Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 240: The Dragon King Coming Together

"Ah, what a hassle.

"Are these dragons bothering you?" The rumbling sound made Fischer put down the book in his hand, propped his cheek, looked up at the dusty ceiling above, and murmured.

Two months have passed since returning from the Doragunov Kingdom.

During these two months, the first half of the month was uneventful, but since one and a half months ago, the Mildian School of Magic has had visitors one after another.

One after another, giant dragons came here from the outside world.

Moreover, every time a head appeared, every time it was easily cleaned up by Fischer.

It perfectly reproduced the plot of the calabash dolls that Fischer had seen in his previous life, giving them away one by one, ten of them all came.

Fischer's system space has placed ten dragon hearts (magic crystals).

This is the eleventh dragon.

Speaking of the fact that the dragon came to deliver it, Fischer had to complain about how poor the intelligence network of the killing faction's dragon is.

The fact that Fischer killed the dragon is only spread among humans, and the dragons of the Slaughter faction can't communicate with humans, so Kulong of the Slaughter faction didn't know about it before.

It wasn't until half a month ago that the giant dragon learned about it from the survivors who were teased by him and wanted to live after destroying a small town.

Then, the dragon got angry, and after spreading the information, the dragon came directly to Fischer for trouble.

The dragon's heart then became one of Fischer's magic crystal collections.

Speaking of which, this giant dragon also destroyed Mildian Academy of Magic once.

Due to the suddenness of the incident, Fischer was immersed in the magic books when the first giant dragon appeared, so he didn't notice the breath of this giant dragon at all. The dragon's breath was destroyed.

Fortunately, Fischer had just mastered the arc of time found in many magic books at that time, thus restoring the Mildian Academy of Magic.

Of course, the first giant dragon was also very sad, it was torn into pieces by the angry Fischer, and the most powerful thunderbolt was used to completely annihilate its remnant body, even the dragon's heart and the magic crystal could not Leave.

However, after that, just in case, Fischer used the Fairy Ball to guard the entire Mildian Academy of Magic.

No, the shock of the entire Mildian Academy of Magic is caused by the giant dragon outside attacking the Fairy Ball.

Fischer also didn't hide the goblin ball, after all, Zeref could come back at any time.

So the Dragon Clan was able to find the Mildian Academy of Magic.

"Really, I really want to hide the goblin spirit just like the situation on Sirius Island."

"Otherwise these dragons will be sent one by one like idiots."

"It's impossible for me to study magic quietly." Sighing again, Fischer closed the magic book on the table, and left the magic library in a flash.

When it reappeared, it was already on the main square of Mildian Academy of Magic.

Looking up, Fischer was slightly taken aback.

Because, there are actually two giant dragons above at this time.

One blue, one turquoise.

"Interesting." Looking at the two huge dragons above, Fischer's eyes flickered.

He just felt a breath of the dragon clan just now, but he didn't expect there to be two ends.

Being able to hide his own perception, the giant dragon that came over this time is very extraordinary.

With a flash of figure again, Fischer directly left the Fairy Ball and came outside.

"Human, you have a very strong dragon aura on your body. It's the resentment of our compatriots. You guys deserve death!!!!" After seeing Fischer's appearance, the turquoise dragon sensed Seeing the aura on Fischer's body, he was suddenly extremely angry, and the whole dragon exploded directly.

The ferocious dragon's mouth opened wide, and the turquoise hurricane condensed in its mouth.

Just in an instant, an incomparably huge amount of energy condensed in its mouth, and then roared towards Fischer.


Wherever the hurricane roared, distortions appeared in the space.

"It's this guy who has hidden from my perception."

"A roar of this level, the king of dragons!!!!" The hurricane with terrifying power was close to his face, but Fischer was indifferent, standing quietly in mid-air, thinking silently facing the shining roar.

The next moment, the roar of the hurricane directly hit Fischer.

Seeing this scene, neither the blue dragon nor the turquoise dragon was excited, but their eyes revealed seriousness.

0......seeking flowers......

Whether it's the blue dragon or the turquoise dragon, they all sensed from Fischer the resentment entangled in Fischer after the dragon's death.

The masters of those grievances have a total of eleven giant dragons.

This represents the death of eleven dragons at the hands of Fischer.

In this case, how could the blue dragon and the turquoise dragon underestimate the enemy.

Even if they witnessed Fischer being hit by the roar, they did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

The Dragon Clan is proud, but it's not stupid or naive.

Of course, except for some special characters.

The unwary dragons are all dead.

Sure enough, after the smoke cleared, Fischer appeared unharmed in front of the two giant dragons.


This shocked the hearts of the two giant dragons.

"It's unscathed!!!!"

Especially the turquoise dragon, the attack just now was roaring with all his strength, and even if it couldn't seriously injure Fischer, [at least it should be able to injure Fischer a little bit.

But no, not at all.

Not to mention the injuries on Fischer's body, even his clothes didn't change.

"Are you the Wind Dragon King?" Fischer, who was unharmed, cast his eyes on the turquoise dragon and asked.

"Old man Wind Dragon King Aiglas Froeska." The turquoise dragon calmed down, stared at Fischer solemnly, and replied.

"What about you, the Thunder Dragon King?" Fischer nodded, and then looked at the other blue dragon.

"Old man Thunder Dragon King Roger Alec." The blue dragon also spoke slowly.

"Sure enough, the two-headed dragon king?"

"I didn't expect that I, Fischer, would be able to receive this kind of treatment. I'm so lucky." Fischer said with a light smile.

The dragons that came before were just ordinary dragons, but this time it was the dragon king, and the two dragon kings came together, which really gave Fischer enough face.

"Then, let's get started, let me see the strength of the Dragon King." Fischer moved his hands and feet and said indifferently.

The next moment, Fischer turned into an afterimage and rushed out.

The pupils of the two dragon kings also shrank, flapped their wings and rushed out as afterimages.


In an instant, the earth shook!!!! What!.

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