Traveling From Hunter

Chapter Fourteen How About You Together?

"Brother Fischer?"

"Brother Fischer?" After thinking, Fischer's mind returned to the present world, and he heard Saci's call.

"What's the matter?" Fischer asked suspiciously, just now he was thinking about the task of signing in the system, so Fischer didn't notice what Saci and others were saying at all.

What Fischer said made the three people present speechless for a while, and their faces twitched wildly.

After co-authoring for a long time, this guy has been distracted, and he didn't hear the conversation between himself and others at all.

As a last resort, Saci repeated his inquiry just now.

"My words, it should not be the case. Apart from my strength, the old man Netero should have a better sense of me, so he did this." After listening to Saci's words, Fischer pondered for a moment, and then gave There is an answer.

"It's good for your senses?" These words directly made the three of them raise their eyebrows and were speechless.

Make an exception if your senses are good? When we are fools.

However, the three of them did not know.

Netero made an exception for Fischer to become a professional Hunter, really because of the senses.

However, this sense must be contrastive.

The stark contrast between Fischer and the rest of the Zoldyck family was what made Netero an exception.

"You said your strength is very strong?" The three of them didn't believe what the senses said, but the three of them didn't say much, and shifted the topic to another reason that Fischer said, that is, strength.

"Well, my strength is not bad." Fischer smiled lightly and nodded, not hiding anything.

"So, do you want to give me a hand?" Menchi's eyes lit up slightly, and he extended an invitation to Fischer.

She was curious about Fischer's strength.

Although on the surface, Fischer's Nen cultivation is not strong, but after what Sa Ci said just now, Menchi also realized that Fischer should be hiding his clumsiness, so she really wants to know Fischer's real strength.

As soon as these words came out, Saci and Buhara also stared closely at Fischer, wanting to see if Fischer would accept this request for discussion.

"You?" Upon hearing this, Fischer put his eyes on Menchi and scanned, and then he was a little confused, and his eyes shifted to Saci and Buhara.

"What, you brat, are you just looking down on me like that!!!"

"We, Menchi, don't have a reputation for nothing. We are the best among gourmet hunters. Isn't it worthy of being your opponent!!!" Seeing that Fischer turned his eyes away from himself, and looked confused, Menchi gritted his teeth in anger.

"How about, Mr. Saci, Mr. Buhara, are you with Menchi?" Fischer ignored Menchi and asked Saci and Buhara.

Menchi: "..."

Saci: "..."

Bharat: "..."

As soon as Fischer's words came out, the whole room fell silent.

Saci and the three of them looked at Fischer in astonishment. They obviously didn't expect Fischer to have such an idea, and wanted to single out the three of them.

"Hohohoho, I also want to see your strength, Fischer, Menchi, Saci, Buhara, you three should go together." But when the three of them were sluggish, the old man Netero was silent Appeared in the room and said with a smile.



"President!!" The three of them came back to their senses in an instant, and hurriedly greeted them respectfully.

"Yes, President!!!" After greeting, all three of them agreed directly.

Now that the president has said so, the three of them don't mind following the president's order to fight Fischer together.

"You think highly of me." Fischer said calmly, looking at Netero.

This old man is so powerful that he almost didn't notice it.

This guy Netero is worthy of being one of the top five nen fighters in the world, and he is also a top existence in stealth.

This guy appeared here, and Fischer only noticed it when he opened the door, and Menchi and the others didn't notice Netero's appearance even if Netero opened the door openly. If the old man hadn't opened his mouth, the three of them would not have noticed Netero .

"Hohohoho, you are a monster after all." Netero still smiled the old man.

He also wanted to know how Fischer, who had such a strong Nianqi cultivation base, would do in actual combat.

This time just to understand.

Soon, the group came to a spacious and bright training room led by Netero.

"Let's say it first, I won't show mercy when the battle starts." Standing opposite Fischer, Menchi slowly pulled out his kitchen knife weapon from the back waist, warning while drawing, and the thought energy on his body was also It began to surge and spread out.

Although Saci and Buhara didn't say anything, they both began to emit their thoughts and enhance their strength.

"Understood, you don't need to show mercy."

"No, it should be said, do you need me to show mercy?" Fischer said with a faint smile, and then asked a question.

As soon as this question came out, the pupils of the three Menchi on the opposite side suddenly shrank, and a trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the three of them.

Let the three of us deal with one of you is already very angry, but you still ask us if we need to show mercy?

It's really infuriating, you are so arrogant, so you don't take us seriously?

The three of them looked at each other, and then quickly launched an attack, full of thoughts and energy, and rushed towards Fischer rapidly.

Facing the rapidity of the three, Fischer remained motionless, but released his Nen, and his body was entangled with lightning.

And just as Fischer's Nen unfolded, the three of Menchi also came to a place about five meters away from Fischer's body, and they attacked from three different directions: the front, the left and the right.

Swish! ! !

boom! ! ! !

Without any warning, three thick bolts of lightning rushed out of Fischer's body in an instant, and struck the three men of Menchi who were rushing towards him, without giving them any chance to react.

By the time the three of them reacted, they had already been struck by lightning, and their entire bodies were enveloped by lightning.

The screams echoed in the spacious and bright training room.

It took a full five seconds for the lightning on the three of them to disappear slowly, and the three of them were also completely blackened by the electricity, with thick smoke coming out of their mouths.

"I'm sorry, I've shown mercy." Fischer said with a faint smile as he watched the three of them slowly fall to the ground.

Fischer's current level is very strong among Nen masters, even Hisoka can't compare with Fischer, and the same is true for old brother Illumi.

In the Hunter Association, among the three members of the Twelve Earthly Branches who have scored Hisoka's score, the highest score is only 90 points, while Fischer's eldest brother Illumi has a score of 95 points in Hisoka's eyes.

Although this score is not definite, but there is not much error.

Illumi with 95 points is not Fischer's opponent either. It is conceivable how strong Fischer is now.

It is conceivable that the strength of the three Saci who are not twelve earthly branches, and are all one-star Hunters.

To deal with the three of them, Fischer didn't need to use all his strength at all, as long as he exerted about six layers of strength, it was enough to deal with them.

Even for Illumi, dealing with the three of them is just a matter of spending a little more effort.

In fact, things did go as Fischer predicted.

Because they didn't know Fischer's specific strength, and because the three of them shot together, the three of them who unconsciously despised them were easily struck by Fischer's lightning, and they lost consciousness directly.

"Hoho, it really is a monster." Netero in the corner not far away looked at the scene in front of him, his expression remained unchanged, and he praised without hesitation.

"To each other, compared to me, you are a monster." Fischer flattered with a light smile.

Practice martial arts, practice martial arts to the point where time is involved, who is the monster.

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