Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 129

Although the Lilac Beast was extremely shy, it could not conceal the curiosity in his heart. He couldn't help but widen his eyes and stared at the movements of the Fallen Hell Beast and the Demon Girl Beast. When the Fallen Hell Beast squeezed the giant dragon into the body of the Demon Girl Beast , Lilacmon's eyes widened, she really didn't understand how such a big thing got into such a small hole.(The curiosity killed the cat is talking about the lilac beast...)

"Ah... it hurts!" The Demon Girl Beast cried out painfully, and red blood flowed out of the white Taoyuan, showing that Demon Girl Beast had lost her precious chastity.

After the fallen hell beast entered the body of the monster girl beast, he only felt that the hot and soft tender flesh tightly wrapped his dragon, which really made him feel refreshed, the power in his body also became less agitated, and his mind was still weak. The sober fallen heaven hell beast also had no idea of ​​pitying and cherishing jade, and moved directly in the body of the monster girl.

" hurts...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... Damn me..." The demon beast was still screaming in pain at first, but within half a minute, the demon beast began to groan loudly.

The monster girl is a complete Digimon. She can evolve to this level and she doesn’t know how many battles she has experienced, and she has suffered countless injuries, especially in places like the dark zone, where there is always danger at all times. For Yaonv Beast, although the pain of breaking her body was extremely painful, it was not beyond her tolerance. At first, it was mostly because of the same psychological pain.

With the vigorous attack of the fallen hell beasts, the pleasure completely overwhelmed the pain, the natural and charming witch beast was completely immersed in the pleasure of love between men and women, holding the fallen hell beast with his hands and feet like octopus, There was an expression of bliss on his face.

Dingxiang Beast looked at the extremely happy expression of the monster girl, and couldn't help thinking: Is it really comfortable to do this?When this kind of thought appeared, it was like a spark of fire, which could start a prairie fire, and it quickly ignited the core material of Lilac Beast, causing the entire heart of Lilac Beast to tremble.

In the heat and hard moments, Lilac Beast's hands involuntarily moved to the Saintess Peak, which he held in a full grip, and the peach source that had secreted countless nectar.(It’s the nectar of lilac flowers, do you want to taste it~~)

After the movement, a trace of cool energy was revealed from the body of the monster girl, and passed through the joint between the two to the body of the fallen hell beast. The body of the fallen hell beast automatically operated the instinct of the gluttonous demon king, absorbing that Cool energy.

Now there are three kinds of energy in the body of the fallen hell beast. The first is his own dark energy, which is the most powerful. The second is the light energy of the cherubim beast, which is only worse than the dark energy of the fallen hell beast. The first line is completely incompatible with the dark energy, and the two opposing energies almost use the body of the fallen hell beast as a battlefield for each other.

This is also no way. The strength of the Kirubi beast itself is only a little worse than the current state of the fallen hell beast. The fallen hell beast has absorbed all the information of the Kirubi beast, even the core data. The Fallen Hell Beast can’t digest the information of the Kirubimon quickly, so this situation has occurred. If he transforms into a burst form before and then devours the information of the Kirubimon, this will not happen. This is the case.

And the last energy is the weakest, which is the energy transmitted from the body of the witch beast to the body of the fallen hell beast, that is, the virgin yin of the witch beast. The stronger the female, the more energy contained in the yin. Is powerful.

Although the virgin element yin of the complete monster female beast is nothing compared to the full power of the two ultimate Digimon, the energy of the element yin forms a thin barrier to block it. Between the dark power of the fallen hell beast and the light power of the Kirubi beast, the extremely pure and clear energy made it impossible for both light and darkness to swallow it for a while.

After the riot in the body subsided a bit, the Fallen Hell Beast's sanity also recovered a little. After feeling that love could indeed calm the light and dark power in his body, the Fallen Hell Beast was overjoyed and actively began to double cultivation.

The fallen hell beast absorbed the pure virgin yin of the beast, the cool energy wandered around in the body, and then input its own energy into the body of the beast, wandering in the body of the beast, the energy continued to cycle back and forth , Become more refined and pure.

In this matter of double cultivation, the stronger the strength of the two parties, the purer the energy, the better the effect. The Monster Girl Beast and the Fallen Hell Beast are both very powerful Digimon, and the Monster Girl Beast is the first time, the effect of the virgin Yuan Yin. Absolutely magical.

In the process of double cultivation, the dark energy of the fallen hell beast gradually gained the upper hand, gradually swallowed, digested the light energy of the cherubbi beast, the light turned into darkness, and then merged with the power of the fallen hell beast itself. The strength of the fallen hell beast is stronger, and the benefits of the monster girl beast in the double cultivation are even more.

But now the demon girl beast has completely ignored her own strength, she is now completely intoxicated in desire, intoxicated by the powerful abilities of the fallen hell beast.

Under the powerful combat power of the fallen hell beast, the demon girl beast who first accepted the Huan was not an opponent at all, and she was happy and drunk.

"Ah... ah... um... so cool... comfortable... hard... ah... coming out... coming out... coming out... ah ah ah ah!!!" Demon girl The beast yelled frantically, and a hot spring water sprayed out from the body of the beast. The beast reached its peak and fell to the ground like a puddle of mud, without the power to move its fingers.

