Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 250: The Prolific Jeff

"It's so miserable. I was just born, and I was sealed by you before I saw this world." Looking at the flame demon who was just born and was collected by Jeff in the END book, Fischer slapped his mouth, a little pity.

"It's the best possible outcome."

"The mission of his birth was originally for Natsu, since that's the case, it's better to seal it directly from the beginning.

"Waiting for him to fulfill his mission after he has seen the prosperity of the world is the most cruel." ~Jerf sighed slightly.

The mission of the END he made from the beginning to the end is to fulfill Naz.

"It's up to you, what your wife does is up to you."

"By the way, you said you made some low-level demons in the ruins before. Where are those guys?" Fischer shrugged, and didn't want to ask about it. Instead, he asked about the low-level demons that Jeff said before.

Fischer is very curious, whether the low-level demons made by Zeref are the same demons in the original nine ghost gates and the gates of Hades.

Although it is unreliable to produce so many demons in a month, but think of Zeref's high-yield and durable production of Atelias, the demon of fire, in a few hours.

Fischer thinks it's possible.

"Well, why are you asking this?" Jeff was a little puzzled, but he still answered Fischer.

"When those guys were made, they were contaminated with the killing atmosphere in the ruins, so those demons have very bad personalities. I put them away in order not to waste lives.

After finishing speaking, Jeff snapped his fingers, and eleven simple books appeared from the air.

"What else can I do?"

"Since there are these demons, it is natural to make the best use of them."

"Such a big academy of magic doesn't need to be taken care of."

"Taking care of the School of Magic takes hours of my time every day."

"If you have these demons, you don't need to waste my time." Fischer rolled his eyes, and then spoke out his thoughts.

That's right, curiosity is nothing but curiosity, but Fischer's real purpose is to find some servants to take care of the Magic Academy.

If Jeff didn't bring some back, Fischer was ready to make some himself.

Anyway, Jeff has put all the research documents on making demons in the library.

With his strong understanding of magic, he should be able to fully master the technique of making demons in a few days.

"So that's the case, if this is the case, then I will order them to manage this academy."

"Make the best use of everything." Hearing this, Jeff nodded with a sudden realization, and agreed.

Fischer was right indeed.

There is no need to worry about the demons running out to cause harm to the world. With the defensive barrier (fairy ball) released by Fischer, these demons made by themselves have no ability to break and run out.

As soon as the words fell, Zulf released all the demons he created from the book.

For a time, the entire research room became overcrowded.

Tall, short, fat, thin, everything.

"Master Jeref!!!!" As soon as these demons appeared, they knelt down on one knee, put their hands on their chests, and saluted Jeref respectfully.

"The next task for you is to take care of this magic academy." Jeff simply ordered.

"Yes, Sir Jeff!!!!" Many demons responded in unison.

"There is a cherry-haired kid in the academy who is my younger brother. Don't shoot him." Just as he was about to wave his hands to drive the demons away, Jeff thought of something and ordered again

"Yes, Sir Jeff!!!!"

"It's all right, you guys back off." Jeff nodded slightly, and waved away people.

"Yes, Sir Jeff!!!!"

A group of demons left here one after another, but each of them looked at Fischer with interested eyes before leaving.

Even so, Fischer felt that these guys seemed to be harboring ill intentions towards him.

Fischer doesn't mind that, though.

Fischer's focus now is Jeff's productivity.

Good guy, all the members of Nine Ghost Gate and Hades Gate were really produced by Jeff in more than a month.

This production speed is not as high as that of sows.

Mardo Gill

Xing Li Tian Kuang Hua

Fran Mars


Kid Che Ethel

Liangyuetian Serra

Black monk Zheng Keith




The original demons are all here.

"Although I released all these guys, these guys may cause trouble for you, and these guys are a bit troublesome to manage." Jeff glanced at the many demons who left, then looked at Fischer, and reminded Fischer .

"You did it on purpose." Fischer looked at him and said contemptuously.

"No, these guys obey my orders very well, and they only obey me."

"I look down on other people. If you want these guys to be obedient, then you have to subdue them." Jeff explained calmly, shaking his head slowly.

0……… Ask for flowers………………

"That's right." Fischer nodded knowingly.

According to the personalities of these guys in the original book, these guys only obey Jeff, and look down on others.

Star Spirit King, Flame Dragon King, Black Dragon Akunologia, these existences that are stronger than them, they are not a bird at all.

It's the kind of character that you are stronger than me, but I just refuse to accept it.

"Even if I give you their bodies, you won't be able to convince them unless you convince them." Jeff sighed slightly.

"Whatever, I don't want them either, as long as they take care of the academy and don't waste my time." Fischer didn't care either.

"Okay, let's talk about the topic."

"Jerph, what do you think of the dragons from the Affinity faction inviting me to fight against those dragons from the Killing faction?" Fischer asked Zeref.

This is the only thing I came back here to ask about Naz.

As for Nazi's matter, Jeff should have made plans, so he doesn't need to worry about it.

So the only trouble he has now is this.

"Speaking of which, those human beings who possessed the power of dragons on the battlefield before created them. They have your aura on them. Jeff pondered.

"Do you want to kill the dragon?"

"I can't help it. Erin begged me for help." Fischer shrugged.

"The Queen of the Doragunov Kingdom?"

"How did she hook up with you?"

"Irene is now my subordinate."

"However, I don't really want to help the Doragunov Kingdom, except for Irene."


"Because of human nature, birds are gone, good bows are hidden, cunning rabbits are dead, and lackeys are cooking. I don't want to help ungrateful people."

"Human nature is indeed very difficult to fathom."

"If the dragon slaying is really completed, then it is indeed possible that this kind of thing will happen."

"I do understand what you're thinking."

"However, my advice is to help."

"The Queen of the Doragunov Kingdom is your subordinate, so she is the one you are worried about. y

"Since that's the case, if you take her away directly after killing the dragon, then everything you worry about will come to nothing, right?" Jeff said lightly.

"Ah, is your suggestion to help?"

"I know, but let's save the child to think about it.",

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