Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 70: Aggrieved Fischer, Funny Wu Laoxing




Two streamers of light, one blue and one yellow, were constantly entangled in the fiery red fire field. The blue and yellow staggered attacks blasted the ground into huge deep pits, and an extremely violent explosion erupted. The powerful impact moved mountains in all directions to the west~ He vented like a sea.

Fischer and Huang Yuan have completely fought each other.

There are only two of them left on this battlefield, no, five of them.

However, rather than a fight, it might be better to say that Fischer is avoiding the attack of the yellow ape as much as possible, and bombarding the yellow ape with thunder from time to time.

No way, Fischer tried just now, Nian's attack can't hurt the yellow ape, all Fischers who don't have arrogance and can catch the yellow ape's body can only rely on the speed of the thunder fruit to dodge.

If Kuzan or Yusakaski come over, Fischer is really not afraid. Even if he doesn't run away, he can harass the two with the ability of the thunder fruit. Unlike the yellow ape, the sparkling fruit is a luminous energy body, no Grabbing his body can't attack him or affect him at all.

Obviously, the energy-type natural fruit, the Thunder fruit cannot restrain the Shining fruit.

"Those guys, haven't any of them left here yet? It's really useless." Xie secretly cursed while hiding behind Hancock and the three of them.

The three of Hancock were surrounded by Fischer's use of Enhancer's mind energy, and the three of them already knew how to use domineering, so even if Fischer used the ability of the thunder fruit, the three of them did not receive too much damage, at most their bodies were a little swollen. numb.

After all, Fischer's main purpose of using the thunder fruit was not to attack the three of them.

"It's really lucky. I didn't expect you to not be domineering. This is a god-sent opportunity."

"I have to keep you here completely." After dozens of times of entanglement, Huang Yuan naturally found out about Fischer's situation, and couldn't help but tilt his mouth and said wretchedly.

However, although he said so on the surface, Huang Yuan was very fortunate in his heart.

Fortunately, it was me who came this time. If Kuzan and Sakaski came over, Fischer would definitely escape this time.

The thunderous fruit is not only the most destructive fruit of the natural system, but also can compete with the sparkling fruit ability user in terms of speed.

Moreover, judging from the situation just now, this fellow Fischer has obviously developed the thunder fruit to a very deep place.

Its power is even stronger than his own attack, and its speed is not inferior to his own in the slightest.

That's why he was able to cling to Fischer like this.

However, despite this, he did not relax, staring at Fischer intently.

When he came back from O'Hara a few years ago, Kuzan said that although the person in front of him didn't know the reason, besides the thunder fruit, he had the space-type devil fruit ability.

Huang Yuan didn't want to be like Kuzan, being accidentally escaped by Fischer using his space ability.

"You've done a good job, Polusalino." At this moment, a powerful whistling sound suddenly sounded in the ears of the two, and then a voice full of air came into the ears of the two of them.

Immediately afterwards, a figure descended from the sky and landed directly between Fischer and the yellow ape, causing the ground to be filled with smoke.

"Oh, oh, I didn't expect Lord Wulaoxing to come too!!!!" After the smoke cleared, Huang Yuan showed surprise when he saw the person coming.

However, Huang Yuan suddenly understood.

After all, Fischer is a very respected guy in the Navy.

It is no exception when it comes to world government.

Fischer is not only O'Hara's man, but also the only person since the establishment of the World Government to demonstrate two inseparable Devil Fruit abilities.

The Five Old Stars naturally also attach great importance to it, and appearing here is no exception.

Although only one of them.

The person who came was a sword-holding old man wearing a white Taoist robe, glasses, and a bald head. He was one of the five old stars.

At this time, the five old star stared at Fischer indifferently.

"Are you going to catch you without a fight, or will the old man take you down with his own hands?" Looking at Fischer, the bald Wu Laoxing said indifferently, with a high-pitched tone, as if he didn't take Fischer at all.

However, as soon as the words fell, a violent thunderbolt several meters thick fell from the sky, and struck at the bald Wu Laoxing at a speed that was difficult for the naked eye to catch.

However, none of the people present were vegetarians. Although the lightning speed was very fast, it was nothing to the bald Wu Laoxing.

The samurai sword held in front of his chest was slightly unsheathed, and a swift and fierce sword energy shot up into the sky, directly cutting the thunder and lightning in half, bursting open, and a powerful force erupted instantly.


"It seems that you have chosen to resist stubbornly." The bald Wu Laoxing slowly let go of his arms around his chest, drew out his samurai sword, and said indifferently.

As soon as the knife was out of its sheath, a fierce and ferocious aura erupted from the bald Wu Laoxing's body, as if to split the sky in half.

0......seeking flowers......

The terrifying aura emptied the surrounding kilometres, and the raging fire was completely extinguished under this aura.

"It's really scary, Lord Wulaoxing!!!" Huang Yuan still had a yin and yang look, his tone was old-fashioned, and his ability to provoke war was MAX.

As soon as these words came out, the bald Wu Laoxing, who was releasing his aura with all his strength, suddenly couldn't hold back his expression. When the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, the aura he had just released burst instantly.

"Hey, Polusalino, what do you guys want?"

"Do you want to be hacked by the old man!!!" The bald Wu Laoxing yelled directly at Huang Yuan.


The Hancock Sisters: "..."

"Brother Fischer, I feel so weird. This new old man seems funny." Seeing the scene in front of him, Hancock felt weird inside, and couldn't hide it, so he said it directly.

"Ah, it seems funny." Fischer also replied in a daze.

Originally seeing this guy erupting with such a powerful aura, Fischer's expression was a bit dignified, but he didn't expect that the old man was handsome for only three seconds, and Huang Yuan broke the defense directly with a word. This is indeed a funny attribute. .

"What did you say!!!" Although the voices of Fischer and Hancock were low, they could hear the bald Wu Laoxing clearly. They turned their heads with gloomy faces and asked indifferently.

"Oh, it's nothing. You two continue to argue. I'll take them away first. See you next time." Fischer blinked after hearing this, and then said with a sincere expression.

As soon as the words fell, the next moment, the figures of the four Fischers instantly disappeared from the eyes of the bald Wulaoxing and Huang Yuan, and there was no trace of them.

A heat wave blew, and the scene froze instantly.

Both the bald Wulaoxing and Huang Yuan stared blankly at the empty front.

"Master Wulaoxing, you let them go." After a long time, Huang Yuan spoke again in a strange way.

"What the hell, the butcher hacked you to death."

"If you hadn't distracted the old man's attention, would the old man have let them run away!!!" Huang Yuan didn't say anything, but when he opened his mouth, the bald Wu Laoxing suddenly became furious, and the samurai sword in his hand turned black instantly, and the bald five With a dodge, Lao Xing slashed at the yellow ape.

"Hey, hey, five old star masters, I won't take this blame, I won't take it!! Eight!".

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