Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 1 Zoldyck

Batokia Republic, Dentola Region, Kukulu Mountain.

In a large-scale deep mountain castle, in a secret room, a figure sits quietly, surrounded by a powerful aura, forming waves of wavy air waves that spread gently and evenly in all directions.

At a certain moment, the door of the secret room was violently opened, and a figure rushed towards the figure with a shrill cry.

"Fischer, you can't leave your mother like your brother!!!" The figure threw himself into the arms of the figure sitting in the secret room, crying loudly, with an extremely horrific voice, as if he had encountered some horrific and miserable experience.

The figure sitting quietly in the secret room slowly opened his eyes, and let out a helpless sigh.

"Mom, what happened to Kid Killua?"

She has a slender body, silver-white waist-length hair, and bangs on both sides of her forehead. Although she is immature, she is already very handsome and exquisite. Just a cursory glance can tell that she is only about twelve or thirteen years old. A beautiful young girl.

At this time, the young man's exquisite and handsome face showed a little helplessness. As for the reason, it was naturally because of the graceful and luxurious lady who was crying fiercely in his arms.

The lady's name is Kikyo Zoldyck, the boy's mother, and the boy's name is Fischer Zoldyck, and the mother and son are members of the assassination family Zoldyck.

"Killua, Killua, that boy not only hurt your second brother, but also hurt me. If you don't believe me, look, my beautiful face has been destroyed." Immediately after Fischer's words, he raised his head, pointed at his own face, and complained to Fischer.

I saw that Kikyo's face was covered with bandages at this time, leaving only his mouth and the place where he wore an electronic eye mask.

"Um, that guy really ran out." Seeing Kikyo's appearance, Fischer was slightly taken aback, and then said in surprise.

"Fischer, mom is hurt, you care about your heartless brother!!!" Hearing that Fischer didn't care about himself, but cared about Killua's affairs, Kikyo suddenly became jealous.

"Um, okay, okay, I see, I'll treat you right away." Seeing his mother's childlike appearance, Fischer shook his head in a funny way and said, then put his hands on the Kikyo's bandaged face, emerald green light emerged from Fischer's hand, covering Kikyo's face.

The wound under Kikyo's bandage gradually healed under the cover of emerald green light. Kikyo also showed a lazy expression of enjoyment. While showing an expression of enjoyment, Kikyo did not forget to speak.

"My Fischer's healing ability is really comfortable."

Hearing this, Fischer's cheeks twitched, and he said suspiciously: "Mom, you didn't hurt Killua because you wanted me to heal you."

"Um, how is it possible." Kikyo, who was enjoying the pleasure of treatment, suddenly froze, and replied in a stiff tone.

Seeing this, Fischer was 100% sure that his mother did it on purpose.

If it wasn't intentional, how could Killua's three-legged cat kung fu hurt his mother.

You know, the gap between Nen people and non-Nen people is very big, especially my mother Kikyo is still a master of Nen people, there is a huge difference between Killua and my mother.

Among other things, the strength formed by mother Kikyo's constant movement cannot be broken by Killua.

Nen's defense cannot be broken, how could he hurt Kikyo.

The only possibility is that Kikyo deliberately removed the defense, and then deliberately ran over to him for treatment after being injured.

With that in mind, Fischer couldn't help but sighed again.

Does my mother have a tendency to be abused? No accidents?

All the heads of the Zoldyck family have silver-white hair, and only Zoldycks with silver-white hair are eligible to inherit the position of head of the family.

In the original book, Killua is the only person in the Zoldyck family with silver-white hair, so the future head of the family falls on Killua. Therefore, everyone in the Zoldyck family has great expectations for Killua.

Having great expectations for it will naturally put it under a lot of pressure.

That's why Killua Zoldyck rebelled.

However, with his own appearance, the head of the Zoldyck family has a choice, not the only one.

And I said very early on that I can take over the position of the future head of the family, so that other people in the family will not put too much pressure on Killua.

Just let Killua grow on its own, don't intervene at will, and don't put too much pressure on it.

The rest of the family also agreed.

Especially my mother, after she said those words, she was so excited that she almost danced.

He also expressed that he would not put too much pressure on Killua, and would not restrain Killua too much.

Of course, the old brother Illumi is an exception.

This guy, even after Fischer showed his will to take up the future of the Zoldyck family, he still didn't let Killua go, kept staring at Killua, and revealed to the family that two heirs would be better, and would not give up the shackles on Killua.

Regarding this, the people in the family didn't say much, and let Illumi go.

Anyway, as the eldest brother, Illumi will not really hurt Killua, at most he will flog Killua to become stronger in a perverted way.

In this case, if Killua wants to go out for a walk, there is no reason for the mother to refuse. At most, she will tell Killua to be more careful in the outside world, and it is impossible to prevent Killua from leaving.

But it actually happened, and Killua got hurt.

It's impossible no matter how you think about it, the only possibility is that Kikyo did it on purpose.

And looking at Kikyo's performance just now, the reason for his deliberation has been clearly revealed.

Just look at the way Kikyo enjoys being treated by his healer Nen.

However, since my mother wants to treat herself, then treat her.

"It just so happens that I'm going out too. I'll watch over that guy Killua, and nothing will happen to him." Fischer said to his mother Kikyo after healed the wound on his mother's face and removed all the bandages.

"Are you going out too?"

"It's fine, as long as you don't meet top Nen people."

"Then I'll leave Killua to you." Kikyo, who was stroking his increasingly radiant and supple cheeks, was taken aback when he heard Fischer's words, and then said with a smile.

After finishing speaking, Kikyo left the secret room with brisk steps, coming and going in a hurry, as if the cry just now did not exist at all.

In fact, Fischer also knew why Mom did it on purpose.

Because Fischer's treatment Nen can not only treat wounds, but also make the skin of the treated area better, more radiant and supple after treatment.

However, this must be the result of being treated under the condition of injury.

"Sad, I've stayed at home for so long, so I'll go out for a walk next."

"After all, the plot has begun."

Traveler, Fischer Zoldyck joins! ! !

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