Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 243 Planning Dragon Magic, Fischer's Disgust

"What are you doing?"

"Is this your resurrection method?" Berserion was a little confused when he saw Fischer biting his fingers and carving something on his companion's back.

"How could it be possible to be resurrected so easily? It's impossible to imagine." Fischer raised his head and gave Berserion a white look, and said contemptuously.

What you portray yourself is grace.

First describe it well, after using the natural teeth to revive them later, the favor will take effect immediately, and the two giant dragons will directly become their subordinates, and they will only listen to what they say.

After all, the dragon's self-esteem is very strong, if they don't do this, it is impossible for them to agree to become their subordinates.

It's good for their senses, but resurrecting them by yourself is not free.

The price is to let these giant dragons become his own family members, and he can also get the wool from these guys by the way to obtain the magic of the dragon.

So you have to think about engraving the grace before they are resurrected.

At that time, even if they don't want to, they will become their own dependents, and there is no way to regret it.

No, it should be said that if you don't portray Enhui, then you won't have the intention of turning against the sea.

Because the existence of grace will not change their personalities, but it will not make them have any bad thoughts about Fischer.

Belserion was also embarrassed by Fischer's contempt, Dragon Claw scratched his forehead, acting a little foolish.

In no time, Fischer had grace portrayed.

After the dragon's grief, Fischer directly pulled out his natural teeth, and the natural teeth exuding light blue light slashed directly at the two giant dragons with two swords.

Frightened Berserion thought that Fischer was going to flog his corpse.

However, then he noticed the breath of life coming from the two giant dragons.

Later, he witnessed the resurrection of two dead companions.

"Didn't you just say that it's impossible to resurrect so easily?"

"Are you serious at that moment just now?" Seeing the lively appearance of the two companions who had fallen once, Berserion turned his head to look at Fischer, and spoke calmly.

"Ah, it seems to be quite serious"~. "Fischer looked at the natural teeth in his hands, and then said with some embarrassment.

Berserion: "..."

Although he was very speechless towards Fischer, Berserion didn't care about this either.

He is very happy now, happy for his companion to come back to life.

"Ber Serion, aren't we dead?" The two giant dragons stood up slowly, and asked in confusion after seeing Ber Serion.

Obviously, the two newly revived dragons haven't figured out the situation yet.

"The thing is like this..." Berserion began to explain to the two giant dragons.

As for Fischer, Fischer had no intention of participating in their conversation.

Because at this time Fischer has already received feedback from the two dragons.

The benefits of the revived two giant dragons immediately took effect, and the two giant dragons directly became Fischer's subordinates.

As a giant dragon, its aptitude goes without saying.

As soon as they became family members, the two giant dragons were divided into Fischer's forces and became members of Fischer's forces.

"Ding!!! Congratulations to the host for getting a new faction member and getting a sign-in reward once, may I ask the host to sign in!!!"

"Ding!!! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability feedback from Eratoka Wembley, the host has obtained the fire dragon magic!!!"

"Ding!!! Congratulations to the host for getting a new faction member and getting a sign-in reward once, may I ask the host to sign in!!!"

"Ding!!! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the ability feedback from Bellafals Clion Aike, the host has obtained the magic of the water dragon!!!"

- water - fire?

Moreover, the obtained dragon magic?

With a mutter in his heart, Fischer began to feel his newfound magic.

The magic of the dragon is the same as the magic of dragon slayer, and it is no different from the original magic of the dragon that Fischer came into contact with when he made the dragon slayer wizard for the Doragunov Kingdom.

Dragon magic, when Fischer wanted it, was readily available.

But Fischer did not become a dragon slayer, because the dragon slayer has the disadvantage of being afraid of vehicles.

Fischer didn't want to add such a shortcoming to himself because of the dragon slaying magic.

However, Fischer didn't just give up on dragon magic.

Reviving the dead dragon and making the dragon his own family is the plan to obtain dragon magic.

The ability to feed back from the system is absolutely perfect [there will be no flaws.

This point, Fischer understood when recruiting Kurapika.

The "absolute time" used by Kurapika's red eyes will consume one hour of life in one second, and the red eye trait obtained by Fischer can also open the "absolute time", but it does not have the weakness of consuming life.

That is to say, let the system feed back the magic of the dragon, and Fischer will not experience motion sickness or traffic sickness.

In fact, in this era, Fischer has the opportunity to make all the dragons his own.

Kill, then engrave favor, use natural teeth to resurrect, and resurrect a dragon with a package.

But Fischer didn't do that.

Doing this by yourself is likely to cause a backlash from all the dragon clans. There are at least ten thousand dragon clans in this era.

If I do this, then the Dragon Clan will know, and it is very likely that the two factions will unite to deal with me.

Even if he has the ability of elementalization, he will definitely not be able to hold 10,000 giant dragons.

The second is the god Anxelam.

Doing this by myself is only possible after verifying that natural teeth can be used in this world.

And the ability of the natural teeth has been verified, and he has become a thorn in the eyes of God Anxelam.

Once I have any adversity, God Anxelam will definitely join in.

A very formidable foe.

At that time, the two will besiege, and I don't know how I died.

As for the third, it is that Fischer hates the humans of this age.

In Fischer's view, since human beings in this era have enjoyed the safe environment brought to them by the dragon slayers, they naturally need to pay something.

Even if you don't pay anything, you can't kill the donkey, at least you must treat the meritorious officials kindly.

But how do humans in this era treat Irene?

Irene was imprisoned for three years and finally sentenced to death. Is this the treatment of a hero?

Don't say that ordinary people don't know, this doesn't work on Fischer's side.

The mutation of Irene happened in full view at first, and the residents of the entire Doragunov Kingdom should know about it.

But during the three years when Irene was imprisoned, no one in the Doragunov Kingdom proposed to let Irene go, and the result of three years of discussion was to execute Irene.

This made Fischer very sick.

So Fischer didn't want these guys to enjoy the security of his post-dragon slaying.

As a last resort, Fischer chose the dead dragon of the Affinity faction.

Gain dragon magic from these friendly dragons. .

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