Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 203 Fun, Invitation, And Cooperation

In the following month, Fischer was forced by his mother to take Menchi and others out for half of the time. Let's just call it shopping, not like traveling.

According to my mother, let Fischer cultivate a good relationship with Menchi and others, and it is best to hit the base directly.

Looking at it like this, although my mother followed Fischer's persuasion before, she didn't give up all of it.

My mother said that if Fischer sparked sparks with Menchi and others during the voyage, and had a child of the Zoldyck family, then let Fischer must send him back.

In this regard, Fischer did not resist much.

After all, this kind of thing is very normal. There are many people who are forced into marriage by their parents, even for a strong person like Fischer. If Song wants you to have the filial piety, you can't violate this kind of request that is not too much.

Fischer did not resist this kind of love between men and women, so his mother asked Fischer to go shopping with Menchi and others. When traveling, Fischer did not directly refuse, and took a group of people out for a walk according to his mother's arrangement.

Speaking of which, this is really the first time for Fischer to travel and go shopping.

Before that, Fischer's life was not considered depressing, but he always lived in a two-point line.

Going out is either a mission or becoming stronger.

Even if it's not these two kinds, every time you go out, you have something to do.

This is the first time for Fischer to wander around and travel around without any purpose.

"In the previous life, I often heard that once the practitioner relaxes after being suppressed, the speed of cultivation will be greatly improved. The ancients are sincerely not deceiving me." In Kukulu Mountain, feeling the cultivation level of mind energy in his body, Fischer was deeply moved.

Originally, Fischer accompanied Menchi and others to go out for a walk, wasting the time of practice.

But the fact is the complete opposite. During the time when Fischer went out to relax with Menchi and others, when Fischer practiced occasionally, the speed of improving his mind energy was several times that of usual.

You know, this is several times in the case of dry times.

This came as a shock to Fischer.

However, Fischer did not go out of his way to pursue this situation either.

Because Fischer knows that this is an opportunity that cannot be sought after, and it can only happen if you let it happen naturally. If you deliberately pursue it, you will be inferior and will not appear again.

At this time, the door of Fischer's room was opened without warning, and Mi Ji's fat face appeared in front of Fischer's eyes.

"Fischer, a guest is looking for you." Mi Ji who walked in said to Fischer.

"Have guests come to see me?"

"It would be good if the housekeeper reported this kind of thing directly." Hearing this, Fischer felt a little strange.

"I just happened to come to you with something, so I'll tell you." Mi Ji explained lightly.

"Need me anything?"

"Come on, what's the matter?" Fischer was a little surprised, temporarily putting aside the matter of the guest, and asked.

Mi Ji is the master of the Three Treasures Hall for everything, basically stay in his dark room to control the computer, or go to his studio to make some bombs and the like.

This guy has something to look for himself, it is really Bai Suzhen who is pregnant, wait a thousand years.

"Dad said, let me also participate in this march into the Dark Continent."

"At that time, I will use the network to monitor B-W." Mi Ji squinted his eyes and said a little uncomfortable.

He was studying hard in the room, but he was dragged out by his father, and he was given such a heavy responsibility.

He doesn't want to go to the Dark Continent at all, okay?

Staying well with the Zoldyck family, where are you going?

"You?" Fischer doubted the ridiculous explanation.

You must know that this is a ship built by the Kajin Empire with all its efforts. Needless to say, the defense in all aspects, the degree of defense on the Internet is definitely very strong.

Does it really work?

"What kind of eyes do you have?"

"Didn't you say that before?"

"Students will be treated with admiration for three days.

"Ever since I ate the fruit you gave me, I have been constantly inspired in this regard."

"Now I dare say that no one in the whole world is my opponent in terms of the Internet." Seeing Fischer's suspicious eyes, Mi Yan was even more upset.

I help you with good intentions, but you still maintain such a skeptical attitude, who is it?

Well, this guy's inspiration fruit is easy to trigger inspiration and enhance intelligence. I thought this guy would develop into making bombs, but I didn't expect to develop into the network.

"Originally, my mother would be stronger than me in this respect, but my mother has to stay at Kukulu Mountain, so I have no choice but to accept this job." After venting a bit, Mi Ji continued.

"Then you still say that no one in this world can compare with you." Hearing Mi Ji's incoherent words, Fischer sneered.

"Mom can't be counted, that's my own person, not an opponent!!!" Mi Ji suddenly became angry from embarrassment, and roared thickly with jealousy.

"Yes, yes, yes, I understand, then I'll leave it to you." Fischer shook his head funny, and then said perfunctorily.

After finishing speaking, he walked past Mi Ji and left the room, leaving Mi Ji alone to sulk because of Fischer's words.

Soon, Fischer came to the living room.

"Huh? It's you, old man Netero."

|| And this one, Bijand?"

"Why did you come to find me at this time." Fischer was a little surprised when he saw the person coming.

It was none other than Izak Netero and Billand Netero, father and son.

"I'm here to see what kind of existence made my father give up the shackles on me, and also took the initiative to give birth to the idea of ​​going to the Dark Continent." Biyang De Netero said with a grin.

"Then, seeing you now, how do you feel about it?" Fischer asked with a faint smile upon hearing this.

"Monster, you are a real monster." Bi Yangde still grinned, and then said it directly without hiding his thoughts.

Ever since Fischer appeared, Biyangde felt a very strong sense of crisis from Fischer.

Biyang De was sure that if he confronted Fischer, he would definitely be defeated by Fischer in a very short time, seriously injured, or even died.

"You're not bad either." Fischer said meaningfully upon hearing this.

The strength of this guy's energy is comparable to that of Netero. Should he be said to be Netero's son?

Although (Wang Zhao) is compared to Netero who is less than half the strength of the peak, but this level is very rare among Nen players.

In terms of mind energy, it is not an exaggeration to say that Bi Yang De is at the level of the top five ninjas.

"Thank you for the compliment." Although Fischer looks small, Debi Biyang didn't treat Fischer differently because of his age. Biyang Debi only valued strength.

So for Fischer, a strong man who made him feel very dangerous, Biyang De maintained respect in his heart, and accepted the praise of the strong man very humbly.

"Okay, let's get down to business. The purpose of the two of you coming to see me seems to be different." Fischer nodded, and then cut to the chase.

"I'm here on the commission of Nasby Hui Guorou. That guy Nasby wants to invite you to a banquet he specially prepared." Bi Yangde directly expressed his intention of coming.

"What about you?" Fischer nodded, then looked at Netero.

"Old man, I'm here to discuss cooperation with you, Team Fischer."

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