Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 211 Speculation

Fischer believed the funny words, because although this guy had a weird personality, he could still be trusted.

Because this guy is greedy for life and afraid of death, and has an unknown fear of the head of the Zoldyck family.

Dad Silva was afraid of Dad when he was the head of Zoldyck before, but now that Fischer has become the head of the house, the object of this guy's fear has shifted to Fischer.

For Fischer, although Mi Ji would talk back when he was talking because he was a peer, this guy also knew what to say and what to do.

If this guy said so, then he was right.

Fischer didn't expect that after being imprisoned by his own lightning that time, the Cellidonian guy would dare to be aggressive towards him.

With this character, every grievance must be retaliated, and he is somewhat desperate.

"Watch this guy, and report immediately if he makes any moves."

"If you do something about the "560" to the person who went out, immediately tell the person about the matter through the chat channel, and I will give you special contact permission (Aite)." Fischer told Miji.

"OK." Mi Ji nodded lightly and agreed.

"Speaking of which, that fellow Celidonish is a bit weird."

"I could clearly feel something different when I imprisoned that guy last time, but I didn't pay much attention to it. Now that I think about it, that guy's ability is a bit incredible.

"After giving the order, Fischer rubbed his chin and thought.

When I clashed with Chelidonish in the palace of the Kajin Empire, when I used the lightning cage to imprison that guy, the guy was obviously on guard, and he seemed to have retreated a second before he released the lightning cage. sign up.

But for some reason, that guy gave up on retreating.

"Besides, that guy has been in an absolute state at that time, is it his ability?"

"Able to predict the coming of danger for a short time?"

"No, judging from the situation in which he was preparing to retreat, it seems that he didn't just foresee the danger. That guy's ability may be the same as the ability to predict the future obtained when he cultivated to the highest level."

"That guy should have seen the future, so he is going to retreat, trying to escape my lightning cage."

"However, after that, I should have seen a future that was more terrifying than being imprisoned in the Thundercage after I exited the Thundercage, so I gave up the chance to escape and chose to be imprisoned." After thinking about taking revenge on himself, Fischer recalled the scene when the fourth prince Celidonish provoked him when he was in the Kajin Empire.

When Fischer was at the banquet, Fischer noticed that Celidonish had learned Nen earlier than the original book, and kept himself in a perfect state.

But because he regards Celidonish as an ant, he doesn't care much.

Now that I think about it, this guy's Nen doesn't seem to be underestimated.

"Those who activate Nen are mostly used by bursting mind energy."

"Furthermore, when the nen sensed the danger, the first thing he did was burst out his mind energy to prevent the danger from reaching him, but that guy didn't, and he still maintained the state of 'extreme'

This is completely inconsistent with the mentality of the nen. ",

"No one will remain in a state of 'extreme' after perceiving danger. This is suicidal."

"Unless it is forced by the enemy to enter the state of 'extreme'."

"Based on this, it is speculated that that guy's prediction-like Nen should be activated in an 'extreme' state.

"'Absolutely' should be the precondition for activating this kind of Nen."

In the chapter on the Dark Continent that Fischer read before crossing, there was no mention of Celidonish's Nen. I only know that this guy is a person with extraordinary talents. Perhaps because of his relationship with the guardian spirit beast, he can easily learn Thought of Qi, it has not revealed the Nen of this guy's cultivation.

Fischer can only speculate based on some changes in contact with this guy.

However, Schell felt that there should be no problem with his speculation.

The possibility of the Nen of that fellow Celidonish being able to predict the future is very high.

Because Celidonish was in an 'extreme' state at that time, and his physical fitness was not strong in all aspects. Even if he had predicted it in advance, he probably would not be able to escape the thunder and lightning cage.

Moreover, even if he escaped the thunder and lightning cage, with his actions at the time, it is estimated that he would directly make up for it with a thunderbolt.

He was imprisoned without any injuries, but was directly and seriously injured by lightning.

As long as you are not a fool, anyone will make the first choice.

Thinking of this, Fischer directly sent his speculation about Celidonish to the contact channel, and Aite called everyone's attention.

I am in the Zoldyck area, and it is naturally impossible for Celidonish to break in, so the so-called revenge can only be left from the Zoldyck area and go out to Killua, Gon, Alluka, Shizuku, Machi, and Paknotan. people.

And Shizuku is still employed by the eighth princess Oit, and joined the battle of the prince's succession this time, obviously there is a great demand for this information.

Soon, there were echoes in the chat channel, which meant understanding.

After doing this, Fischer left Miji, returned to Netero and Jin, and communicated with them about the situation in the Dark Continent.

Fischer has never been to the Dark Continent, and he only learned a little about the situation in the Dark Continent from the book Journey to the New World (East), but not much.

But Netero and Gold are different.

One is a man who has entered the Dark Continent twice in a row, and the other is a descendant of Dong Freecss, the travel recorder of the New World. He should have a better understanding of the situation in the Dark Continent

Communicating with the two of them definitely has a huge harvest.

On the other side, Killua, Gon, and Alluka left the Zoldyck area and immediately started the bear child attribute and ran around.

And the three of Shizuku also successfully reunited with the eighth princess.

At this time, in the territory of the first prince, the first prince was talking with his subordinates.

"Have you found out where they are going?" Benjamin Hui Guorou asked his personal soldier captain Balushamiruk about the movement trend of the people from the Zoldyck family.

"The fourth and fifth sons of the Zoldyck family and their companion, Jay Freecss, seem to have gone to a lower level area. The purpose is not clear, but it is mostly for fun."

"The direct butlers of the Zoldyck family, Shizuku, Murasaki, Machi Kao Machini, and Paknotan entered the eighth princess Oit 5.4, and they should have received


"We have a few more difficult opponents." Private soldier captain Balushamiluk reported aloud.

"Eighth Princess Oit?"

"Why did the direct butler of the Fischer family choose to be employed by that guy?" Hearing such an answer, Benjamin Hui Guorou was a little unwilling, because he also had a team from the Zoldyck family to issue a commission, but the people of the Zoldyck family chose to inherit the victory. Almost zero thirteen princes.

Regarding this, the subordinates were all silent.

The witty and resourceful Balushamiluk also had nothing to say.

Because facing the Zoldyck family, he really didn't know what kind of plan he could make to deal with it.

"Continue to gather intel on the Zoldyck family and avoid conflict."

"The fourteenth prince will deal with it at the end." Benjamin also knew that this matter was very troublesome, so he had to put it aside temporarily, so he gave an order to his subordinates. .

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