doors open automatically.

Everyone walked through the conference room with a cautious heart.

When everyone was seated, the door to the conference room closed again.

The patriarch Xiu Simai, Rogge went straight in.

"There is only one thing for us to do this meeting.

"How to kill Luo Fan!" Hearing

this unfamiliar name, everyone was full of surprise and discussed in a whisper.

In their view, there are at least dozens of topics to be discussed at this meeting.

Death to the mercenary group.

Whether to continue to create the Death Mercenary Group.

The mysterious powerhouse.

The pressure that the family is currently facing.

These are all issues that need to be discussed urgently.

As a result, the patriarch said that there was only one agenda item for this meeting, and to kill a person who had never heard of it, Luo Fan.

"Luo Fan, SSS Ability Awakener, Black Iron Level Awakener, kill the people of the mercenary group!"

this sentence exploded throughout the conference room like a nuclear bomb.

The appearance of the words SSS-level Ability Awakener made everyone dare not imagine what their ears heard.

And what made everyone even more shocked was that although this young man named Luo Fan only had the strength of the black iron level, he could kill the mercenary group of Zhu Death.

What is his ability, he can actually kill all the members of the mercenary group by crossing the fifth level in a row.

It's been a long time since the world has had an SSS-class Ability Awakener, and now it's suddenly appeared, and it's so powerful.

Shouldn't it be a discussion about what kind of attitude to treat Luo Fan, not to mention that this matter has not been discussed by the family, so a hasty decision was made

? This is an SSS-level Yin Eun Awakened Person who can kill the mercenary group!

The family has set its attitude towards Luo Fan so easily?

Many times, for a big family like Xiu Simai, the interests of the family are greater than everything else.

For an awakened person like Luo Fan with SSS-level abilities, Huaxia will definitely spare no effort to protect it.

And like this, it is not in the family's interest to take revenge like this without any family meeting.

There was silence in the room.

Finally, a middle-aged man couldn't help it, raised his hand and asked, "Patriarch, maybe you took revenge on Luo Fan like this without the deliberation of the family meeting...... Not quite right. After

the middle-aged man finished speaking, he stared at the patriarch Rogge a little nervously.

Before Rogge could answer, someone couldn't wait to yell back.

A shrill female voice rang out in the conference room.

"What else do you need to discuss, that Luo Fan has already ridden on us, do you still want to keep him?"

"Why, in your opinion, my son's death is a very indifferent thing!" "

Rocco, don't think that I don't know that you have a lot of business dealings with Huaxia, so it's right to make this matter stiff!"

The middle-aged man who asked the question before called Rocco changed his expression.

Who dares to shout here.

This is the royal meeting

room! The second highest decision-making place of the Husmarck family!

He and the others set their eyes on the people yelling in the conference room.

I saw a middle-aged woman standing in the crowd, her eyes were red, and her expression was haggard, staring at Rocco with anger.

Simuk, Lisa.

Green, who went with the mercenary group to assassinate Lovan, was her son.

Many family members who knew the inside story were a little relieved when they saw that it was her.

No wonder she reacted so violently.

After all, someone's son had just died in a foreign country.

Rocco, who had raised objections before, was told that she was careful about herself.

But in such an important meeting of the family, it is naturally impossible for him to admit it.

"Luo Fan is an SSS-level ability awakener, and he will definitely be heavily protected by Huaxia.

"Now that he has made such a big move, Huaxia will naturally pay more attention to him.

"And we just lost the strongest blade of the family, how are we going to kill him

?" "Is it possible for us people to do it in the open?"

his words were echoed by many people.

I wish the mercenary group is dead, and it's a big deal to reorganize one and it's over.

For the sake of a dispensable mercenary group, they are not happy to make their branches pay all kinds of costs.

What's more important is that the price paid to retaliate against Luo Fan is enough to form several mercenary groups that are even more powerful than the mercenary group that wishes death.

Cutting off one's own interests is really not worth it for these people who have various connections in China and neighboring countries and whose interests are deeply entangled.

Green's mother slapped the table angrily and said, "Are you still from the Xiusmai family, and now that your relatives have been killed, this is a sea of blood revenge! You don't even want to take revenge

?" "What? Are you guys pampered for too long, and you don't even dare to kill a black iron level guy

!" "Or are you not thinking about the family at all!"

Lisa didn't want to care about family interests or anything like that right now.

She only wants to kill Lofan now and avenge her son Grimm.

Under her hoarse roar, the opposition gradually fell silent.

But after all, Simaik is a big family, and its internal factions are divided and complicated, and various interests are entangled.

Not everyone can think from the perspective of the family as a whole.

But soon he came forward to refute Lisa's claims.

"Actually, we can find a way to win over or threaten Luo Fan. "

Aren't the Chinese people the most important to their relatives, Luo Fan is protected all the time, but his family can't be protected all the time?"

"It's much easier to assassinate his relatives than to assassinate Luo Fan." "

Lisa, if you think about it, to keep Luo Fan in constant fear of losing her loved ones, this kind of torture is even worse than killing her.

This statement was instantly echoed by many people.

Although your son is dead, we can make Luo Fan's life worse than death.

And the relationship between him and the Simbak family depends mainly on the views of the family members on this matter.

In the eyes of many, co-opting or controlling Lofan would have more to gain than killing him.

And there is no need to offend a very powerful country.

In such a big family, it is impossible for everyone to be related by blood.

Many people value the word profit more.

Soon, in addition to Lisa's immediate family, the idea of killing Luo Fan was still insisting.

The rest, with the exception of a few who did not express their views, remained neutral.

Most of the rest of the family didn't want to take this risk to assassinate Rovan.

The crowd in the conference room gradually began to argue.

Soon, the man who suggested threatening or co-opting Rovan gained the upper hand.

And the voices of the immediate family represented by Lisa were gradually muffled.

Just when the voices in the royal conference room were getting noisier and noisier, and the atmosphere was becoming less and less solemn.

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