Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 214 Silva's Intention To Control B·W

"Huh? You want to join forces with the Zoldyck family?" In the living room of the Zoldyck area, Fischer stared at Camilla who was sitting opposite him, surprised by his words.

For Camilla's so-called cooperation, Fischer is naturally clear, because Camilla has already confessed everything.

This guy wants to marry himself, the Kajin Empire and the Zoldyck family.

The protagonists of the marriage are him and Camilla.

With this marriage in exchange for the help of the Zoldyck family, Camilla won the succession battle this time and became the new king of the Cajin Empire.

"Yes, that's what Camilla meant. Fischer, what do you think?" Camilla nodded firmly, but her eyes were full of expectation.

"No, I don't want it." Fischer's eyes turned into dead fish eyes, his left hand kept swinging in front of him, and he refused politely.

He doesn't want this kind of political marriage.

Moreover, Camilla's character is not his favorite type.

The second princess of the Kajin Empire has an extremely egotistical personality and is not easy to get along with.

"Why!!!" Hearing Fischer's refusal without consideration, 640 Camilla couldn't accept it.

Even if she refused after thinking about it for a while, she also accepted it, because her request was very sudden, without any warning, and she would not have been able to accept it herself.

But Fischer's move of rejecting without even thinking about it, she really didn't expect it.

"I think it's okay." However, at this moment, Silva, who was standing not far away from the wall, suddenly spoke up, agreeing to Camilla's proposal.

When Camilla heard this, she was taken aback for a moment, and then she showed joy.

"Hey, Dad, don't meddle in this matter." Fischer complained to Silva because he was in a bad mood.

Dad is so worried about his marriage.

When I was at home before, I made my own opinions, and this time it happened again.

It's not that I'm not wanted by anyone, and several housekeepers directly under me are staring at me now, and I'm sure I'll be eaten to the bone when I grow up.

Now Dad is here again.

"Fischer, if the Zoldyck family wants to grow, marriage is very necessary.

"It's the same with me and your mother."

"The combination of me and Ki(ajch) Qiu gave the Zoldyck family control of a part of Meteor Street."

"If you can unite with Camilla, then the Zoldyck family and the Kajin Empire will become an unbreakable alliance.

"You, as the head of the house, are duty-bound to this point." Facing Fischer's complaint, Silva said flatly.

Although the Zoldyck family has entered the Dark Continent now, the foundation is still on the human side.

Being able to give the Zoldyck family an additional ally is also a favorable choice.

Fischer: "...

"Thank you very much, Master Silva!!!" Fischer was speechless, but Camilla thanked Silva with joy.

"Let's go, I'll help you in this succession battle." Silva nodded slightly, and then walked towards the gate, saying as he walked.

"Ah, yes, Lord Nampa!!!" Camilla responded quickly.

Later, Camilla turned her attention to Fischer.

"Fischer, no matter what you think, the main purpose of my coming to find you this time is not the succession battle, but to be with you."

"I hope you will give me a chance." Taking a deep breath, Camilla said firmly.

After speaking, Camilla quickly left the room and followed Silva.

In the living room, Fischer was left alone.

"Camila's performance is very similar to that of Pam, she should be attracted by the charm of my sweet fruit ability.

"Leave her alone."

"However, what is Dad planning to do?"

"It stands to reason that the top management of V5 has been controlled by Il fans, and the power of the Zoldyck family has become unprecedentedly strong."

"Why bother?"

"Do you want to prepare an extra hole card for the Zoldyck family?" Sitting on the sofa, Fischer rested his chin, silently thinking about his father's intentions.

However, soon Fischer knew what dad Silva was thinking.

Because Dad Silva sent his thoughts to his private channel through the chat channel.

"Although Mi Ji can control the B-W, he only controls the network on this ark to prevent others from harming us.

"In fact, this ark is still under the control of the Kajin Empire."

"For this succession war, I have an ominous premonition. I feel that if the succession war continues to develop, it will cause the riots of the entourage this time."

"It will be detrimental to our march into the Dark Continent."

"It is necessary to truly control the number B·W.

"I can see that the second princess of the Kajin Empire has a high opinion of you, and seems to be devoted to you. y

"So I want her to be the new king, to control the B-W, so that this trip to the Dark Continent can arrive smoothly."

"Perhaps you can control Nasby Hui Guorou with your twisting power, but you can't be sure about the ability of its guardian spirit beast. There are many uncertainties in controlling Nasby Hui Guorou on this ark."

"This time Camilla came to the door, just rightly using Camilla's power to control the ark.

"At that time, even Nasby Hui Guorou will have nothing to say."

After reading the message sent by his father Silva, Fischer sighed slightly.

He naturally knew that the succession battle of the princes of the Kajin Empire would cause great turmoil on the ark.

After all, this guy Xinbi Hui Guorou originally regarded people as sacrifices in this battle of succession.

However, Fischer didn't care much about this. Fischer's idea was to make the best use of everything and let Shizuku and the others deal with the princes' private soldiers.

As for who will win at that time, Fischer doesn't care.

Anyway, as long as the prince who wins is not the fourth prince who has a problem with himself, it will be fine.

Fischer really never thought about controlling the B-W to ensure the smooth progress of this trip.

In the end, Dad thought so.

"Forget it, if Dad wants to move his hands and feet, let him go."

"However, I have to let my father beat the man and leave it to Shizuku to clean up. It can't be wasted."

Thinking of this, Fischer directly sent a message to dad Silva on the private chat channel.

On the other side, Killua and others who left the hall with Hisoka finally ushered in their enemies.

Both ends of the corridor were blocked by two groups of people.

"Is it so blatant to appear?"

"It's really interesting." Glancing back and forth between the two groups of people, Hisoka licked his lips, showing a wicked smile. .

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