Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 206 Respectful Princes, Small Punishments And Big Commandments

Now that the topic is over, Fischer didn't stay here any longer, and after a faint greeting, he got up and left, leaving only Nasby who was thinking about how to deal with the development of the succession battle after Fischer refused to cooperate. .

However, as soon as he left Nasby's reception hall, Fischer saw several groups of people waiting outside.

The first prince Benjamin of the Kajin Empire, the second prince Camilla, the third prince Cholai, the fourth prince Chelidonish, and the fifth prince Zbepa were waiting in the corridor outside with their own guards. with.

Seeing Fischer coming out, a group of people walked towards Fischer quickly at the same time.

"Patriarch Fischer, I have something to discuss with you. May I show you my face?" The first prince Benjamin said respectfully, with one hand on his chest, without paying any attention to his own prestige as a prince and his own strong character.

As a Nen, and a very powerful one among the "Four Eighty Three" Nen, Benjamin, like his father Nasby, "very clearly felt the terror of Fischer.

Therefore, for Fischer, he naturally did not dare to treat him like a prince, and was very respectful.

Benjamin knew very well that even though Fischer didn't have the identity of the head of the Zoldyck family, it was only the aura in him that made him feel dangerous that made him dare not take any action.

During the time Nasby talked with Fischer inside, he had already communicated with his group of men and Zhimou.

The conclusions drawn by many Nen players are extremely consistent, that is, if they fight against Fischer, they will be wiped out immediately, even if they are prepared in advance and work together, no matter how they deduce All the same.

This is exactly the same as Benjamin's own feeling, so Benjamin didn't have the attitude he should have as the tenth prince of the Kajin Empire when facing Fischer.

The first prince of the Kajin Empire, this title does have a lot of weight in front of some strong people who abide by the rules, and they can have conversations with equal status.

Just like Netero, the president of the Hunter Association, Benjamin is confident that he can rely on his own identity to have a dialogue at the same level with him.

But in the face of Fischer, he feels that he should lower his posture a little bit. If Fischer feels bad about him because of his attitude, then his loss will be too great.

Moreover, waiting here for Fischer this time is also asking for Fischer.

Benjamin wanted to entrust Fischer to help him win the battle of successors this time.

If Fischer can help himself, then this time the successor battle will be a sure thing.

Taking a step back, if Fischer doesn't help himself, he won't allow other princes to get help from Fischer. Once Fischer helps other princes, no matter how confident he is on his own side, the chance of losing is as high as nine times.

Moreover, even if you can't ask Fischer to help you, you can still establish a good relationship with Fischer and entrust other members of the Zoldyck family.

After Benjamin spoke, three of the other four princes also greeted Fischer one after another.

After all, this time Fischer came here as the head of the Zoldyck family, and the target was Nasby Zoldyck, so the low points of their masters are normal.

Only the fourth prince Celidonish is a special case.

At this moment the guy was looking at Fischer with a faint smile on his face.

"Master Fischer, your Zoldyck family is really domineering. I met a Zoldyck family steward named Kurapika before."

"That guy indiscriminately took away all the red eyes, a collection that I just bought, from my hands." Celidonish said with a light smile, his words were full of yin and yang.

"Ah, yes, Kurapika restrained you from being killed by Kurapika." Fischer glanced at Celidonish lightly, and then looked back, revealing a look that would be polluted even if he looked at it for a second longer. Said with an expression on his face, and after he finished speaking, he walked past him directly and headed forward.

Facing Fischer's reaction, Cellidonish's expression remained unchanged, but his pupils constricted, and a tyrannical thought subconsciously appeared in his heart.

"This guy!!!!"

However, the next moment, Chelidonish's face changed, and he froze in place, with cold sweat dripping from his face.

The other princes also looked at Celidonish in shock.

It's just that a thunder cage composed of dark purple thunder and lightning appeared silently beside Chelidonish at this time [completely imprisoning Chelidonish in it.

Seeing this scene, everyone present was astonished and at the same time their expressions changed wildly.

Without him, the lightning cage where Celidonish was imprisoned exudes a very terrifying and dangerous aura.

The people present did not doubt at all that once they encountered this lightning, would they be struck by the lightning in an instant?

The third prince and the fifth prince are okay, they who are not naughty feel bad about it.

But the first prince, Benjamin, and the second prince, Camilla, are different. As nen, their senses are vastly different from those of the other two princes, and they can clearly feel the power contained in the lightning cage. fear.

Cold sweat slowly emerged from the faces of the two, gathered into a drop, and then slowly slid down the cheeks of the two.

Even though Fischer's lightning cage wasn't aimed at them, it still made them terrified.

This is not the case for both Benjamin and Camilla, who are the parties involved. As the party involved, Celidonish is even more unbearable. Cold sweat keeps breaking out and slipping down. A little older will encounter these lightning cages that surround him and imprison him.

At that time, even if he is very talented, Nen, who has studied for a month and has improved by leaps and bounds, will definitely not be able to stop this thunder and lightning, and will be wiped out in ashes directly.

But at this time, Fischer who had gone away slowly said a word.

"If you have evil thoughts in your heart, you will be punished with a small punishment."

"For the sake of taking the B-W of your Kajin Empire next time, I will let you off this time."

"This lightning cage only lasts for twelve hours, after which it will dissipate." 5.8

"In these twelve hours, you can reflect inside."

"Next time, don't expose your malice casually, and if you dare to show malice to me again, I will not show mercy.

Hearing Fischer's words, everyone was even more frightened.

Everyone knew that this sentence was not just for the fourth prince Chelidonish, but also for everyone present.

This time is a special case. Next time, anyone who dares to have bad thoughts towards Fischer, Fischer will do it directly, and there will be no possibility of holding back.

In other words, the next time Fischer hits them, their result will be death.

For a moment, everyone present looked at Celidonish with extremely complicated eyes.

In particular, the princes wanted to peel off Celidonish's skin.

Is this guy drifting away? Dad is polite to this guy even if you don't see him, so you just rush in front of him and get weird. .

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