Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 31: Absolute Time

But when Machi was slandering Hisoka, there was a change in the ring at this time.

Hisoka, who was only slightly downwind, was thrown flying by Fischer's punch without any warning, and his whole body was thrown into the water on the ground.

If Hisoka hadn't stopped his tumbling body in time, Hisoka would have hit the lightning cage directly.

Seeing this scene, the entire arena suddenly boiled up, and the audience's cheers flooded the entire arena with high excitement.

And on the ring, in the Thundercage, Hisoka knelt on one knee, showing shock.

"Enhancer?" With one hand drooping, Hisoka read with a dull expression.

That's right, by drooping this hand, Hisoka's left hand has been completely useless.

Scrapped by Fischer's attack just now.

As for why Hisoka has such a sluggish look, it is naturally because of the Enhancer in his mouth.

The attack just now Hisoka knew very well that it was not Conjurer's qi, not Fischer's Conjurer's Nian-ki, but the Nian-ki exclusive to the Enhancer, and he was attacked by the Enhancer's Nian-ki on Fischer just now.

Enhancer is the system with the most powerful attack power among the five systems. Under the same mind energy output, no system is more powerful than Enhancer.

And just now he was unprepared to let Fischer's Enhancer mind attack, which directly caused one of his arms to be crippled.

If it's just this, it's nothing, it wouldn't make Hisoka show such a surprised expression.

The reason for this is entirely because of the difference in the mind system.

Hisoka is pretty sure that Fischer's Nen system is Conjurer.

It's not that it's impossible for Conjurer to cultivate such a level of lightning.

However, what Fischer used just now was an Enhancer, and it was a 100% cultivated Enhancer.

He also practiced the Enhancer, but it was impossible for the Conjurer's Nen to achieve the kind of power that attacked him just now.

The kind of Enhancer thought energy that attacked me just now was 100% cultivated, and its power is also 100% Enhancer.

Can a person cultivate the mind energy of the two systems to 100%?

This is simply impossible.

"No, there is another possibility. This kid is a trait type." As soon as he denied it, an idea appeared in Hisoka's mind, which directly overturned the previous denial.

"Are you surprised?" Fischer, who had been silent since the beginning of the real battle, finally spoke at this time, and said to Hisoka who was showing astonishment.

"You're from the trait department, right?" Hisoka stood up slowly, and instead of answering, asked a rhetorical question.

"Ah, traits." Fischer said lightly, walking towards Hisoka as he spoke, his body was surging with vigor, and the thunder and lightning cage kept giving up ripples under this aura, and the powerful aura swept the entire arena.

"This breath is similar to Uvogin." As Fischer's breath vented, it spread to the entire arena and to the auditorium. In the passageway of the auditorium, Machi frowned.

She could feel that the aura Fischer released now was very different from the aura she had released before, and it was very similar to the aura she released from the Uvogin battle before.

It was a ferocious and domineering breath, the breath of ferocious beasts.

"Unexpectedly!! Hisoka's hand was crippled by Fischer!!!!"

"It can be seen that Hisoka's one hand can no longer continue to fight. Let's wait and see what direction the next battle will develop!!!" The host's voice sounded in the arena again at this time.

At this time, the referee under the ring only dared to judge the battle situation in the audience, and Fischer scored two points.

"It really surprised me. I didn't expect you to have this ability." Standing up unsteadily, Hisoka no longer had the abnormal smile before, and his expression was calm and solemn.

The current Hisoka is not at all as relaxed and freehand as when fighting Huashi Douro in the original book. Even if his hands were broken, he still defeated Huashi Douro calmly.

Now Hisoka is facing a Nen master like Fischer who can cripple one hand of him who can make a full shot, not a half-baked guy like Douro Huashi.

So Hisoka couldn't show that look at all.

He was already at a disadvantage in the battle just now, and this time he was directly crippled by Fischer, which made Hisoka's situation worse, adding fuel to the fire, and the situation became even more difficult.

"You're still surprised." Fischer responded lightly, and then his figure flashed, and he flashed towards Hisoka again.

At the same time, while flashing past, the lightning on Fischer's body shot up into the sky, splitting towards several completely irrelevant places behind him.

Snapped! !

Snapped! !

Snapped! !

A series of detonation sounds followed.

Seeing this, Hisoka, who was about to meet Fischer's attack, unconsciously twitched the corners of his eyes.

Originally, he thought that since he was injured so badly and the situation was so unfavorable, Fischer should relax a bit.

So he took the opportunity to introduce the stretchable love to the ground, and then led it to the blind spot behind Fischer, wanting to be a surprise soldier, but unexpectedly Fischer discovered it all at once, without any relaxation at all, without giving him any chance.

"What a troublesome opponent." Sighing slightly in his heart, Hisoka could only droop his left hand, and fought with Fischer again.

The loss of a hand made Hisoka's situation even worse.

Fischer's attack was pressing harder and harder. He could cope with it with two hands, but now with only one hand left, it became more difficult to resist Fischer's attack.

From time to time, he would get punched by Fischer a few times. Even though he had protected the Nian Qi at the attacked place, under the attack of the Enhancer's Nian Qi, his Conjurer Nian Qi defense still suffered a lot of damage.

Speaking of the Enhancer's attack, Hisoka had to call Fischer a monster inwardly.

This guy Fischer has two things in one mind. The Nen conversion of the two systems of Enhancer Conjurer is completely seamless. No, it should be said that there is no conversion at all. After all, the lightning cage has always existed, and there is no sign of collapse.

Fischer not only uses the Enhancer's fist to attack himself, but also uses the Conjurer's lightning to destroy the stretchable love he used. He doesn't give his Nen any room to use, so he can only feel aggrieved Use fists to attack.

The stretchable love is restricted and locked by lightning, and the frivolous illusion is also stared at by Fischer's "condensation". There is no chance, and the left hand is abolished by Fischer, and at the same time, the fist of the Enhancer is constantly on the body. The beating made his injuries worse and worse, and there were more and more bruises.

If he was only slightly at a disadvantage before, he is completely at a disadvantage now. Hisoka has been completely suppressed, and there is no chance of a comeback.

The space is limited, and the Conjurer and the Enhancer are fighting hand-to-hand, and they are still opponents with a higher level of cultivation than themselves. This battle can be said to have come to an end.

As time goes by, if Hisoka does not concede defeat, he will only be seriously injured by Fischer and the winner will be decided.

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