Traveling from the collapse

Beginning with the collapse Chapter 146

It turns out that this kind of thing is so comfortable... So Na thought.

The fallen hell beast embraced Suna's body and stood up. Suna was completely empty, and subconsciously wrapped her hands and feet around the body of the fallen hell beast. Suna's little loli's body was even more petite with such a manipulation.

The girl’s narrow skeleton, coupled with her young age, Suna’s body is very light, so holding it, the fallen hell beast can't feel any burden, and she easily throws Suna’s body up and down, the young Taoyuan swallows his dragon. .

Although Suna still maintained a sense of sanity and knew that she shouldn't do this with the Fallen Hell Beast, but her body honestly violated the orders of her brain, her hands and feet wrapped around the body of the Fallen Hell Beast, and she did not let her die.

The Fallen Hell Beast was enjoying the sweet taste of Little Lori with satisfaction. Only after sending Suna to the top three times in a child, the Fallen Hell Beast launched its essence into Suna's body.

Because of the nourishment of Chakra, the wooden escape of the fallen hell beast, plus only one hour this time, Suna did not faint directly, but tiredness is necessary, her small face leaned against the chest of the fallen hell beast, her small mouth The aroma continues to spit.

The big hands of the fallen hell beast slid on Suna's sweaty back, and the rough big hands made Suna's body tremble constantly.

Suna managed to open her eyes and looked at the face of the fallen hell beast, and said with hatred: "You demon!" There is hatred, pain, helplessness in her voice, and a trace of anger and coquettishness. , Complicated and difficult to understand.

The fallen hell beast looked at Suna evilly, and kept making a "tsk tsk" voice, saying: "I am not a demon, I am the demon king, I am the king of all the demons in hell! Hahahahaha..." The voice of the hell beast is extremely domineering and arrogant. To him, the Seven Demon Kings are an extremely proud title.

Suna looked at the extremely arrogant Fallen Hell Beast, and she didn't know what it was like, hate, of course. The Fallen Hell Beast raped her and robbed her of her virginity, but the hatred disappeared after the bliss just now. Less, replaced by a very complex, indescribable emotion.

The fallen hell beast looked at Suna's expression, and even if he didn't need to write a wheel to spy on her thoughts, he could guess everything. He put his arms around Suna's waist and smiled evilly: "Little girl, you are already My woman, what's wrong, do you still want to run?"

Suna was so bluntly declared by the Fallen Hell Beast that she was his woman. She couldn't bear to flush her face and gritted her teeth and said, "I won't be your woman!"

The smile on the face of the fallen hell beast was even more evil. The sharp nails slid on Suna’s pink face and smiled: "Suna, you have to figure it out. My words are orders, not requests. You, There is no right to refuse."

Although the voice of the fallen hell beast was dull, Suna felt that a large mountain was pressing on her heart, making herself unable to resist or refuse. This is the so-called coercion.

This kind of natural coercion is generally owned by people born to the emperor or someone who has been in a high position for a long time. The fallen hell beasts are the seven great demon kings, and they have the coercion of the king in their talents, but the former fallen hell beasts are aloof and arrogant. I am used to being alone, so my performance is not obvious.

After that, the fallen hell beast did not press against Suna anymore, anyway, he still had a lot of time to take it slowly.

Because Suna’s clothes had been torn by the Fallen Hell Beast before, the Fallen Hell Beast simply used her dark power to make a new set for Suna, except for Suna’s own clothes. , The Fallen Hell Beast also condensed a black leather vest for Suna. The vest has a defensive formation, which can resist any attack below the Ultimate Body. After all, Suna is already his woman, although it is forced, but Fallen The hell beast couldn't let her die.

In the next few days, the Fallen Hell Beast and Dilu Beast followed far behind Suna during the day, fainted the Bhikkhu Beast at night, and then held Suna's increasingly plump body to play love between men and women.

Although Suna has to struggle symbolically every time, it is obvious that her resistance to the fallen hell beast is getting weaker and weaker. Sona is used to the fallen hell beast rudely tearing off her clothes every night. , Took possession of her body, and then hugged her to sleep, sleeping in the arms of the Fallen Hell Beast, these nights were the days Sona had slept most comfortably since she arrived in the Digimon world.

Even if Suna knows that the fallen hell beast is a very terrifying demon, but for this man who has taken her chastity, Sona will never forget her. The love these past few days has made Sona even more concerned about the fallen. The hell beast has developed a kind of dependence, habit, accustomed to the existence of the fallen hell beast, used to his strength, Sona's heart has fallen.

But today, Suna suddenly discovered Meimei's whereabouts. Ever since the children were scattered, Suna has been searching for other selected children and helping them secretly.

But today, Suna discovered that Meimei was in this castle not far away. This discovery made Suna subconsciously want to turn around. She didn't want to see Meimei, but was afraid that the fallen hell beasts who followed would see it. Will Meimei do anything to Meimei afterwards?(of course!)

Suna was about to turn around and leave, her shoulder was held by a strong hand, and at the same time the evil voice of the fallen hell beast sounded in Suna's ear: "What's wrong, don't you go to see your friend? "

Chapter One Hundred and Ninety Nine-Eat Meimei!

Suna trembled and looked at the Fallen Hell Beast with tears in her eyes, begging: "Falling Hell Beast, please, don't you do anything against Meimei?"

The fallen hell beast looked at Suna with a smile in her eyes, and said, "Do you think it is possible?"

Suna didn't answer, she knew it was impossible, but she still looked at the fallen hell beast with pleading eyes.

