Traveling From Hunter

Chapter Eleven Morse Code Language, The Arrived Old Guy

Leaning against the wall and watching the people being played around by the gourmet Hunter Menchi, Fischer yawned casually.

According to Menchi's approach, it is impossible for anyone to pass the Hunter test this time.

So Fischer never thought about participating in this experiment.

Anyway, when the time comes, the old man from the Hunter Association will come and end it.

At that time, just follow the old man Netero to the Toad Tiger Mountain to get the grape spider eggs, so there is no need to waste time here.

"Da, da, da!!!" A series of voices sounded beside Fischer, and the disguised Illumi also leaned against the wall with Fischer at some point.

Next to Lu Mu was Ou Zhe Hisoka. This guy was also leaning against the wall with one foot and leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

Illumi didn't know why, so he stopped talking again, his mouth kept shaking up and down and making a series of clicking sounds.

However, although he didn't speak, Fischer could hear what Illumi wanted to express.

According to what Fischer said in his previous life, this guy was sending Morse code.

This guy Illumi was asking why Fischer didn't go with the others to hunt down Boar Nosed.

"Didn't you two go too?" Fischer asked indifferently, while looking at Hisoka.

"Da, da, da!!" (Don't you want a Hunter license?)

"That guy Menchi's test questions are unreliable and unfair. Just wait, the old man from the association will definitely come and end it." Facing Illumi's question, Fischer replied flatly.

After finishing speaking, Fischer stopped talking, closed his eyes and began to take a short rest.

Although Fischer started to rest, Illumi and Hisoka did not.

After listening to Fischer's explanation, the two were also relieved, and the anger in Hisoka's heart, which was originally hidden because of Menchi's willfulness, disappeared instantly.

This guy squatted at this time, half squatting by the wall, half squinting, showing a perverted smile, looking at the many candidates in the courtyard as if he was watching a play, as if he was watching a monkey.

Although Yilumi didn't squat down, and his eyes were dull, but the corners of his mouth were trembling, it could be seen that this guy was also watching a show.

This immediately made Menchi, the chief examiner, who was always nervous because Hisoka was exuding killing intent all the time, very upset.

Originally, after seeing Fischer enter the manor, Menchi didn't pay attention to his test at all and ran to the wall to lean against and even closed his eyes. Menchi was a little angry, and Hisoka and others were even more angry with this look. This directly annoyed Menchi, and Menchi, who was calm at first, had his eyes blazing, and looked towards Fischer, gnashing his teeth, as if he wanted to beat Fischer up.

Nima, my exam questions have been issued, but the three of you are indifferent, just watching the show and resting there, just don't give me face as an examiner! ! !

However, Hisoka was also there, so Menchi didn't really move, he could only watch with gritted teeth, unable to rage.

As for Hisoka, Menchi really didn't want to do anything with him, the guy's murderous aura was really terrifying.

Although it is very vague, it is only in the eyes of ordinary people, and it is very clear to them who are also Nen.

That kind of terrifying killing intent doesn't need to be thought about to be known by normal people, it is possible to have such killing intent only after killing people like hemp.

Moreover, in her condensate, the thought energy entangled in Hisoka is also very quintessential and very powerful.

These are the reasons why she doesn't want to provoke Hisoka.

In contrast, although Fischer's body is also entangled with Nian Qi, it is very thin, like a newcomer who has just cultivated Nian Qi.

In addition, Fischer has no killing intent on him, so Menchi is not afraid of Fischer, and even wants to beat Fischer up.

From the beginning when Hisoka in the underground passage did not see the powerful mind energy on Fischer and started to attack Fischer, now he regards Fischer as Menchi who is a novice to Nen.

Neither of them could see the strength of the Nen Qi on Fischer who was not in the fighting state. It can be seen how strong Fischer's control power is, so that the two Nen masters couldn't see his Nen Qi cultivation.

As the time passed bit by bit, the candidates sent the roasted porcupine-nosed wild pigs to Menchi and Buhara one by one. Bukhala ate his mouth full of oil and kept passing it, while Menchi tasted it and typed it out. While crossing, he was still staring at Fischer.

Candidates were continuously eliminated one by one, until the roast pig of the last candidate was put on the table, still none of the candidates passed.

This made Menchi's anger even stronger. He stood up directly from the sofa, gave a lecture to many candidates, and announced that no one passed the test this time.

It belongs to venting the anger on Hisoka, Fischer and others to other candidates.

And this also angered the candidates who were eliminated by Menchi. One of the wrestlers rushed towards Menchi impulsively, wanting to attack Menchi, but he was directly rowed to the small towers on both sides of the door by Buhara. up.

It fell from above with a pop.

This time, the angry candidates all died down, and they didn't dare to make any more noise.

Seeing the changes in the expressions of the candidates, Menchi nodded in satisfaction, and then glanced again at Fischer, who was still closed, and Hisoka and Illumi, who were still watching the show, and the corners of their eyes twitched unconsciously.

Do these three guys really want to pass the test? There is no intention of catching the wild boar with a big nose at all.

And just when Menchi was annoyed, an old voice came down from the sky.

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted, and they looked at the sky one by one.

I saw that a huge airship had already appeared in the sky at this time, and the sound came from there.

At the same time, Fischer also opened his closed eyes.

"The old man from the Hunter Association is finally here." Looking up slightly, Fischer looked at the figure descending from the sky and thought silently.

Boom! ! ! !

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