Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 49 Gai Lu's Ability

"It's really insane."

After entering the cave, Fischer felt his eyes go dark, and then light up, and he appeared in another place.

Fischer and others are not in a cave at this time, but a very huge forest.

As for why it is huge?

Have you ever seen a big tree that is more than ten meters thick and hundreds of meters high?

Anyway, Fischer didn't.

It would be fine if there is only one tree, but the forests known by Fischer and others are densely packed with such big trees, and it is as if Fischer and others have entered a prehistoric forest.

Moreover, in addition, the surrounding flowers and weeds are much taller than Fischer and others. Have you seen the two-meter-high weeds?

Have you ever seen a flower bone that is six or seven meters high?

Have you ever seen a mouse bigger than a human body?

Um? A rat bigger than a human?

Fischer, who was meditating inwardly, suddenly twitched.

Nima, in front of Fischer and others, there are hundreds of rats bigger than the human body running towards this side, densely packed.

Without even thinking about it, Fischer jumped up, preparing to land on a big tree not far away, avoiding the impact of these giant rats.

Netero and others did the same thing, they all jumped up at the same time.

However, unlike Fischer, Netero and the others jumped directly into the flowers not far away and landed there.

"Stupid, come here." Fischer, who was just about to land on a branch, suddenly realized that Crook had rushed in front of him at some point, and the huge impact directly flew Fischer towards the flowers below.

The two landed on the flower safely.

As soon as he landed, Fischer was scolded.

"Stupid, didn't I just say that you can't act rashly in this place."

"Besides, I should have said just now that these big trees have unknown toxicity, so you can't settle down at will!!!"

Facing Crook's reprimand, Fischer just curled his lips and didn't refute. After all, Crook was doing it for his own good. Just now, Crook could completely ignore him, but he still came here. Fischer appreciated the kindness.

Of course, Fischer didn't really forget what Crook just said about this secret realm.

Rather, Fischer did it on purpose.

Most of the people in the Zoldyck family are invulnerable to all poisons, because they have received special training in poison resistance since they were young, so they have all developed a strong poison resistance.

In the original book, Killua said that poison didn't work for him.

When fighting Chrollo, Silva, who was attacked by Chrollo's knife and poison, also said that there is no problem.

Chrollo uses a poison with a toxicity of only 0.1 mg to bring down a whale.

But after Silva was injured, he just randomly took a hair to contain the bleeding wound, and then continued to fight Chrollo like a normal person, completely ignoring the toxicity of the dagger.

This is enough to show that the people of the Zoldyck family are resistant to poison.

And this is because the people of the Zoldyck family have been exposed to poisons since childhood, and then use various drugs to remove the poison and make the body develop resistance.

Long-term training has given Fischer a very strong resistance to poison.

Although Fischer has not been able to compare with Silva in this respect, it is not far behind.

Just now, I wanted to be exposed to the unknown toxicity that Crook said, and then let my powerful toxicity antibodies neutralize it, so as to make myself immune to this unknown toxicity and make my toxicity immunity stronger.

In the end, it was unexpectedly destroyed by Crook, but Fischer would not be angry because of it.

"Okay, okay, Crook, don't say any more."

"The unknown poison here is really troublesome for us, but not for this kid."

"The head of the Zoldyck family has been professionally trained to be immune to things like poisons since he was a child."

"I guess this kid just wanted to test the toxicity of the surrounding trees." At this time, the three of Netero also walked over, and Netero said to Crook.

"Uh, is that so?" Crook's face froze immediately when he heard this, a little embarrassed.

"You know a lot, old man." Fischer looked at Netero and said meaningfully.

"It's lucky that you were able to be reprimanded by Crook without saying a word." Jin walked over, looked at Fischer and said unexpectedly.

As being able to defeat the Nian Qi defense that he usually releases, Jin is very clear that Fischer's strength cannot be compared with Crook's.

However, when facing Crook's reprimand, Fischer silently endured it without any intention of refuting it, which puzzled Jin very much.

"Cruck is doing it for my own good, so I won't be ignorant." Fischer rolled his eyes and explained.

He is not a rebellious and ungrateful person. Although Crook didn't help him just now, at least Crook wanted to save himself.

Crook can tell whether he is kind or malicious towards him. Fischer can still tell the difference. Facing someone who treats him well, he won't lose a piece of meat if he is said a few words.

"Hohohoho, my vision is not wrong, your kid's thinking is really different from the others in Zoldyck." Netero also laughed after hearing Fischer's words.

With Fischer taking over the Zoldyck family, the next generation of the Zoldyck family should develop in a better direction.

No, no, according to what you said, Grandpa Jeno is also different from other people, because he will not get angry because of a few words.

"Okay, let me do it next."

"I want to identify the toxicity of this place and see what antidote needs to be made."

"You help me protect the law." At this time, the snake girl Gai Lu stood up and said to several people.

After speaking, Gai Lu sat cross-legged on the huge petals, and her body began to emit thoughts, spreading to the surroundings.

This is 'circle'.

In just a moment, this thought energy has spread hundreds of meters away.

Fischer took a look with 'Condensation' and found that the circle was still spreading rapidly.

In just ten seconds, Gai Lu's circle has spread out to a distance of more than 400 meters and close to 500 meters.

This surprised Fischer.

Gai Lu is even more terrifying than his grandfather Jie Nuo in the attainment of 'round'. He can actually cover such a long distance. Judging from his appearance, it seems that he can continue to spread. He really has a specialization in art.

However, what is Gai Lu planning to do when she releases 'Yuan'?

"Aren't you curious why Gail released 'round'?" Crook, who calmed down his mood and made himself no longer embarrassed, saw Fischer's doubts, and instantly understood what Fischer was wondering about, and left Come and say.

"Hey, Crook, are you being too kind to this kid?" At this time, Jin said a little unhappy.

"Why, don't be nice to this kid, I want to be nice to you, a sloppy uncle." Crook didn't hesitate at all, and said loudly, with a rough tone.

Fischer: "..."

"Gai Lu is a poison hunter, capable of making various poisons and antidotes."

"As long as you use Nian Qi to touch everything around you, Gai Lu will be able to understand the various toxic elements around you, analyze them in your heart, and then make an antidote." Netero walked over, and instead of Crook who was angry with gold, he asked Fischer explained.

Fischer: "..."

Is it really good for you to expose other people's Nen like this?

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