Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 5 Hisoka Struck By Lightning

That's right, this sudden attack was Hisoka.

The famous magician killer.

At this time, the magician killer was walking towards Fischer with an excited face, his steps were very graceful, and the poker cards in his hand were spinning as fast as juggling.

"I didn't expect to come across such a wonderful apple when I participated in the Hunter experiment. It's a green apple that has gradually matured."

"It's really troublesome to be targeted by this pervert."

Although he complained inwardly, Fischer's action towards Hisoka would not be treated as if it hadn't happened.

Electric arcs were slowly entwined all over his body, and Fischer's expression gradually calmed down.

Seeing this, Illumi on the side flashed his figure and quickly left here.

When he noticed the change in Fischer's expression, Illumi knew that Fischer was serious.

Fischer usually treats people with a calm expression, occasionally showing a slight smile.

But once Fischer's expression becomes deadpan, it means Fischer is angry.

When fighting, it means Fischer is ready to get serious.

Illumi is very aware of Fischer's power, and if he stays here, even at his current level, he will suffer indiscriminate disaster.

So Illumi flashed immediately.

A dead fellow is not a poor daoist. Although the relationship with Hisoka is okay, but Hisoka does evil, so it has nothing to do with him.

Also, he really wanted to see the scene where Hisoka was struck by lightning, it would definitely be very interesting.

And the other people around also backed away in shock after seeing the electric arc appearing on Fischer's body, giving way to the surrounding space.

Although I don't know why the electric arc suddenly appeared on Fischer's body, they are all elites among ordinary humans, and they can clearly sense the danger from Fischer's body.

Naturally, he doesn't want to stay here.

The place where Fischer was suddenly turned into a vacuum.

Only Hisoka was not afraid of the electric arc on Fischer at all, and walked towards Fischer unhurriedly as usual with graceful steps, the iconic perverted smile on his face gradually dissipated, called joyful emotion, even if he retreated Candidates who go out tens or hundreds of meters can feel it, almost materialized.

"It's amazing, you have grown to this extent at your age." While walking, Hisoka chuckled, and the joy on his face became stronger and stronger.

Facing Hisoka like this, Fischer is really helpless.

For those who attacked him, even if Fischer would not kill them all, he would definitely seriously injure them and make them pay the price.

But Hisoka is an exception.

Because this guy is very perverted and very stubborn, once he is targeted, he will have to bear this guy's stalking next.

Just like Chrollo Lucilfer, the leader of Phantom Troupe.

This guy, after knowing that Chrollo Lucilfer was sealed by Kurapika Nen, in order to undo the seal on Chrollo Lucilfer and fight Chrollo, he deliberately ran into the island of greed to find the nemesis master, and then he clung to Chrollo, vowing not give up.

The only way to completely solve this trouble is to cut it off from the source.

That is, directly addressing Hisoka.

With Fischer's current strength, it is very difficult to solve Hisoka.

After all, although Fischer's mind energy is very powerful, he has not yet reached the point where he can directly crush Hisoka with his huge mind energy, and in terms of combat experience, he can't compare to a battle-hardened veteran like Hisoka.

This guy's combat awareness is too strong, he is almost a born fighter.

Even Chrollo Lucilfer defeated this guy after rigorous calculations, and he was not killed yet. He escaped the catastrophe by feigning death and killed two brigade members by him.

Furthermore, Hisoka is the only friend of his elder brother Illumi in this life.

Oh the one and only.

Based on this alone, Fischer felt that he should also show mercy to Hisoka.

Well, just concoct a meal, don't kill him.

Otherwise, the elder brother Illumi would really have no friends, and the one who was alone would have to die pitifully.

It's best to let the relationship between the two of them develop, (?′ω`?).

Although thousands of thoughts flashed in my mind, in reality they were just fleeting.

With a thought, and with a slight flick of the finger, a thunderbolt with a thick human body split off Hisoka's head in an instant.

The speed of lightning is so fast that even Hisoka, who was completely unprepared, did not escape the blow.

Just resisted the thunder so abruptly.

A violent explosion sounded, and Hisoka's location was shrouded in smoke.

"This guy Fischer's lightning power has become stronger again." Not far away, Illumi watched this scene, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly on his expressionless face, thinking silently in his heart.

Fischer's lightning Nen is more powerful and faster.

When he played against Fischer before, Fischer's lightning was not so fast and strong.

Before he was in the 'round' state, he could still detect the lightning attack and dodge it. Even if he resisted hard, as long as he practiced well in 'Jian', he could resist it.

But this time, he estimated that even if he noticed it, he would be very embarrassed if he wanted to escape.

If you resist stubbornly, you will probably suffer a lot of injuries.

"Monster." Illumi said calmly with a blank face.

Illumi felt that their Zoldyck family was the family that gave birth to monsters.

Both Alluka and Fischer are monsters among monsters.

Of course, he was no monster himself.

When he was thirteen years old, Nen had just stepped into the ranks of masters, far from being able to compare with Fischer.

If Fischer's current nen power is ten, then his nen's power at the age of thirteen should be only one, or even less than one.

"Eh..." Just when Illumi was thinking about the gap between himself and Fischer again, the smoke covering Hisoka's body had already dissipated, and seeing Hisoka's current appearance, Illumi's face froze Stopped, almost didn't laugh out.

However, he is professionally trained, and he will never laugh, poof! ! ! !

"I'm sorry, I really can't help it." Covering his face with his hands, Illumi's eyes were still dull, but the corners of his mouth covered by his big hands were bent, and his shoulders trembled slightly.

I saw that Hisoka's soft hair, which was like a hedgehog, was gone, and replaced by an afro. Standing in the deep pit, Hisoka's white and tender face was also covered with burnt ashes.

"For the sake of you being his friend, that's it this time, don't bother me." The attack with half power fell on Hisoka, and Fischer achieved the goal of deterrence.

As for why he knew that he had achieved his goal, he knew it by looking at Hisoka's fearful eyes.

Out of Nen mode, Fischer turned and walked towards the crowd.

"It's amazing!!!" Not far away, Killua, who watched Fischer walking towards him, also recovered from the shock at this time, and couldn't help shouting.

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