Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 29: The Lightning Cage

"It's finally here. The audience at the scene has been waiting for a long time. Sarah, let's start." Hisoka, after seeing Fischer appearing, was even more excited, and his calm face suddenly changed dramatically. , his complexion became extremely ferocious, like an evil ghost.

However, not only did this change not scare the audience, but they became more excited, and the cheers became louder.

As soon as the words fell, Hisoka didn't wait for Fischer's reaction, and regardless of whether the referee announced the start of the battle, he crossed his hands, and several poker cards appeared at the fingertips, and quickly fired towards Fischer, and his figure followed.

Hisoka's poker attack is fast, but in Fischer's eyes, it is as slow as a tortoise, as if in slow motion. Fischer easily dodged the poker attack, and then his figure flashed, followed by Hisoka They collided head-on.

The arms of the two collided violently, and there was no explosion, but there was a violent, deafening roar.

This kind of situation made the audience who were looking forward to this battle excited and shouted loudly at the top of their lungs. The host also played by ear and commented loudly on the battle between the two, while the referee on the ring had already Emergency avoidance, Hisoka quickly exited the ring and entered the passage after throwing out the playing cards and shouting "start" hastily.

"I've caught you." On the battlefield, Hisoka, who collided with Fischer's arm, changed from his previous evil spirit appearance, with a calm expression and a smile in the corner of his eyes. He looked at Fischer and said with a smile.

"Catch me?"

"Are you talking about this disgusting thing on your arm?" Fischer smiled lightly when he heard this, with strong disdain in his laughter.

Fischer is very clear about Hisoka's abilities.

Stretchable love, this guy's Nen can turn into a chewing gum shape and has a very strong sticky force. Once it is glued, it will be very troublesome and many movements will be restricted.

Moreover, this guy also likes to use 'jue' in battle to hide the Nen he activated, unless he uses 'condensate' all the time during the battle, so that he can notice this.

However, in the ever-changing battle situation, not everyone will always use 'Ning', and only use it when they feel something is wrong, so Hisoka has repeatedly succeeded in battle.

And Fischer, who knows Hisoka's fighting habits, has long been on guard against Hisoka's move.

Hearing this, Hisoka was taken aback for a moment, and then looked at Fischer's arm. With this look, Hisoka knew why Fischer said that.

Not only himself, but Fischer also used it. He thought that there was a small electric arc attached to Fischer's arm stuck by his Nen at this moment. Even if he turned on the 'condensation', it would be difficult to notice this electric arc.

His own Nen stretching love was completely blocked by these tiny arcs, not sticking to Fischer's arm at all.

This discovery made Hisoka a little surprised, but he was not annoyed, and said with a light smile: "It seems that you have investigated my ability very clearly."

"It's the most basic common sense to gather intelligence about the enemy before a battle." Fischer replied flatly.

"That's right, but you don't think I have only this kind of means." Hisoka was not surprised when he heard this, and continued with a smile.


"That's right, your old trick." Hearing this, Fischer didn't panic at all, but directly punctured Hisoka's arrangement.

Hisoka was taken aback by these words. At the beginning of the battle, he launched his poker card as a hole card. This is his usual trick. Moreover, Nen, who was connected to the poker card, was transferred to his feet and connected from the ground. Yes, I didn't expect Fischer to even discover this.

But just when Hisoka was in a daze again, Fischer's attack was already reactionary.

The lightning all over his body has spread rapidly around Fischer and Hisoka, forming a huge cage with a radius of about fifteen meters, and the two of them are directly trapped in the lightning cage.

If you want to rush out of the lightning cage, you will definitely be seriously injured.

It is precisely because of this trick that Fischer wastes his tongue in a spat with Hisoka.

Otherwise, with Fischer's character, it is impossible to waste saliva in battle.

"Are you going to limit the battlefield!!!" Noticing this, Hisoka was stunned for a moment, then bent his legs, jumped back quickly, and distanced himself from Fischer, then glanced at the thunder and lightning around him, The corner of his mouth curled up, he smiled evilly and said.

However, this time Fischer has no intention of talking to Hisoka.

The lightning on Fischer's body kept surging, rushing towards the lightning cage from all directions, and the color of the lightning cage became darker visible to the naked eye, gradually changing from the light blue at the beginning to the faint blue, and finally turned into purple .

As for Hisoka, looking at this scene, he didn't mean to stop him at all. Instead, he showed a surprised look, and just watched Fischer strengthen the lightning cage.

That's right, the color change of the lightning represents the stronger attribute of Fischer's Thunder Cage.

If the previous lightning cage would cause serious injuries if forced to break through, the current lightning cage is completely impossible to break through.

At least with Hisoka's destructive power, it can't be broken.

Once Hisoka really chooses to break through the lightning cage, he will definitely peel off several layers of skin.

"It seems that I'm really going to have a showdown here, it's okay." Faced with this situation, Hisoka looked away, looked at Fischer, licked his lips and said with a smile.

"Sa, let's start." Fischer said indifferently, his expression unchanged.

The next moment, Fischer flashed and rushed towards Hisoka.

Hisoka also shrank his pupils, and shouted excitedly, his face became ferocious again, laughing like a ghost and rushing towards Fischer.

Hisoka, who has always been graceful in battle, couldn't stop facing a ripe red apple like Fischer.

Outside the Thunder Cage, the audience in the auditorium became more and more ebullient, and the shouts resounded throughout the arena and spread to the outside through various passages, making the people outside couldn't help but exclaim and look sideways frequently.

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