The Fallen Hell Beast exhaled, and his eyes were fully awake, but there was a trace of depressed mood. Through the double repairs just now, the Fallen Hell Beast digested more than half of the light power belonging to the Jilu than the Beast in its body, and its strength was also enhanced. It’s a lot, but the fallen hell beast is still stuck at the peak of the ultimate body. It really makes him depressed. He can’t kick it out at the door. It’s like taking a woman to a hotel to open a room tonight, and all the clothes are taken off. The foreplay was also done, and the woman said that her aunt came, and she could really suffocate people to death.

The Fallen Hell Beast put down the Wicked Girl Beast, stretched out his hand, and pulled the Lilac Beast beside him into his arms.

"Ah!" The dazed Lilac Beast was suddenly attacked, and he couldn't help but screamed. After seeing the evil and fortitude face of the Fallen Hell Beast, his small face was flushed, dodge the Fallen Hell Beast's inner gaze. , Weakly said: "Fall...fallen hell beast...big...big king..."

The fallen hell beast looked at the delicate appearance of the lilac beast, smiled evilly, reached out his hand and stroked a hand under the lilac beast, only felt slippery and greasy, looked up, it was already covered with crystal clear nectar. This is indeed nectar.Lilac beast is half of the plant. Her sweat, saliva, and tears are all the nectar of lilac flowers. It is very fragrant and sweet. Even the liquid secreted below is more and sweeter than that of ordinary women.

The Fallen Hell Beast deliberately wanted to tease this innocent and cute Lilac Beast, deliberately stretched his hand in front of the Lilac Beast, and said: "You are really lewd, so much water is flowing out."

The little face of Lilac Beast flushed. She was not as enchanting and open as the Enchantress Beast. Although she had been sealed in the dark area for tens of thousands of years, the Lilac Beast’s character was still the same as that of a child, innocent, kind, naughty and cute. The hell beast's banter, lowered his head and said: "I...I..."

The Fallen Hell Beast knew that she was shy, so he stopped laughing. He hugged the Lilac Beast and let her lie on the Demon Girl Beast's body. The beautiful Taoyuan of the two women was almost sticking to each other, and the Fallen Hell Beast was bloody.

Because the underside of the Lilac Beast is already moist enough, the Fallen Hell Beast doesn’t bother to waste time doing foreplay. Now he’s like to hurry up and double cultivation, and then completely refine the power of the Girubi Beast, otherwise it won’t get stuck now. Those who can't get down are really sad to death.


The giant dragon of the fallen hell beast entered the petals of the lilac beast, the juice splashed, and the virgin redness flowed out of the body of the lilac beast, and flowed to the peach field of the demon beast under it.

"Pain!!" Dingxiang Beast cried out in pain, and the beautiful Willow Leaf frowned slightly.

The Taoyuan of the Lilac Beast was moist and warmer than that of the Demon Girl Beast, and the Fallen Hell Beast was too lazy to bear it, and directly began to attack.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh many.

When the witch beast woke up, the little face full of eroticism that caught the eye of the beast was the little face full of lust, and she immediately heard the absurdity of her just now, her pale face flushed, but she also had a somewhat healthy look.

The lilac beast kept moaning and moaning, and a piece of floral fragrance spit out the face of the beast. The body swayed with the attack of the fallen hell beast. Taoyuan also rubbed the Taoyuan of the beast, making the mark of the beast. Itchy.

After the demon beast broke her body, her body became extremely sensitive. Because of the movements of the lilac beast, the body quickly aroused lust. Looking at the soft and tender lips of the lilac beast, the beast could not help swallowing her saliva. Then as soon as he raised his head, his pale lips were printed on the fragrance lips of Lilac Beast, and the first kiss of Lilac Beast was snatched by the witch.

Dingxiang Beast stared at the Monster Girl Beast with wide eyes, but the body's reaction did not allow her to resist, and could only let the Monster Girl Beast be frivolous.

The Fallen Hell Beast was amused by seeing the monster girl actually snatching the first kiss of Lilac Beast, and sometimes it feels good to play like this.

But the Fallen Hell Beast couldn't control this for the time being, what he cared about now was his own strength.The strength of the Lilac Beast is slightly weaker than that of the Wicked Beast. In addition, the Lilac Beast is a fairy-type Digimon, and its power is not as pure as the Wicked Beast, so the effect of double cultivation is worse than that of the Wicked Beast.

Among all the Digimon, only the power of the Light and Dark Digimon is completely pure. Other types of Digimon have some impurities in their bodies, but the fallen form of the six-winged beast must be excluded. That guy is half light and half dark.

Although the effect is a little worse, the power in the body of the fallen hell beast is still constantly digesting, and the power of the fallen hell beast is also step by step beyond its limit.

And under the body of Dingxiang Beast, Yaonv Beast constantly stroked and teased the soft body of Dingxiang Beast.In this respect, the witch beast does have a talent that cannot be compared with the lilac beast. Although it has only been done once with the fallen hell beast, it seems to have dug out all the charm in the bones of the witch beast. The slender fingers can always find the clove beast. The most sensitive place, with a light swipe, can make the Lilac Beast's whole body tremble.

