Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 37 Accept

Fischer, who has seen Nicole Robin's experience, naturally knows that the bread in Nicole Robin's hands is her daily food.

I didn't expect to give it to myself.

Nor is Fischer in a daze because Nicole Robin gave her food to herself.

The reason why Fischer was in a daze was because it was the first time he encountered such a situation, and he couldn't react for a while.

When Robin's voice sounded again, Fischer came back to his senses.

"Brother Fischer, the bread is a bit hard. I'll go and cook some vegetable soup for you." Robin seemed to think of something after seeing Fischer's blank look. He put the bread beside the bed, and then walked towards the kitchen, orderly I started doing housework.

Only then did Fischer notice the environment he was in now.

This is a very simple small house with bare walls, except for Fischer's bed, there is only a creaking table that is almost useless, other than that is where Robin is now, also A very shabby room with only a very messy little stove where Robin was lighting a fire right now.

"It's really a very extraordinary identity." After whispering to himself, Fischer turned his attention to Robin in the kitchen.

Although the system arranged such an identity for himself, Fischer didn't have much affection for Robin.

Fischer will not really regard Robin as his sister just because of the identity arranged by the system, those false memories.

Fischer's current impression of Robin is the one he saw in his previous life.

Just pity for this guy.

"Robin, don't do it, go out with me." Getting up from the bed, Fischer shouted to the busy Robin.

He will not eat these black bread.

If Fischer really had the same status, it would be a good thing to have black bread to eat, but he wasn't.

This dark stuff is hard to eat.

So Fischer decided it would be better to go out and get some game.

After all, I still have Menchi's craftsmanship, so I can't treat myself badly.

"Huh?" Robin, who was busy, turned his head and looked at Fischer with a puzzled face.

Under the bright moon and silver frost, on the west coast of O'Hara, Fischer and Robin were sitting in front of a bonfire. A huge, sizzling barbecue was hanging above the bonfire, and Robin was at the moment Holding a piece of delicious barbecue in his hand, he gnawed on it with relish, his mouth full of oil.

Not far from the two of them, there was a huge gap in the body of a huge sea king, and there was no human breath at this time.

This is Fischer's masterpiece.

As a strong man, Fischer would not go out of his way to eat black bread if conditions permit.

So Fischer brought Robin here to start a small stove.

It's just a Neptune, and it's just a piece of cake for Fischer.

Of course, if it's the giant Neptunes in the deep sea, the kind near Murloc Island, Fischer might have to spend a lot of time.

"Speaking of which, the quality of sea king meat is really good. Maybe you can bring some back to Menchi to see if you can strengthen her." At this time, Fischer was also holding a piece of barbecue and eating it slowly and elegantly, while eating While thinking.

"Brother Fischer, the barbecue you grilled is delicious. This is the first time I have eaten such delicious food." At this time, Robin who killed a large piece of barbecue said with a smile.

"Eat more if it tastes good." Hearing this, Fischer said lightly, then cut off another piece of barbecue, threaded it through a branch and handed it over.

Robin quickly reached out to take it, looked at Fischer, hesitated for a moment, and then ate again.

Fischer didn't speak, and the two ate the barbecue quietly.

After a while, Robin stopped what he was saying, looked at Fischer with a melancholy expression, gritted his teeth, and said to Fischer, "Brother Fischer, what did Robin do?"

Fischer, who was eating barbecue, was taken aback when he heard this, and looked over.

I saw that Robin's face was full of sadness at this time, tears were already welling up in the corners of his eyes, and he looked like he was about to cry.

"What's the matter?" Fischer was also a little confused at this time, why did it happen all of a sudden, almost crying, what happened?

"Brother Fischer, what did Robin do to make you angry."

"I feel that Brother Fischer is alienating Robin, and I feel that there is a long, long distance between you and Brother Fischer."

"Robin doesn't want this!!!" Hearing Fischer's response, Robin's tears flowed down immediately, and the snot also flowed out of his nose, and his nose twitched and cried. Regardless, he rushed towards Fischer, threw himself into Fischer's arms and cried loudly.

In Robin's eyes, Fischer is his only family member on this island, and even the scholars in the Tree of Omniscience can't compare.

Yesterday, after Fischer had a cold, she woke up like this. Robin could clearly feel that Fischer's feelings for her had undergone a huge change. There was an insurmountable distance between the two of them. She didn't want this to happen. She didn't want her only relative to leave her.

This sudden scene made Fischer a little overwhelmed, staring blankly at Robin who was crying in his arms, and didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

However, listening to Robin crying, Fischer also gradually thought of her future experience, but her heart became softer. After a long silence, Fischer stretched out her arms and hugged Robin lightly on Robin's head. Touched lightly.

"Brother Fischer?" Robin noticed Fischer's action, and Robin looked up at Fischer, still sobbing.

"Don't worry, it's fine, take a good rest, and you'll be fine tomorrow." Fischer said in a gentle tone.

"Really?" Robin didn't believe it.

"Really, I'm not kidding you." Fischer continued, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a rare smile appeared on his face.

Seeing this smile, Robin was overjoyed immediately, with an expression of not knowing whether to cry or laugh, his mouth was wide open, and tears flowed into his mouth, but Robin didn't care at all.

Because she felt her brother was back, that's how Brother Fischer used to smile.

However, laughing and laughing, Robin's eyelids twitched, and finally closed gradually, and the whole person fell into Fischer's arms. Soon, the sound of even breathing came from Fischer's arms.

Looking at the little girl in his arms, a trace of pity flashed in Fischer's eyes.

"Forget it, one more sister is one more sister."

"Nicole Robin, this character who has been abandoned by fate since childhood, was a tragic portrayal in the first half of his life, and he was not redeemed until he met the Straw Hat Pirates."

"Well, maybe I can change your future destiny."

"How can you say that you are also my sister now. The title of Devil's Son is still insensitive."

"However, Robin is still too young, and it is too risky for her to wander alone in the sea."

"Perhaps I can rescue Robin's mother, Alvia, and let her take Robin with her. That woman has been wandering at sea for several years and has relatively rich experience."

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