Traveling From Hunter

Chapter 88 Assignment, Disappointed Fischer

"Hey, although I don't know why the two generals of the Big Mom Pirates appeared in Alabasta, but judging from the current situation, it's not in vain for me to come here." On the boat of Fischer and others , In the watchtower, Fischer stood by the window, looking at Smoker who was fighting back and forth with Smoothie on Harbor Street, and murmured in a low voice.

This time I came here to see if this guy Crocodile is here, and if so, I will fight with this guy to improve En Hui's ability value.

Now, even if Crocodile is not here, it is not in vain for me to come here.

After all, this Charlotte Cracker guy is here.

"Robin, Olvia, Khalifa, go and deal with the pirates on that ship." Fischer glanced at Smoothie's pirate ship, and ordered Robin and the three of them.

Robin's strength is comparable to that of the Rear Admiral of the Navy Headquarters. Olvia's strength has also greatly improved after obtaining the intermediate armed color and knowledge color. A few days ago, she fought with Robin, and they were evenly matched. In terms of fruit ability, Olvia is stronger than Luo Shi's.

As for Kalifa, although she is too young, she still needs to see the flames of war, otherwise she will be a flower in a greenhouse.

Under the care of Olvia, Robin started to venture into the sea at the age of seven or eight, and he grew up in the same way.

Now with the joint care of Robin and Olvia, if Kalifa can't grow up, it will really be a waste of the favor and arrogance that Fischer gave her.

"I see, Brother Fischer."

"Understood, brother Fischer, look at mine!!"

"Leave it to me, Fischer." The three responded separately, and then they left the watchtower and headed straight for Smoothie's boat.

"Hey, you guys, hurry up and help me!!¨`!" As soon as they left the boat, Smoker noticed the three of them, and Smoker, who was suppressed by Smoothie, yelled loudly stand up.

"You are really useless, Smoker, this guy is about the same age as you, and you have been suppressed like this." Robin covered his mouth and smiled lightly, then ignored Smoker, talked with Olvia and Khalifa and the three rushed to Smoothie's boat.

"Don't even think about it!!!" Smoothie, who was dealing with Smoker, saw the purpose of Robin and the others, his eyes froze immediately, and the long sword that was attacking Smoker in his hand slashed at Robin and the others.

However, the next moment, a figure flashed away, and Smoothie shot out like a cannonball, smashing through more than a dozen houses and entering the port city.

"Fischer!!!" Smoker breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Fischer and shouted.

"That guy will be handed over to you."

"If you want to quickly increase the value of Enhui's ability, fighting with the strong is the best way." Fischer looked at Smoker and urged.

Smoker, who originally wanted Fischer to let Robin and Olvia stay to help him, was taken aback when he heard Fischer's words, and then became firm.

"I see, leave this guy to me." He solemnly assured Fischer, and Smoker turned into a cloud of smoke and rushed towards the direction Smoker was knocked into the air.

This fellow Smoker, his natural capital is not as good as others, what should he do if he doesn't work hard?

Just like now, about the same age as Smoothie, but the two sides were suppressed throughout the battle.

If you don't have enough talent, then try your best to make it up. If you don't work hard yourself, then you can't blame others.

This guy is now the strongest in his power in One Piece. After obtaining the middle-level armed color and knowledge color, even Robin is no match for him. Naturally, the experience pack Fischer of Smoothie is given to him.

It is also unrealistic to put Robin or Olvia on top.

Shaking his head, Fischer looked at his experience bag.

Charlotte Cracker's ship.

The huge Biscuit General was sitting on the deck with a big sword, and didn't care about Robin, Olvia and others rushing towards Smoothie. His lifelike eyes were always fixed on Fischer.

After seeing Fischer's gaze on himself, General Biscuit said, "As expected of an existence that can escape unscathed after attacking Mary Gioia."

"Enough to be our father."

Fischer, who was thinking about what Cracker would say, was taken aback when he heard this sentence.

The next moment, the corners of Fischer's mouth twitched slightly.


So it looks like that big mom is after me?

Want me to be her new husband?

It's really speechless, how old am I, and I'm still missed by people.

Taking a deep breath, Fischer forcibly calmed down the horror in his heart, and shook off the figure of Big Mom that appeared in his mind.

Fischer wouldn't mind if it was an aunt when she was young, but it would be fine if she was an aunt at this age.

Thank you so much!!!

This big cart can't pull it by itself.

Opening his eyes again, Fischer's pupils darkened, and a faint light flickered.

|||Cracker, use your strength, or I will kill you. "With an indifferent expression, Fischer reminded the cracker.

"You don't need to tell me that this general will do his best." Charlotte's voice came from General Biscuit.

Just kidding, in the face of such a sudden attack on Marie Gioia and all (Nuo Dehao) retreated, how dare he underestimate it?

As soon as the words fell, Cracker controlled Biscuit General and rushed over.


However, in less than two seconds, General Biscuit's huge body collapsed and shot back at a faster speed, exposing the body inside the cracker.

"I told you to do your best, so you just create such a biscuit general to deal with me?"

"And there are so many flaws exposed, isn't it too underestimating the enemy?" Looking at the cracker flying out of the broken biscuit general, with white eyes and blood spitting out of the mouth, Fischer shook his head helplessly, with disappointment in his eyes.

A biscuit general, it's okay to deal with Luffy, but it's still too tender to deal with himself.

A Overlord Coil directly destroys Biscuit General and hits the cracker hiding inside. .

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