Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 77 The Killing Heart Of The Warring States Period, Fischer's Purpose

Flying upside down in the air, Fischer's mouth oozes blood but his expression remains unchanged, as if he was not injured at all, calm and composed.

"Invalid!!!" Seeing Fischer like this, Sen Guo's eyes tightened.

"Effective, very effective."

"Warring States of the Buddha, your attack is very powerful, even compared to that old man Netero, you might as well let it go." Fischer responded with a light smile.

The shock wave of Sengoku is very powerful, and it can be compared with Netero.

Although Fischer hadn't seen Netero's full strength, he was able to judge the rough strength of the opponent in the fight between masters.

During the Hunter experiment before, Fischer had fought against Netero's Hundred Style Guanyin, and had already predicted the approximate power of Netero.

If Sengoku's blow was an angry one and he didn't hold back, then his strength should be about the same as Netero.

"That is to say, my strength has entered the level of One Piece, the world's general."

"It's just that there is still some gap with the veteran generals." Looking at the burning and angry Warring States, Fischer muttered to himself.

09 "In a real battle with a strong person of this level, as long as I can draw evenly, then the great achievements I have obtained are enough for me to upgrade." Thinking of this, Fischer has a powerful Transmuter spirit, Forcibly stopped his own body.

Looking at the Warring States that was close at hand, the corners of Fischer's mouth rose slightly, and he stepped on the void, and the sonic boom burst. Fischer's figure exploded like a cannonball, and instantly met the enraged Warring States.


The thin fist directly hit the huge Buddha's palm of the Warring States Period.

Overlord Color Collision!!!!!

The black and red rays of light were radiating and struck out in all directions. The surrounding space seemed to be cracked, and the violent force was constantly destroying everything around.

"Overlord color!!!!" Feeling the domineering spirit on Fischer's body, the anger of Zhan Guo calmed down a little, and he shouted out in surprise.

As the owner of Bawang-color Domineering, Warring States can clearly feel the domineering from Fischer who is also a Bawang-color Domineering user.

"Also, it's actually possible to transform the domineering aura into a substantial attacking move!!!"

"This guy, absolutely can't stay!!!" In an instant, Zhan Guo made the same decision as Kuzan back then, full of killing intent.

Although Fischer's overlord-color entanglement is not powerful enough, it has already demonstrated unparalleled aptitude. The most important thing is that Fischer is still very young.

Although I don't know why Fischer is still the same as Kuzan described when a few years have passed, but even after a few years, Fischer is only a teenager.

At this age, he already has the strength to compete with his admiral.

Let Fischer continue to develop, so it's okay?

In the future, there will definitely be a white beard and an aunt level existence!!!

It will be very detrimental to the navy.

In an instant, Zhan Guo's heart became more and more cruel, and the power in his hands seemed to be stronger.

"This is, the collision of overlord's color entanglement!!!" The adjutant of the Warring States Period who had just come down from mid-air was stunned when he saw the scene of distorted space in front of him.

As an adjutant in the Warring States Period, he was obviously well-informed and knew what was going on in such a scene.

Before sending Hancock off, Fischer portrays Hancock as a favor.

Now that he has made a start in this world, Fischer doesn't mind continuing to develop his power in this world.

So Fischer credits the Hancocks and Kerra with favor.

Obviously, the qualifications of the three sisters are very strong, they have all reached the qualifications recognized by the system, and they have become one of the members of Fischer's forces.

So does Kerra.

Fischer obtained the bully-colored domineering, armed-colored domineering, knowledge-colored domineering and murloc karate from the four of them.

That's right, it's murloc karate.

This power should have been mastered by Kerla in the future, but now it is fed back to Fischer by the system.

This surprised Fischer.

I didn't expect the system's force feedback to be able to do this kind of thing.

However, this also gave Fischer a guess.

That is, the power feedback of the system is randomly selected according to the original development and abilities of the characters in each world.

And Fischer obtained the murloc karate possessed by Kerla in the original book, and the overlord-colored arrogance is the overlord-colored arrogance that Hancock had when he grew up and became the king of Qiwuhai.

That is the domineering look that Hancock has practiced for many years, the very advanced and profound overlord look, which has already touched the entanglement of the overlord look.

Before gaining this power, Fischer had already personally experienced Rayleigh's domineering entanglement.

So after acquiring Hancock's overlord-like arrogance, Fischer also specifically asked Rayleigh for advice. With a powerful talent and the ability to increase tenfold, Fischer easily mastered this skill.

It's just that the domineering look that has just been mastered is still immature.

He is very passive when confronting a strong man like Warring States who has mastered the overlord's color for many years.

However, it doesn't matter, Fischer will take the initiative to attack this time because he wants to use the Warring States Period as a training opponent to accumulate his great achievements and achieve the goal of upgrading.

Originally, he was looking for the Warring States to hone his fighting skills, so it didn't matter whether he could suppress the Warring States or not.

But at this time, in a far away place, Xia Qi was standing on the trunk of an Alchiman mangrove tree, holding a telescope to watch the situation here.

"It's really scary. Compared with the previous battle with Rayleigh, Xie your little brother's strength seems to have become stronger again."

"Moreover, even the overlord color entanglement appeared at 350.

"If you let Leili know, your jaw will definitely drop in shock." Xia Qi said with a smile on the face of the battle in the binoculars.

But she knew that just now Fischer asked Lei Li about the technique of overlord's entanglement, but she didn't expect to use it now. Under such circumstances, Lei Li knew about it, how could Lei Li not be shocked.

She wasn't sure if Lei Li was shocked or not, but she was just very shocked now.

"However, little brother Fischer's strength is so terrifying, and the Navy Headquarters is so close to here, I'm afraid something will happen." After laughing, Chong Qi became worried.

As for why Xia Qi is so concerned about Fischer's safety not long after she first met Fischer.

Of course there is a reason for that.

On the way to the Chambord Islands with the three of Hancock, Fischer had already eaten the sweet fruit rewarded by the system.

After eating this fruit, Fischer naturally did not become full of the kind of beauty that is enough to charm others like Hancock, but it is also full of charm, which makes it easy for people to feel good and want to care unconsciously.

This is the case with Xia Qi now.

However, she didn't know that it was because of the sweet fruit, because Fischer is a thunder fruit capable person, so Xia Qi didn't think it was this reason at all, but when Fischer was targeted by the navy like herself, the same camp, so have a good impression. .

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