Traveling From Hunter

Chapter Ninety-Six: Menchi Who Came From Behind

"Here we are, Master Fischer." A black car stopped outside the wetland, and the butler in a black suit and sunglasses said respectfully.

"Ah, you can go back, wait for my call." Fischer nodded and ordered, and then got out of the car.

"Yes, Master Fischer." The butler replied, and then drove away from here.

"The last time I came here was half a year ago."

"I don't know where that guy Menchi is now." Looking at the wetlands shrouded in smoke, Fischer murmured to himself.

The next moment, Fischer turned into a bolt of lightning and soared into the sky, and was submerged in the smoke in an instant.

At the same time, in the Wetmele wetlands, this guy Menchi is sitting in front of a bonfire and eating.

A huge piece of barbecue was roasting on the bonfire, and a large pile of huge animal bones was piled up not far away from it. One can imagine how big Menchi's meal is "887".

And around, in the smoky darkness, one after another hidden monsters stared at this side with burning eyes, but they didn't dare to take a step forward. Many monsters even showed timidity in their eyes when they looked at Menchi.

Obviously, these monsters were all beaten by Menchi, and they were even frightened.

Fischer would be very surprised if he was here.

You must know that he and his grandfather Jie Nuo also killed a lot of monsters when they came here, and they didn't make these monsters timid.

But Menchi did it.

In fact, Fischer was quite surprised.

Fischer, who descended from the sky, immediately noticed the many monsters around here, and noticed the timid emotions of these monsters.

"You're doing well here."

"I never made these guys so scared when I came here before." Fischer said unexpectedly.

"Uh, uh!!!" Startled by Fischer's sudden appearance, Menchi choked directly, scratching his neck desperately, trying to swallow the food in his throat.

Fischer: "...


Although she was a little speechless at Menchi's appearance, Fischer still helped her, using the healing system Nen to smooth her breath and let him swallow the food in his throat.

"Hey, don't be afraid.

"The most you come here is to find them to fight and improve the favor, right?"

"I came here to be a big eater." Menchi proudly raised the huge leg flesh in his hand, and said with a smile.

Fischer: "..."

"Well, it's really scary."

It doesn't matter if you die, but after you die, your body will be gnawed by the enemy, which makes these monsters very scared.

However, it's not scary to think about it. In nature, this kind of situation is very common.

Or maybe it's because this enemy is a human?

"By the way, Fischer, you came just in time. I just found a very valuable plant. Come with me then." At this moment, Menchi suddenly remembered something, and said with a serious expression.


"Well, baby, it's a kiwi tree. Although I don't know what effect it has, I can feel that the kiwi fruit grown on that tree is of great help to the human body. My gourmet cells are eager for that kind of peach."

"However, the kiwi fruit on that kiwi fruit tree is not yet ripe, and we need to wait another two days.

"Besides, there are two forces guarding there. Since you are here, please help me when the time comes." Menchi nodded and explained.

"Influence?" Fischer naturally agreed to Menchi's request.

"Ah, the monkey in the Twelve Earthly Branches, that guy brought a few men to wait there, specially waiting for the fruit on the kiwi tree to ripen."

"Besides, I also found several species of special macaques in the Wetmele wetlands staring at the tree."

"If I'm alone, it's a little troublesome to occupy that tree. You are here, and we will work together to snatch that tree down." Menchi continued talking, his eyes began to shine, and the corners of his mouth curled up. Started drooling.

Hearing this, Fischer knew that the guy who co-authored Menchi wanted to monopolize that tree, really greedy.

However, Fischer did not refuse.

Since Menchi wants to monopolize it, then monopolize it.

Moreover, something that can make gourmet cells crave for it is definitely not a simple thing.

"Ah, that's right." Suddenly, Fischer remembered something, took out four vitality fruits from the system space, and threw them to Menchi.

Seeing this, Menchi quickly waved one hand, took the box containing the vitality fruit, and asked in doubt: "What is this?"

"Good stuff, eat it quickly." Fischer said with a smile.

"Huh? Good thing, yes, I can feel it."

"However, why do my gourmet cells seem to dislike the things in it..." Men Zhan's expression was very strange.

She could feel that the box Fischer gave her contained things that were beneficial to her, but the gourmet cells in her body disliked it very much.

This is very contradictory.

However, since it was given to him by Fischer, Menchi naturally wouldn't doubt it.

After opening the box, he took out one of the fruits and bit it down.

The next moment, Menchi became a master of Peking Opera, and his expression changed [Kaleidoscopic people.

"Fischer, what did you give me!!!!" Afterwards, Menchi's roar resounded throughout the forest, startling countless birds and beasts.

"Haha, I said it was a good thing." Looking at Menchi who kept rubbing his cheeks, Fischer laughed gloatingly.

He was also like this before, the strong sour taste of the vitality fruit is really unbearable.

Hearing this, Menchi gave him a hard look.

She sort of knew why her body felt that the vitality fruit was good for her, but her gourmet cells disliked it.

The gourmet cell likes to taste food the most. The vitality fruit is so sour, and it is purely sour. How could the gourmet cell like it.

"Okay, I won't laugh anymore, let me test your Nianqi cultivation for you first."

"Nanqi cultivation base?"

"Well, Nian Qi cultivation base, stretch out your hand. Fischer materialized the detector, said gently.


"Hey, your strength has improved really fast, and your Nianqi cultivation level is 3.6, so it's so strong." Looking at the value displayed on the detector, Fischer was a little surprised.

This value has almost caught up with Dad Silva.

This guy Menchi is a latecomer.

Aptitude is the worst among members of Fischer's faction, but the speed of improvement is the fastest.

When he first joined his own faction, this fellow Menchi's Nian Qi cultivation base was close to 100,000, no more.

Unexpectedly, in the past six months, Menchi's Nian Qi has become so strong.

However, if you think about it carefully, with the gourmet cells and the grace of God, this wetland with dreamy food and many monsters is like a fish in water for Menchi, and it is normal to have this kind of strength improvement.

Menchi, has your favor been upgraded?"

"Ah, you said favor, my favor has reached IV.3, hurry up.


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