With the continuation of the double cultivation, the light power of the fallen hell beast suddenly weakened, continuously turning into dark power, and merged into the body of the fallen hell beast.

I don’t know how long later, accompanied by a soft bang, the body of the Fallen Hell Beast was like an explosion, turning into a dark energy, and there was no trace of light. At the same time, the strength of the Falling Hell Beast also broke through its limit. After absorbing the light power of the Kirubi beast, one of the three angels, the power of the fallen hell beast surpassed the limit, broke through the peak of the ultimate body, and reached the initial stage of the ultimate body.

And with the limit of power, the dragon of the fallen hell beast also sprayed white essence, all of which was sent into the body of the lilac beast. The muscles of the lilac beast were tense, enjoying the extreme happiness, and then his body became soft and paralyzed. Falling on the body of the monster girl, only panting energy.

The Fallen Hell Beast clenched his fists, feeling the extremely powerful dark power in his body, smiled evilly, and let out an extremely domineering and arrogant laugh.

The entire Digimon world trembles!

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-Conquer the Monster Girl, Lilac Beast!

The Fallen Hell Beast laughed in excitement. For Digimon, there is nothing that makes him more happy than becoming stronger.

Although the peak of the ultimate body and the initial stage of the ultra-ultimate body sounded just a grade difference, the strength was completely different.In the history of Digimon, there are many Digimon that reached the pinnacle of the ultimate body, such as the Seven Demon Kings, the Three Angels, the Thirteen Royal Knights, the Twelve Lords of Olympus, the Four Sacred Beasts, the Four Dragons, and the Ancient Ten Fighters. Plus some such as Thousand-Year Beast, Emperor Dragon Armor Beast Paladin Form, Huanglong Beast, Rose Beast burst form, and some of the Ultimate Digimon of Sanmen Sect, they don't add up too much.However, there are only a handful of people who reach the ultra-ultimate body.

Six-winged beasts, ultra-ultimate beasts, arcadi beasts, ultra-ultimate bodies, the future form of the ultimate V dragon beasts, vajra beasts, and the current fallen hell beasts, even if you add some unknown Digimon, such as six Winged beasts-larvae, Ogudu beasts, Apocalypse beasts, there are not many in total.

In ancient times, the bright form of the six-winged beast, with the power of the ultra-ultimate body, could simultaneously face the Ten Fighters, the top ten ultimate Digimon, and finally killed eight, and the remaining two fell into After a permanent deep sleep, the six-winged beast was still not dead, but it was sealed.

And now, the Fallen Hell Beast has recovered from the surprise of the increase in strength. Now he is comfortably sitting on a big tree with the Wicked Girl Beast and Lilac Beast, his face is still somewhat indifferent, but with three eyes. There was a faint smile in all of them.

The demon girl beast is on the left side of the fallen hell beast, half leaning against the fallen hell beast's body. Although the tight-fitting black leather jacket has been worn on her body again, her body still shows a large white skin, which is the same as before. The morbid paleness is different, and now the skin of the monster girl has a faint pink sheen.

After the demon beast lost that layer of membrane, it was as if she was kicked away at the door, all the charm and enchantment hidden in her bones were revealed, and the blood-red eyes could not see half of the viciousness and cunning. The eyes full of love looked at the fallen hell beast, and the corners of the eyes, the touch of spring love that couldn't disappear after the first time.

Not to mention that the demon beast fell in love with the fallen hell beast so easily, there is a reason.

First of all, the Fallen Hell Beast is one of the seven great demon kings, and the highest demon king who rules the Nightmare Corps. The Wicked Girl Beast is also the subordinate of the Fallen Hell Beast. Unless she can evolve into the ultimate Lilith Beast, it is absolutely impossible to win. Fallen hell beast.

Secondly, the Fallen Hell Beast has left an engraving on the body of the Fallen Hell Beast, and the Fallen Hell Beast has completely become the slave of the Fallen Hell Beast. The huge pain that the core material almost collapses, the Fallen Beast will not want to suffer again in her life unless she can eliminate it. The engraving, and then find a backer that is stronger than the fallen hell beast, otherwise, the witch beast would be impossible to betray the fallen hell beast.

Then, the most important thing is the love between the Monster Girl Beast and the Fallen Hell Beast.The extreme happiness makes the witch beast feel that the previous tens of thousands of years have been in vain. The witch beast is definitely a female Digimon who is naturally charming, but the previous Digimon did not have the consciousness of love between men and women, so This side of the demon beast is almost closed, and she is considered a Meng Sao woman.

And after having had one time with the Fallen Hell Beast, all the seductiveness in the Wicked Girl Beast's bones was released. A grin, a glance back, and a twisted hip all showed incomparable fascination. In addition, the Wicked Girl Beast is a female fallen angel-shaped digital figure. Baby, the character is extremely evil, there is almost no useless thing like shame, thinking of the feeling of bliss, the witch beast can hardly wait to hang on the body of the fallen hell beast all the time.

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