Traveling from the collapse

Traveling from the collapse Chapter 1

"Write elf's pet round eyes Legend" Author: walnut knock collapse of small eye teeth

Travel through the world of Pokemon, add a pair of eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes and a super power, hunt for the beauty of the world, and all the beauties of the world are in the harem!

Chapter One-Traveling Through the Pokémon World

"You damn old man! One accidentally killed my life!" In a space that only belonged to God, a young man under twenty years old pointed at a gray-haired old man and shouted.

The old man, that is, the Supreme God knows he is wrong, today is not a small one

The heart dropped a stone to the lower realm, so that he was so accurate, and he smashed the person in front of him to death.

"Well, you see, I can't resurrect you. How about making you rebirth into another world as compensation?" The old man said with a dry smile.

The young man bowed his head for a moment. He is an orphan without a father.

There is no mother, there is nothing to worry about, when he goes to school, he skips school all day, and he has no friends. It is nothing for him not to return to the original world. After the decision, he raised his head and said, "Yes, I am going to the world of Pokemon." He is the most familiar with this game.

"Yeah." The Supreme God nodded, it came to him

It’s not a problem, "Just say what you want, and I will meet you."





"Hmm..." The young man lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said: "First, I want a pair of eternal million

Flower tube writes round eyes."

"It's easy."

"Secondly, I think you made me very handsome, so handsome."

"Yeah." It's easier than the one just now.

"Third, I want to have super powers, Bina...well, super powers stronger than Super Dream."

"no problem."

"Fourth, I want to decide my own Pokemon."

With a move from the Supreme God, a piece of white paper and a pen flew in front of the boy, "You can write it all down."

"Yeah." The boy bit his pen. "Larulas is the first one. The race value is set to full, and the trick is illusion.


Ten minutes later, the boy gave the densely written piece of paper to the Supreme God. The Supreme God didn’t even look at it. The paper in his hand disappeared instantly, and he smiled and said, “Is there only this?”

"Yeah." The boy nodded, these are enough.

"Okay." The Supreme God pointed a finger.

A golden light sank into the boy's body.


Boy, no, it should be called Qiye now. When Qiye woke up, the white ceiling caught his eye. He turned to look around, not a familiar room, but a completely strange place.

The layout of the room is simple,

A desk, a bookcase, a bed under him and a bedside lamp, just that.

Qiye quickly got up from the bed. If everything was not a dream just now, then... the moment Qiye sat up on the bed, his eyes were attracted by the six balls on the desk. He was lying on the bed just now.

I looked from the bottom up, but I didn't notice it because of the angle.

Even if the distance from the bed to the desk is less than two meters, Qiye still uses teleportation. He knows that he has super powers now, but he is not proficient in using it. He can't compare with the super queen Nazi at all, let alone Super dream.

Six magic

In the baby ball, it was exactly the six Pokémon he wanted, click on one of them, and the Pokémon that appeared from it was La Luras.

As soon as La Luras saw Qiye, he jumped on Qiye's shoulder with a cheer, and rubbed Qiye's cheek affectionately to show intimacy.La Luras is feeling the Pokémon with red on his head

The tentacles have the ability to perceive human emotions and rarely show up in front of humans, but when they perceive positive emotions, they will take the initiative to approach. Now that she and Qiye are so close shows how much she likes Qiye.

Qiye didn't plan to collect Laroulas into the baby goal, the reason why he chose Laroulas one of them

The reason is that it feels really good to want La Roulas to stick to him like this.

After receiving the Pokémon Illustrated Book from Dr. Oki, Qiye officially embarked on the journey.

Chapter 2-Sister, I'll send you to a mental hospital

Qiye listened to the MP3, with Laroulas lying on his shoulders, and headed for his first stop-Tokiwa City, with a lollipop in his mouth.

This is a habit developed in the previous life. At that time, I didn’t have much money and wanted to eat snacks, so I could only buy lollipops. A lollipop for fifty cents can last for more than half an hour, but this

The habit has been cultivated like this, and he can't change it when he reaches adulthood, but his body is only ten years old now.

At Joban Gymnasium in Joban City, Nanya didn’t prepare to challenge so early. He knew that the owner of Tokiwa Gymnasium was Bangi, who had the strength of the king of heaven and his pet was small.

Although the elves and super powers do not lose to any king, but the actual combat experience... he has not experienced battle yet.

Tokiwa City is a city surrounded by greenery. The lush Tokiwa forest is home to a large number of insect-type Pokemon. For the insect-type Pokémon Qiye has always been very cold, because even the flying mantis,

Heracross, the most powerful insect family, is also difficult to cultivate compared with other attributes. At most, it is sometimes to catch the elf and raise a flying praying mantis to learn a knife back attack.

Among all the little elves, Qiye’s favorites are three, Chaomeng, Gulaton, and the little guy on his shoulder-La Luras.

Every time he catches Chaomeng in the game, his matching moves must be one hundred thousand volts, freezing light, jetting flames and illusion, various attributes and various abuses.

The main reason for liking Gulaton is its convenience. It’s sunny as soon as you play, and then the sun is blazing.

The main thing to like La Roulas is to watch

It's cute. Compared to the super power Pokémon Casey in the Kanto region, La Luras is much more cute, and its evolution type Shanaido is also very valuable for training, and its race value is no worse than Hudi.

There was a sweet female voice on the Tokiwa City radio: "All the residents of Tokiwa City, everyone has worked hard. It is now lunch time. Don't be hungry. Also, pickpockets and thieves are rampant recently, kidnapping elves The incident often happens, please be careful. Hey, grandpa over there, please come over."

Grandpa?Qiye who was listening to the song decisively didn't hear it, even if she heard it, she wouldn't think she was calling herself

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