Traveling From Hunter

Chapter Thirty-Three Warning, Killua's Guidance Request

Looking at Hisoka, who was bound by the lightning and floating on the ring, Fischer also moved his mind to remove the lightning that bound Hisoka, and Hisoka fell to the ground directly.

"It's really merciless." Hisoka, who fell on the broken ring, looked at the dazzling ceiling and said with a smile.

He can't move at all now, the injuries on his body are too serious, and he can't even stand up.

"Do you need treatment?" Fischer, who was about to leave, heard Hisoka's words, turned his head, looked at Hisoka, and then asked with a dazed look.

"Healing? You still have healing Nen?" Hisoka was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Two hundred million ring nuns, to bring you back to normal." Fischer didn't answer, but offered a price.

"Ah, then help me heal." Fischer didn't answer, and Hisoka was not surprised, and asked with a smile.

When Fischer heard this, he didn't speak, and with a wave of his hand, an emerald green light fell on Hisoka's body, and the thoughts flowed out continuously, and Hisoka's injuries were visible to the naked eye.

This scene surprised the ambulance personnel who had just arrived here with a stretcher.

Soon, Hisoka's injury recovered as before. Hisoka also stood up, twisting his arms and moving.

"This is my account number. Send the money later." Fischer asked the staff for a pen and paper, wrote his account number to Hisoka, and asked Hisoka to send the money.

"This kind of healing ability, um, is really good. You have lost 200 million monks." Hisoka reached out to take the note, looked at the string of numbers on the note, and said with a smile.

Recovering as before, literally, the injuries of the body completely disappeared, except that the mind energy did not recover, everything else recovered.

With such terrifying healing ability, Hisoka felt that the price Fischer charged him for 200 million monks was a big loss.

For my own injury, if there is no treatment, it will take at least three months with ordinary treatment methods, and the cost of money will be at least one billion or more.

After finishing speaking, Hisoka's eyes fell on Fischer, and his eyes flickered slightly.

"What, want to fight again?"

"I said, if you disturb me again, I will kill you mercilessly." Noticing Hisoka's gaze, Fischer also looked over, and said flatly, with a flat tone, but full of murderous intent, the entire shattered ring The room was like a world of ice and snow, which made several ambulance workers shiver.

"Yeah, how could that be, I'm not like you, I don't have much energy in my body now." Hisoka said with his face unchanged when he heard the words, waving his hands.

"Ah, yes, then see you by fate."

"Um, no, it's better not to see you, you are too perverted, I don't really want to see you." Seeing this, Fischer nodded slightly, then turned and left, waving goodbye as he walked.

"Such words really make me sad." Upon hearing this, Hisoka put the note in his hand to his mouth to cover half of his face, his eyes flickered, and said sadly.

"That look just now, although very plain, but it contains endless killing intent."

"I have no doubt that once I say I want to continue fighting, that kid will kill me on the spot."

"This battle, I fell into this kid's calculation from the very beginning." Looking at Fischer's back, Hisoka was expressionless, but his heart was turbulent.

When he said that sentence just now, he clearly felt that his whole body was locked by an extremely terrifying killing intent.

As long as he dared to continue talking, Hisoka had no doubt that Fischer would send him the most powerful thunderbolt on the spot, killing him in this ring.

He doesn't have much Nian Qi to use now, but the Nian Qi on Fischer's body is still majestic.

Once Fischer really attacks him, he is absolutely unstoppable and will be chopped into coke.

"It's really scary, Illumi's younger brother." With sarcastic words in his mouth, Hisoka also left the ring, entered the player channel and left here.

On the other side, Fischer saw two figures shortly after entering the player tunnel.

"It's amazing, bro, the battle between the two of you is so fierce!!!" As soon as he saw Fischer coming in, Killua ran over excitedly and said excitedly.

Gon, who was behind him, also ran over, also showing excitement.

After coming to the Sky Arena and separating from Fischer, the two reached the 200th floor relying on their own strength. Because there was no obstruction from Hisoka, the two entered the 200th floor smoothly.

After arriving at the 200th floor, the two heard the news that Fischer was going to fight Hisoka. Naturally, they would not miss it and bought tickets to watch the battle.

The battle between Fischer and Hisoka opened their eyes and benefited a lot.

The two of them just came into contact with Nen, they never imagined that Nen's battle could be so fierce, which made them very yearning for Nen, longing, longing for such a fierce battle in the future.

"Cultivate well, you can do it to a certain level." Fischer smiled faintly, and said to Killua.

Killua's future path is to use thunder and lightning like himself. When Killua's Nian Qi cultivation level rises, Killua can also do the battle he just fought.

"Yeah, yes, bro, I'm also developing Raiden's Nen, can you guide me!!!" Killua nodded repeatedly, and then asked Fischer.

"Well, guide?"

"Okay." Hearing Killua's request, Fischer was slightly taken aback, then agreed after a moment of thought.

Originally, I wanted to complete the sign-in task after I finished fighting with Hisoka, but since Killua asked me, let's postpone this for a while.

"Great, thank you brother!!!" Hearing Fischer's promise, Killua thanked excitedly.

"Um, by the way, brother, can you also guide Gon." When excited, Killua suddenly thought of something, and asked again with some embarrassment.

"Guide him?" Fischer heard this, his eyes shifted to Gon behind Killua, and he frowned slightly.

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