Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 225 Thunder Dragon

The fire spread rapidly, and countless residents scrambled to be the first, fleeing in a hurry, wishing they could grow two more legs.

However, the next moment, another thunderbolt fell from the sky and hit the ground.

The residents of the small town who were fleeing were buried in the sea of ​​fire just after they escaped from the sea of ​​fire.

And in the sky, a ferocious giant dragon was watching this scene with a playful expression.

"Haha, the terrified look of human ants when they face our noble dragon is always pleasing to the eye!!!" The giant dragon in the sky flapped its wings and said in a cheerful tone. It was a thunder that shot out from its mouth and blasted into the small town.

In just a few seconds, half of the town's area was destroyed by this giant dragon.

And the town is not without resistance, one after another weak magic is constantly attacking the dragon hovering in the sky while the dragon is destroying the town.

However, these attacks are just sinking into the sea, without causing any waves.

The giant dragon is so powerful that the mages in the town can't do any damage to it, not even scratching it.

"Damn, why didn't there be any warning!!!" In a building in the small town, a group of people were gathering here, and one of the middle-aged people was roaring angrily at this moment. mayor.

In this era, human beings are very vigilant about the existence of giant dragons, because most small towns have plans to deal with dragon attacks.

The town's plan is to send mages to patrol the surrounding mountains, and report immediately if they find a dragon.

After getting the report, the whole town will start to run like a machine, and everyone will hide in the underground shelter jointly built by the town, hoping to escape the catastrophe.

As for confronting the giant dragon, they dare not even think about such a thing.

In this era, there are only a handful of human beings who can deal with giant dragons. Naturally, there will be no such characters in their small town.

"Most likely he was killed." Next to the middle-aged man was a bald old man, who said with a sigh.

"The most urgent task now is to relocate all the residents in the area that has not been damaged."

"I'm already doing it, but I don't know if it's too late." Hearing what the old man said, a young man rushed to report.

"Oh, I hope it's in time." The middle-aged mayor let go of his fist rudely, speaking weakly.

Facing the giant dragon, they have no ability to resist and can only do their best to survive.

The others were silent when they heard the words.

This era is too cruel for human beings.

Although among the giant dragons there are giant dragons of the affinity faction that protect a group of humans, there are not many such giant dragons in the dragon clan, and there are not many places that can protect them, and their small town happens to be a place that is not blessed by giant dragons.

"Have you contacted Mildian Academy of Magic?" After sighing, the middle-aged mayor asked without looking back.

"Mayor, I have contacted, but there is no China Unicom." A person behind the middle-aged mayor stood up and reported.

When speaking, this subordinate was also very puzzled.

The closest population gathering place to their town is Mildian Academy of Magic. Because the distance between the two is the shortest, the connection between the two is very close.

The town can be said to be blessed by the Mildian Academy of Magic.

When encountering such a thing as a dragon attack, they immediately thought of sending a message to Mildian Academy of Magic for help.

They are not sure whether they can come or not. As I said before, there are not many dragons in this era who can compete, even the army of the kingdom.

If it weren't for the blessing of the giant dragon with the affinity faction, it can be said that human beings would have perished long ago.

And Mildian Academy of Magic may be able to compete with the dragon in the academy, after all, it is an academy of magic.

But in other places, Mildian Academy of Magic does not have this ability.

So they didn't hold out much hope.

However, this is based on the connection, but now, they have not been able to contact the Mildian School of Magic.

"Could it be that this giant dragon has already attacked Mildion Academy of Magic before attacking us!!!!" The old man frowned.

"Damn it!!!" The mayor clenched his fist again.

Because the old man said that the possibility is very high.

They have a very close connection with Mildian Academy of Magic, and there has never been a situation where they cannot be contacted.

0………seeking flowers… 0

But now, the appearance of Huilong can be linked to this matter.

If the Mildian Academy of Magic cannot be contacted, it is very likely that the giant dragon attacked the Mildian Academy of Magic, which caused a major change in the Mildian Academy of Magic, so that they could not be contacted at all.

"Mayor, I saw a mage wearing the costume of the Mildian Academy of Magic appearing in front of the dragon!!!" At this time, a man who had been staring at the dragon's position and had two magic circles in front of his eyes The wizard spoke suddenly.

"Really!!!!" The mayor was overjoyed when he heard this.

At this time, the magician of the Mildian Academy of Magic that the magician said was quietly floating in front of the dragon.


The giant dragon's attack also stopped, staring at the mage in front of him solemnly, not daring to relax at all.

"Brontosaurus?" Looking at the huge dragon in front of him, Fischer raised his eyebrows and asked.

This guy used Thunder Roar from beginning to end to attack the town. This is definitely a thunder dragon.

It fits well with me, and I am also a master at using Thunderbolt.

"I didn't expect there to be someone as strong as you among human beings."

"Unknown powerhouse, do you want to save these ants?" The thunder-type giant dragon opposite Fischer did not have the rampant look before, and stared at Fischer vigilantly, and said.

"Save it?"

"Why did you say that?" Fischer raised his eyebrows again when he heard the thunder dragon's words, he was very surprised.

"Huh? Since he didn't come to protect these ants, why did he appear in front of this dragon?" Fischer's answer made the thunder dragon in front of him very puzzled.

"Ah, you said this."

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to protect them."

"I killed you!!!!" Fischer said with a smile on his face when he heard this.

Thunder Dragon: "!!!!!!!"



The thunder dragon roared, shaking the heavens and the earth!!!!!

"Come on!!!" Fischer also let go and roared, full of thunder burst force. .

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