Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 139

According to the information in the Digimon Encyclopedia, the magic forest is a huge natural maze. Generally, after entering the forest, it is easy to get lost if there is no Digimon living in it to lead the way. Moreover, the magic forest is very large, more than Thousand Fox Grassland and Infinite City It's even bigger, no matter which direction you get lost, you have to go a long way out.

In the center of the magic forest, the ultimate Digimon Rosemon, the ruler of the forest, lives in it. The strength of the Rosemon is equivalent to that of the Shagufang, but because the Rosemon has a burst form, the actual combat power is higher than that of the sand. Ancient tooth beast.

Although the Digimon Encyclopedia did not write it, the Fallen Hell Beast guessed that besides the Rose Beast, there may be other ultimate bodies in the magic forest.According to Sha Gufang, her Thousand Fox Grassland is actually the weakest among the four forces, and she is the only one in the ultimate body. If there is no shelter from the nearby Infinite City, Qian Fox Grassland may have long existed. Up.

Thinking of the end of the Infinite City, the Sha Guya Beast was full of guilt, of course, it was guilt, and the Sha Guya Beast was absolutely impossible to betray the Fallen Hell Beast.

The Polar Ice Principle is a continent completely covered by ice and snow at the northernmost tip of Digimon World.It's a place where even the hot sun can't shine. The temperature is below minus 20 degrees all the year round. If the average Digimon goes there, let alone fighting, I am afraid it will be frozen to death.

There are very few Digimons in the Polar Icefield, but because of the harsh living environment, the Digimons there are stronger than normal. There are even several complete bodies with strength comparable to the initial stage of the Polar Body.

The Viking Beast, the ruler of the polar ice sheet, has developed a strong strength in that extremely harsh environment. The mid-level of the ultra body late stage, coupled with the gritty character and the battlefield advantage of the polar ice sheet, can reach the ultimate strength. The peak of the polar body.

According to the Digimon Encyclopedia, the Viking Beast once fought against the Kirubi Beast, and the outcome is unknown.

For the time being, these are not related to the Fallen Hell Beast, and now he is with the Shaguya Beast, the Demon Girl Beast, and the Lilac Beast Greasy, unspeakable tenderness, and other things have nothing to do with him for the time being.

And when the Fallen Hell Beast was comfortably enjoying the meticulous service of the three beauties, some people couldn't be so relaxed.

Far away, a place that ordinary Digimon can never reach, a place that is said to be the realm of gods, a gorgeous crystal palace stands in this place.

And in this extremely beautiful Crystal Palace, a stunning beauty is sitting here.

Slim fit pure white long dress, beautiful and pure.A cyan fortitude battle armor, although there are no scars on the battle armor, as long as you see the cyan battle armor, it seems that you can return to the fierce battles on the battle armor.The six golden wings on the back show the incomparably noble identity of this woman, exuding a sacred rainbow-colored light.

The long pale golden hair was gently draped on the woman's incense shoulders, as soft as a golden waterfall.

The cyan mask covered half of that stunning face, and there was a golden cross on it that represented the divine power.Although the general face was concealed by the mask, it can still be seen from the expression on her face that she was very distressed.

This stunning woman is naturally the holy beast, the last of the three angels.

Some time ago, the sacred celestial beast was sealing an extraordinary thing with the four sacred beasts. In that place, the sacred celestial beast could not feel the outside world at all, and even the fallen hell beast broke through the seal and came to the world of Digimon. The holy celestial beast could not feel it at all.

However, when the sacred celestial beast completed the seal and returned to the Crystal Palace, she unexpectedly discovered a very terrifying thing-the Kirubi beast was dead!

The Crystal Palace was originally the place where the three angels lived. In the Crystal Palace, there were three huge pure white crystals, representing the lives of the three angels.In the middle is the ultimate angel beast, and the left and right are the sacred celestial beast and the cherubim beast. The three crystals emit sacred light. Once the light disappears, it represents the passing of the angel.

The life crystal of the ultimate angel beast had lost its light tens of thousands of years ago, and when the holy celestial beast returned to the Crystal Palace that day, it unexpectedly found that the life crystal of the cherubim had also lost its light.