The fallen hell beast lowered her head and kissed Suna’s little mouth. At the same time, her hands immediately climbed up to Sona’s little white rabbit. After the fallen hell beast’s irrigation these days, Suna’s body developed rapidly. The flat pigeon has evolved into a white rabbit.

"Hmm..." Su Na's body softened. After these days of continuous irrigation by the Fallen Hell Beast, the girl's body became extremely sensitive. The casual kiss and pinch of the Fallen Hell Beast made Suna's body completely limp. Coming down, leaning on the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast Xiexie smiled, unbuttoned Suna's pants, and entered Suna's body.

" comfortable...fallen heaven hell comfortable...hmm...oh..." Sona once again experienced the beautiful pleasure, ignoring the girl's restraint, holding the fallen heaven hell The body of the beast groaned loudly.

The fallen hell beast deliberately wanted to tease Suna, and when she was about to reach the peak, she pulled out her dragon.

Su Na was hung in the air, her body was empty, her eyes were soft and watery, staring at the fallen hell beast, twisting her little fragrant buttocks, looking for the giant dragon of the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast Xiexie smiled, and kept rubbing Suna's Taoyuan with the giant dragon, not to let her fall from that feeling, nor to let Suna reach the peak, and she couldn't hang it up.

"Falling hell beast, I'm so itchy...You hurry up and give it to me..." Suna pleaded, staring at the fallen hell beast with her big watery eyes.

The fallen hell beast looked at Suna evilly, and smiled: "What about Mimi Taitogawa?"

Suna's body trembled, and she fell silent, but the provocation of the Fallen Hell Beast never stopped.A few minutes later, Suna couldn't bear the deep itch at all, and begged: "Falling hell can give me a hurry...I won't stop you from eating Meimei...itchy... …"

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled triumphantly, what he was waiting for was Suna's words, and he stopped teasing Suna, and sent his dragon into Suna's body with a straight waist.

Suna realized the happiness again, and she could not wait to die on the fallen hell beast. Meimei, it was not important anymore.

———————— The shameless little dividing line is coming——————

After being loved by the Fallen Hell Beast, Suna was completely unable to care about Meimei. Although Meimei was her good friend, at this time, the friend could only be used to betray.

The castle where Meimei is located is also the castle of the monster frog monster. After being dispersed with their friends, Meimei and the Barrumon wandered around and came to this castle accidentally.

Meimei likes singing very much, and her voice is very beautiful.The monster frogs and tadpoles hope that Meimei's singing can awaken their sleeping king, the king of frogs, so they almost unconditionally agreed to Meimei's request. Under such circumstances, Meimei has gradually become arrogant.

Meimei is still very happy with Suna’s arrival. As the only two girls among the seven children, Meimei and Suna have a very good relationship. After all, there are some topics that can only be discussed between girls, and it is not convenient for boys to interrupt. During that trip, Meimei and Suna established a deep sisterhood.

Under the sign of the Fallen Hell Beast, Suna did not say that she wanted Meimei to find other partners, and their mission or something. She only said that she wanted to live here for a period of time. Of course, Meimei readily agreed.

That night, Mi Mi and Suna slept on the same bed, chatting about girls' private topics.

While chatting, Meimei's gaze suddenly looked through Suna's loose pajamas, and she saw the pair of cute little white rabbits. She suddenly pouted and said with envy: "Suna, you are so big here. , Much bigger than mine." After speaking, he looked down at his little poached egg.

Suna was one year older than Meimei, and with the irrigation of the fallen hell beasts, Suna's chest was of course much larger than Meimei's.

After Suna heard what Meimei said, her eyes flashed. She was still worried about how to accomplish what the fallen hell beast had ordered. Now that Meimei said this, it fits her mind and immediately said: "Mimi, I teach One way you can make this place bigger."

"Really?" Meimei looked at Suna in surprise, without noticing the light in Suna's eyes.

Suna smiled slightly, her hand slid across Meimei's body quickly, and then stroked Meimei's chest, and smiled: "That's it." The little hand kneaded on Meimei's slightly raised little poached egg.

"Um..." Meimei's face flushed instantly, she looked at Suna shyly, and said, "Suna...don't...don't do's strange..."

Suna didn't listen to Meimei's words, and continued to rub her hands on Meimei's chest.She is also a girl, so she naturally knows where she is, and what kind of technique is most likely to provoke lust.

"Mei Mei, the girl's place needs a lot of massage to get bigger, don't you feel that Mei Mei is uncomfortable?" Suna smiled slightly, without revealing her intentions, as if she was giving a massage to Mei Mei.

"It's very comfortable..." Meimei replied shyly, "Suna... Is it because of your frequent massage?"

Suna's small face turned red, apparently thinking of the pleasure brought by the rough hands of the fallen hell beast, but she forced her face to calm down and replied casually: "Yes."

Meimei was massaged by Suna's chest. There was a pool of paste in her head, she couldn't think rationally. After hearing Suna's answer, she was silent and let Suna move.

Seeing Meimei's reaction, Suna continued to stroke Meimei's chest with one hand, and quietly slashed one hand, unbuttoning Meimei's pajamas.

Meimei suddenly felt cold in her chest, opened her eyes, and found that Suna had unbuttoned her pajamas. One hand immediately grabbed Suna's hand and looked at her shyly.

Suna smiled and said, "The effect of direct massage will be better." It seems that girls are much less wary of girls than boys. After hearing Suna's deceit, Meimei slowly let go Sona's hand was taken.

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