Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 209: The New King’S Birth Ceremony

"What is this?" The black air that suddenly entered his body made Yier fans very puzzled.

At this time, Ilmi is in the lower area of ​​the B-W, specially coming down from above, the purpose is to hunt the Nen.

At its feet, there were already the corpses of two Nen people.

"This aura seems to be the aura of that monster on that fellow Alluka."

"Is it because Fischer came to me specifically?" Feeling the breath in his body, Yi Ermi thought silently in his heart.

Alluka also participated in this action. Il fans naturally know.

He also knew that Fischer had his own purpose in letting Alluka participate in this operation.

Now it seems that the black energy entering his body is probably Fischer's plan.

After all, Aluka has Fischer watching, and his power will appear here and enter his body, it must be related to Fischer.

Thinking of this, Il fans are no longer worried.

Cutting off his thoughts, Yi Ermi walked towards the corridor ahead without changing his face.

As for the corpse at its feet, Yiermi had no intention of dealing with it at all.

If Il fans knew that Fischer didn't look at Alluka at all, but let Killua take Alluka out for a stroll, I don't know if it would still be the same idea.

At this time, Killua and others had already left the Zoldyck area, and began to explore the B-W in 853.

Shizuku also went to the territory of the eighth princess Oit.

After Killua and Shizuku left from the Zoldyck area, several high-ranking masters of the Kajin Empire royal family who were committed to fighting for the throne received this information.

Several princes who were participating in the eve festival left the banquet hall one after another and rushed towards their respective territories.

In this B-W, the high-ranking princes didn't have any fears. Whether it was the forces under the command of other princes or the ghosts and monsters in the lower ranks, the princes didn't care too much.

And the main members of the Hunter Association who entered the Dark Continent also obeyed the rules and would not intervene in their succession battle.

The only ticking time bomb is the Zoldyck family.

Members of the Zoldyck family will not obey the unspoken rules between countries and act at will.

This is what they must guard against.

After seeing the power of Fischer, most of the high-ranking princes only wanted to fight the succession war, and had no intention of provoking the Zoldyck family.

But if the Zoldycks make a move, they have to strategize accordingly.

This battle of succession cannot be interrupted.

After all, the strength of the members of the Enemy family who entered the Dark Continent this time is really too strong.

Much more terrifying than the power of the Hunter Association.

Even without Fischer, just the other members brought by Fischer are enough to make them afraid.

The power they wield is no match for the Zoldycks.

As the king of the Kajin Empire, Nasby Hui Guorou naturally knows the reactions of the princes and the situation of Killua and Shizuku who came out of the Zoldyck area.

Nasby was very satisfied with the reactions of the princes.

"There are rules between guardian spirit beasts born in the same pot."

"One, spirit beasts will not kill each other."

"Second, they will not directly attack humans who are attached by spirit beasts."

"The beast that protects the future king must have the instinct of self-control. A beast with only sharp claws and fangs will easily become extinct."

"This is the same as human beings!"

"Euphemistic methods are very important in political and military strategies. A leader who can't see the enemy's weakness is just a mediocrity!!"

"In the age of feudal lords, the ancestor who was the head of a small country that could be annexed by neighboring countries at any time created this pot.

"Choose out talented princes and let them fight for the throne to unify the country, so that today's big country is here!!"

"A spirit beast who is good at resources in the rear becomes a god of efficacies through a wise and talented king. This is the fate of the Hui Guorou family."

"Let's use this ark full of 200,000 tributes to create a new world to our heart's content." Looking at the many princes Hui Guoxian who were gradually leaving the scene, his eyes were full of anticipation.

I am full of expectations for the future king of the Kajin Empire.

Once the war of successors is over, the first challenge for the new king is to open up a new world and gain a firm foothold in the new world.

For this reason, he gathered these 200,000 sacrifices (ajdc) as a celebration of the birth of the new king of the Kajin Empire.

As for the attitude of several high-ranking princes towards the Zoldyck family, this is also what Nasby is very satisfied with.

If it were him, facing the Zoldyck family, he would have the same reaction and attitude.

I don't need to be an enemy of the Zoldyck family, but I must keep abreast of the dynamics of the Zoldyck family and make corresponding strategies just in case.

"However, I hope the Zoldyck family doesn't cause too much turmoil." I thought so, but Nasby Hui Guorou still had a headache about the existence of the Zoldyck family and the existence of Fischer.

Because, shit, he's no balance against the power of the Zoldycks.

Just hope those guys from the Zoldyck family don't make too much of a mess.

Otherwise it is really troublesome.

On the other side, Netero and others also came to the hall where Fischer was.

A group of people entered here mightily.

In addition to Netero, all the twelve earthly branches except Gail and Crook have gathered, and there are some other Hunters, Mo Laowu and Nobu are among them, and there are several in the original book who were defeated in the chairman election. The nominated Hunter exists.

"It's really strange that you, Jin, would be with the Hunter Association." Looking at Jin's sloppy appearance, Fischer responded with a 'shocked' face.

In response, the corners of Jin's eyes twitched, and he pouted in the direction of Netero.

It means that if the old man is here, I will naturally be together.

If the old man wasn't around, he probably would have to fly solo.

After all, the other members of the Twelve Earthly Branches are too weak for him to move.

"It's really terrifying." After entering here, the other Hunters felt the aura of the main members of the Zoldyck family present, and they were all shocked.

Fischer, Menthuthuyoupi, Neferpitou, Jeno, Silva, and others felt an extremely severe crisis from the five of Fischer.

Except for Netero and Jin, the people present did not doubt the consequences of going against these people.

That is death.

Even Potter White, who claims to be the closest to Netero's strength of the Twelve Earthly Branches, had this idea at this moment.

Not paying attention to the shock of the Hunters from the Hunter Association, Fischer directly asked what Netero meant by coming this time.

"Old man, why did you bring them here?"

"Naturally let them communicate with each other, after all, we are already an alliance now, aren't we?" Netero said, stroking his beard.

"That's true, then go find them individually."

"Kurapika is in charge of intelligence."

"Grandpa and the others are in charge of defense.

"Crook is in charge of the creatures."

"Gai Lu is in charge of science." Fischer nodded in agreement after hearing this, and then introduced it to the Hunters.

"Understood, clarify the division of labor, and find the same allies to communicate with yourself." Netero also instructed the many beauties behind him.

Many Hunters nodded, and then found the same group and began to communicate. .

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