Shocked in his heart, the Divine Celestial Beast hurriedly dispatched all of its Digimon, but unexpectedly, the news of the Kirubi Beast was not found. Not long ago, it brought bad news to the Divine Celestial Beast—— Infinite City was slaughtered.

After hearing this news, the holy female beast could no longer keep her indifferent, and the Infinite City was actually destroyed!!!

Although Infinite City is not a subordinate of the Holy Celestial Beast, it is definitely not an enemy. Sometimes, Infinite City will also provide them with some help.

Moreover, Infinite City has four extreme bodies sitting on the premises, and the strength is absolutely powerful. After all, this era is no longer the era when the entire body walked all over the floor and the extreme bodies were as many as dogs. In that era, the ultimate body It can only be regarded as barely having the ability to save lives, unlike now, an ultimate body can be the overlord of one party.

Infinite City has four ultimate bodies, with nearly 100 complete bodies. The growth and maturity stages add up to nearly 5,000. This kind of strength, even she and Jilu Biju, the two pinnacles of the ultimate body, dare not easily. Offended, such a powerful force was actually massacred, and even a Digimon was not left behind.

The first thing the sacred female beast thought of was the six-winged beast. After all, the three angels were all created by the six-winged beast using itself as a model. They also have the most experience of the power of the six-winged beast.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by the sacred celestial beast, because with the hexa-winged beast’s extremely proud personality, it will not be so low-key. If the six-winged beast really unlocks its seal, return to the Digimon. In terms of the world, he will tell the entire Digimon world that he is back, and the first target of attack should not be Infinite City, but the Crystal Palace.

Question marks filled the minds of the sacred celestial beast. Under the distraction, the sacred celestial beast walked to the balcony, holding on to the railing with both hands, looking at the scenery on the horizon, and sighed faintly.

The lonely figure looks particularly bleak...

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety-This Chapter is the Evil Chapter...

The Fallen Hell Beast was lying on the bed with the Witch Girl Beast sitting on it, while the Shaguya Beast and the Lilac Beast sat on one side without a patch, watching the movement of the Witch Girl Beast in surprise and shyness.

In the past few days, under the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast, the Shaguya must serve him together with the Wicked Beast and the Lilac Beast, perhaps because the addition of the Ultimate Shagudaw made the Wicked Beast feel the crisis. Feel it, today, the monster girl once again took out a trick-her own backyard flower.

The demon beast first used her small mouth to skillfully swallow the dragon of the fallen hell beast, and smeared all her saliva on the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast.

Then, the demon girl beast was not shy at all, spread her legs, and held the dragon of the fallen hell beast with one hand, sending the dragon into her already completely wet peach field.

The Wicked Girl Beast was comfortably enjoying the full and full bulging feeling brought by the huge fallen Hell Beast, and the expression on her face was coquettish like spring. Soon, the Wicked Girl Beast reached its peak.

After the climax, the monster girl retreated the dragon of the fallen hell beast from her body, and then without hesitation, bent down and opened her mouth, she swallowed the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast into her own mouth again. Inside, she tightened her cheeks, tightly covering the dragon of the fallen hell beast, and at the same time, she stroked the wet Taoyuan with her slender jade hand. Soon, her hands were covered with slippery greasy liquid.

The monster girl moved her little hand and smeared the sticky liquid on the backyard flowers as a lubricant.When the finger touched the little flower, the monster girl trembled. Although she knew that this place could be done, it was the first time that the monster girl touched that place. The sphincter contracted, and a strange pleasure surged up to watch. The heart of the monster girl.

The little flower of the fairy beast gradually adapted to the strange feeling, and the muscles gradually relaxed. The fairy beast tried to gently put her fingers in. The tightly wrapped feeling from the fingers told the fairy that the place was absolutely Tighter and narrower than her Taoyuan, Yao Nv Beast's heart trembled, and the expression on her face suddenly became more enchanting and soft.

After the demon beast got used to it, she tried to extend her second finger and expand her little flower little by little, so as to relieve her pain for a while.

