Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 238: The Birth Of The Dragon Slayer

In the castle atrium, Fischer and others and the dragon landed here.

At this time, hundreds of energetic and energetic soldiers had already gathered here.

After seeing the appearance of Fischer and Irene, these soldiers immediately cast their gazes over, each with a look of expectation.

Obviously, these soldiers all knew about the existence of the Dragon Slayer from Berserion.

And their group of soldiers who were summoned is the candidates who are about to become dragon slayer wizards.

I will fight with the wise dragon Berserion in the future.

This is an extremely special honor and an indescribable responsibility for them.

"Are these the candidates for Dragon Slayer?" Fischer asked looking at these energetic soldiers.

"Ah, these are the elite soldiers I asked Berserion to pick, and they all know what's going on. I'll leave it to you, Fischer." Leaving from Fischer's arms, Irene looked at Fischer firmly. please.

After hearing Irene's introduction, many soldiers withdrew their expectant gazes and became extremely determined.

"Well, that's fine." Fischer nodded slightly, but didn't say much.

For these soldiers, Fischer has a slight fondness for them.

Because Fischer had told Irene about the hidden danger of the dragon slayer, presumably Irene had also told Berserion.

And with Berserion's character known as a virtuous dragon, he must not hide these soldiers.

As for the hidden dangers of the Dragon Slayer, apart from Irene, the queen of dragons and Akunologia's transformation of the dragon, the rest are all due to the rejection of the human body by the dragon slayer magic and died of various sequelae. .

In other words, these soldiers knew that they might die for this reason, but they still chose to become dragon slayers.

In this regard, these soldiers are very similar to those soldiers in Fischer's previous life.

Go ahead to dangers.

Knowing that he would die, he still died generously for his compatriots.

It is a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than those guys who only deal with heroes.

However, Schell wouldn't just interact with them just because he had a slight liking for them.

Turning his head to look at the several giant dragons around him, Fischer said calmly: "I think Irene has already explained the effect of the additional magic to you." "

"Next, I need you to cooperate with me, and this cooperation must let go of all your vigilance, so that I can pull out your magic and attach it to them.

"Which of you can do it?"

Hearing the words, several giant dragons looked at each other, and then nodded their ferocious heads in unison.

They had already discussed it before, and they also knew the conditions for adding magic. They all agreed, and now they will naturally not go back on their promises.

"OK, let's get started then."

"Let's start with Berserion first." Fischer nodded lightly, then walked to Berserion's side, stretched out his hand to press Berserion's body, and then, Fischer looked at the many soldiers.

"What about you, who will come first?"

"I'll go first." Before the soldiers could respond, Irene, the queen, volunteered to stand up and looked at Fischer firmly.

Fischer took a deep look at Irene, didn't say much, and stretched out his hand empty-handed.

Seeing this, Irene hurried over and let Fischer's hand rest on her forehead.

Crimson light emerged from Fischer's body, spreading along his hands, covering Berserion and Irene.

The next moment, a huge magic circle appeared above Berserion.

"This is?" Everyone was attracted.

"Additional magic!!!"

"My power has been pulled out, no, it seems to have been pulled out by copying a source of power." Berserion felt the changes in his body, and said lightly.

"Is this additional magic?"

"Copy my power, and then attach it to humans, so that humans can master the power of our dragons.

"This is Dragon Slayer. 11

"The principle is like this. It's not a problem if you just copy it."

"However, it is not a good thing to master the power of a dragon with a human body."

"Humans are weak in physique. If they master the power of dragons, they can indeed become stronger, but I'm afraid that the origin of human beings will not be able to master our power."

"However, this is what you know. These children are willing to become dragon slayers after knowing the consequences. They will not regret it." After stopping Berserion's feelings, several dragons communicated again up.

Both the dragon and the soldiers watched Fischer as the two of them, witnessing the birth of the first dragon slayer.

Soon, more than ten seconds passed, and the light on the two and one dragon slowly disappeared.

The next moment, powerful magic power erupted from Irene's body, and white light appeared on Irene's hands.

(Note, the goblin's heart has infinite magic power, but it does not mean that the magic power is strong, but the consumed magic power will be replenished instantly; it can use magic continuously, whether the goblin's heart is strong or not depends on the user, Irene's current magic power It's not powerful, but its aptitude is very strong, and if you follow the steps step by step, you will definitely become a top powerhouse, the twin jades of the empire, and the scarlet despair.)

'`||This is the strength of the old man, it seems to be a success. "Looking at the magical power wrapped around Irene's hands, Berserion opened his mouth slightly and made a sound.

When the surrounding soldiers heard the words, they immediately cheered and jumped for joy.

Because this means that they will also become dragon slayer wizards in the future, and they will fight against the dragons of the killing faction together with many dragons.

"Indeed, it appears to be a success."

"Your Excellency Fischer, please continue."

"Let these people master our strength, and then we will train them as soon as possible, and let them master our moves."

"Your Excellency Fischer, please." The dragons also opened their mouths.

However, Fischer ignored them, but looked at Irene silently for a long time, and then spoke.

"I hope you won't regret it in the future, Irene."

"Ding!! The mission is complete!! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the three magic spells of the goblin!!!".

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