Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 256: Departure

"Yo, Fischer, here you come.

"Are you ready?" As soon as we arrived at the atrium, more than a dozen giant dragons headed by Berserion were already on standby here, as well as the Dragon Slayer Legion of the Doragunov Kingdom. .

Of course, the Doragunov Kingdom is not limited to these dozen or so heads, there are also a lot of news about the Killing Faction of the Seekers that have been spread all over the mainland.

The dragon of the Slaughter faction has moved.

Moreover, the dragon clan of the Slaughter faction had a very clear purpose, flying straight towards the direction of the Doragunov Kingdom.

"I've been waiting for them to appear. If I couldn't find them, I would have taken the initiative to find them." Fischer smiled lightly and said straight.

Although it was only a month, "Six Two Three", his strength has been increasing rapidly.

Of course, it is in terms of magic. After all, Fischer's magic talent is too strong, much stronger than Nen's talent, and with the ability to increase tenfold, Fischer's magic can be said to be advancing by leaps and bounds.

Even if two Thunder Dragon Kings appear on the giant dragon of the Slaughter faction, Fischer is not afraid.

Still, Fischer isn't taking things lightly.

Don't think that Rogge, the former Thunder Dragon King, can underestimate the thunder-type dragon of the Slaughter faction after being given a second by Fischer's goblin brilliance.

Previously, Fischer was able to succeed because only the Thunder Dragon King had a thunder dragon.

But now this upcoming war will definitely not have only one Thunder Dragon King, there will definitely be other Thunder Dragons, and there are quite a few of them.

Fischer wants to repeat the trick is absolutely impossible to achieve.

The law of the goblin can also pose a threat to these guys, but, just like the brilliance of the goblin, I have absolutely no chance to release it.

Fischer had thought about letting Berserion and other giant dragons give him a chance to release the goblin law, but this kind of thing is unrealistic.

Because there are too few giant dragons on their side.

With the enemy's target clearly defined, it was impossible for Berserion and the others to block it.

Therefore, the only way left to Fischer is to use dragon slayer magic to fight.

As for Nen, although Fischer can also use this thing, the damage of Nen is still not as great as the dragon slayer magic's restraint on dragons.

For example, using Nen to fight dragons, Fischer needs to use 7 stacks of strength to be able to damage dragons and kill normal dragons.

And if dragon slaying magic is used to restrain dragons, Fischer only needs to use five levels of magic power to cause damage to dragons.

Of course, when you have to, you still have to use Nen.

"You are really confident, but you can't underestimate the enemy."

"After all, on our side, except for Fischer and you, we are all at a disadvantage in other respects." Berserion said with a smile. Although it was a smile, the dragon's face was slightly ferocious.

"Ah, I know that.

"However, Berserion, don't you really become my subordinates? If you become my subordinates, you can improve your strength while fighting. In this kind of life-and-death battle, you can quickly improve your strength, which is also a life-saving measure for you. Means." Fischer nodded, then asked.

The rapid increase in strength will make you more secure on the battlefield.

"Impossible, unless we die in battle, Fischer, you'd better stop talking about this kind of thing." Hearing what Fischer said, Berserion refused without thinking, and his tone was a bit bad.

Fischer had mentioned this matter to Berserion and other giant dragons half a month ago, but the dragons were too proud to agree to such a thing.

If it weren't for Fischer's strength, and he was on their side now, and Fischer proposed such a thing, they would definitely have a fight with Fischer.

As for the previous two members of the water and fire clans, it was Fischer's reward for resurrecting them, and Fischer did not do anything to shame the dragon clan, so Berserion did not stop them.

But now that they were alive, it was naturally impossible to agree to such a thing as Fischer.

The other giant dragons also looked at Fischer dissatisfied one by one, and groaned dissatisfiedly from their noses......

"Yeah, that's really a pity."

"Then I can only wait until something happens to you" and then turn you into my dependents. Fischer said with a little regret.

"Let's talk later."

"Okay, let's stop here."

"It's not too late, we should set off." Berserion interrupted Fischer's words with some annoyance, and then began to issue the order to set off, flapping his wings soaring into the sky, and leaving the atrium.

The other giant dragons also gave Fischer a dissatisfied look, and then flapped their wings and flew out one by one.

It is not to blame for the reaction of these giant dragons.

After all, Fischer is cursing them to death by saying this, and it is strange to have a good face.

Irene on the side had already covered her mouth and snickered.

"Okay, don't laugh, I'm going first too, you guys will follow up later." Fischer gave Irene a white look, and then said.

"Okay, we'll be there soon." Irene didn't let Fischer take her to set off, after all, she is the captain of the Dragon Slayer Legion, and she wants to lead the Dragon Slayers to fight.

The Dragon Slayers are still here.

"Hmm!" Fischer nodded slightly, and then kissed Irene lightly on the forehead.

The next moment, 4.1 Fischer left the castle of the Doragunov Kingdom with a flicker.

"We'll be there right away, Fischer, hold on." Looking blankly at the ground where Fischer was originally on, Irene murmured slightly in a daze.

Immediately, Irene turned her head to look at the many dragon slayers who were already on standby, and issued orders loudly.

"The Dragon Slayer Sorcerer Legion listens to the order, the whole army sets out!!!"

"Yes!!!!" The high-pitched, loud, and orderly voice resounded throughout the atrium.

On the other side, when Fischer reappeared, he was already on the head of Berserion flying in the sky.

"It's not good for you to appear on the old man's back, why are you standing on the old man's head!!!!".

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