Twenty minutes later, the monster girl spit out the dragon of the fallen hell beast, and gazed at the fallen hell beast with enjoyment expression on his face, then sat on his lower abdomen facing the fallen hell beast, reaching out to hold the fallen hell The fiery dragon of the hell beast put the huge dragon head on top of its wet flower, and then sat down little by little.

The eyes of the Fallen Hell Beast lit up, and he was a little surprised and very happy to watch the movements of the Wicked Girl Beast. The Wicked Girl Beast is indeed a superb stunner on the bed. There will never be the slightest shyness in bed matters. Any movement will be matched with the actions of the Fallen Beast , And even often take the initiative to attack, it really makes the Fallen Hell Beasts feel refreshed. In comparison, the Sha Guya Beast and the Lilac Beast look worse.

The monster girl frowned slightly, the pain in the back was definitely greater than that in the front, but the monster girl was already prepared this time, so she didn't shout out.

"Huh..." When the giant dragon completely entered the body of the demon girl beast, the demon girl beast exhaled heavily, and then immediately started to move without rest.

"Um... ah... strange... um... uh... comfortable... oh... oh... ah..." For the monster girl, the pain in the backyard is still within her tolerance. The body fluid secretion in the back is less than in the front. Although it is lubricated, it is still a little painful. For the trembling demon girl beast, the pain is even greater.

Shaguyamon and Lixiangmon watched the movements of the monster girl in surprise. For them, they had never considered that the place could be entered, after all, the place was very dirty.

Seeing the comfort and painful expressions on Yaonv's face, the expressions of Shaguyamon and Lilacmon became strange.They stared straight at the dragon of the fallen hell beast, because the beast is facing the fallen hell beast, with their back facing them, so they can clearly watch the fierce dragon of the fallen hell beast separate the white buttocks of the beast. Meat, enter the tight little flower.

The Fallen Hell Beast saw their two strange expressions, smiled evilly, and said: "You two come here." Although the tone didn't sound like a big deal, it had an irresistible magical power, and no one could resist defying Fallen Hell. The command of the beast.

Sha Guya Beast and Dingxiang Beast blushed. Although they were shy, they did not dare to defy the Fallen Hell Beast. They leaned against the Fallen Hell Beast alone.

The hands of the fallen hell beasts fell along their snowy backs and slid down to the two women's snowy buttocks. After kneading twice, the fingers flexibly separated the elastic buttocks, and the fingers pressed the two women's florets. Above.

The two women trembled, and the expressions on their faces became strange.

The Fallen Hell Beast was enjoying the backyard flowers of the Demon Girl Beast, while putting his fingers into the small flowers of the Sha Gutooth Beast and Lilac Beast.The Fallen Hell Beast is a man after all, his fingers are thicker than those of the Demon Girl Beast, and his skin is rougher and not lubricated. When he first entered, the two women felt pain.

Fortunately, the two women are very strong now, this kind of pain is nothing to them, they just frowned, without saying a word.

Under the strange feeling of attacking the backyard, Shaguyamon and Lilacmon twisted their delicate bodies uncomfortably. They watched the battle between the monster girl and the fallen hell beast. Their sensitive bodies had long secreted spring water, following them. His twisting slowly flowed to the backyard flowers, alleviating the pain in the backyard.

On the first trip to the backyard, the monster girl only persisted for ten minutes before disarming and surrendering, lying on the chest of the fallen hell beast, and bursts of fragrance from his lips continued to spray onto the face of the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast patted the ass of the two women and said, "It's yours."

The two women nodded shyly.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the Lilac Beast and said: "Clove Beast, you come first."

Lilac Beast blushed, nodded lightly, and said, "Yes, the Great King of Fallen Hell Beast."

After that, the Fallen Hell Beast put down the Wicked Girl Beast, held Lixiang Beast's body, let her lie on the bed, and push up her little white ass.

The Fallen Hell Beast stretched out his hand and broke the buttocks of the Lilac Beast, revealing the beautiful little pink flower.Because half of the lilac beasts are flowers, they are rich in body fluids, and they all carry the fragrance of lilac flowers.Not only the saliva and the nectar secreted by Taoyuan, but also the sweat and the fluid from the backyard, so there is no smell in the backyard of Lilac Beast.

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