Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 162

Ten minutes later, the Flower Fairy Beast reached its peak under the sprint of the Fallen Hell Beast. The Fallen Hell Beast released its essence and sent its essence into the body of the Flower Fairy Beast.

Because of the need to go to the theater, the Fallen Hell Beast didn't ask for the bodies of the two women anymore, but just put on clothes after taking their first time.

After experiencing the human affairs, whether it is a holy celestial beast or a cute flower fairy, there is a touch of spring and flattery in the corner of his eyes.

The Fallen Hell Beast embraced the two women, each kissed their pink cheeks, and said, "You are all my women, do you want to be obedient in the future?" He said this mainly for the flower fairy. The Celestial Beast cannot shoot arrows at him, the Fallen Hell Beast has absolute confidence in the Celestial Beast, but the Fallen Hell Beast has reservations about the flower fairy beast that has a detached character.

The celestial beast showed a sweet smile, leaning softly in the arms of the fallen hell beast, but she had been looking forward to this day for a long time.

The expression on Huaxianmon's face seemed a little struggling, she thought of her mission and responsibilities, and also thought of the beauty she wanted to protect.

The fallen hell beast knew what he was thinking when he looked at the expression of the flower fairy beast, squeezed her elastic little ass, and said: "Little girl, you are already my woman, don't seem to run away, and, Meimei has long been my woman."

"What?" Huaxian Beast was startled, looked at the Fallen Hell Beast, surprised and said: "Mei Mei is also your woman?"

"Of course, if you don't believe it, you ask the celestial beast, she already knows it."

The Celestial Beast nodded looking at the questioning gaze from the Flower Fairy Beast.

Meimei is the most important thing to the Flower Fairy Beast, and the Fallen Hell Beast's words immediately caused the balance in the Flower Fairy Beast's heart to completely fall toward him.

After that, the Fallen Hell Beast took his Digimon wives and flew to Bick Bay. There were a large number of people who were hypnotized by the vampire beasts and fell asleep here. The selected children and their Digimon were also at this time. it's here.

Fallen hell beasts always don't like to walk through the door, and go directly through the window. The loud noise immediately attracted the attention of the children, and the fallen hell beast came to the children coquettishly.

"Falling Hell Beast!" Tai Yi immediately yelled in anger, then rushed over and pointed at the Fallen Hell Beast and shouted: "Falling Hell Beast! You hurry up and let go of the Heavenly Female Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast!"

"Cut!" The Fallen Hell Beast snorted disdainfully, and winked at the Heavenly Girl Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast.The Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy nodded, and flew towards Jia'er and Meimei respectively.

"Uh..." Tai Yi was choked, and he couldn't get over a sentence.

Of course Meimei knew what the Fallen Hell Beast was doing to capture the Celestial Beast and the Flower Fairy Beast, so she pulled the Flower Fairy aside and quietly said, "The Fallen Hell Beast, did the Fallen Hell Beast eat you?"

The Huaxian Beast blushed, she didn't expect Meimei to ask so directly, but she nodded and said, "Yes."

"Chuck..." Meimei covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Hua Fairy Beast, tell me, Fallen Hell Beast is gentle, is it very comfortable to be that? Talk about it, talk about it... "

The flower fairy beast was very embarrassed by Meimei's question, thinking of everything on the bed just now, although it was a bit rough at first, but later... it was also very gentle, and that feeling... the flower fairy was shy and hesitated. Said one sentence: "It's ok."

Meimei smiled, hugged Huaxian Beast, and said: "Hua Xian Beast, we will be real good sisters in the future!"

After listening to Meimei’s words, the Flower Fairy Beast was finally completely certain that Meimei was also the woman of the fallen hell beast, and couldn’t help but give her a blank look, and said: "Meimei, you are so bad, you have kept this from me for so long. Humph!" He snorted heavily and raised his head, looking like I was very angry.

Meimei clasped her hands together, lowered her head, and said, "I'm sorry, Huaxian Beast, I don't want to, it's all fallen hell beasts, he told me not to say, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Hua Xian Beast gave a beautiful look, and the two innocent and lively girls were fighting together again.

On the other side, Jiaer looked at the celestial beast with innocent big eyes, and said in an impure voice: "The celestial beast, are you okay."

The celestial beast smiled softly, looked at the innocent and lovely Jia'er, with a faint maternal brilliance on her face, stroked Jia'er's hair, and said: "Jia'er, I'm fine."

Jia'er did not reject the movements of the celestial beast. In terms of the beauty and holiness of the celestial beast, more than 99% of humans could not be hostile to her.

The celestial beast looked at Jia'er's pure face and asked in a soft voice: "Jaler, do you like the fallen hell beast?" The celestial beast naturally knew the answer to this question, but just wanted to ask it.

Jia'er's small face blushed, and her pink face seemed to be coated with a layer of peach-colored rouge, beautiful and moving, even the celestial beast was shaken by Jia'er's pure and beautiful face.

Jia'er was suddenly asked this question by the celestial female beast, panicked, her face was ashamed, and he said stammarily: "I...I am...the beast who likes to fall from heaven and hell..."

There was a smile on the face of the celestial beast. Now that he has become the woman of the fallen hell beast, he should naturally consider it for him. At the moment, the celestial beast stroked Jia'er’s delicate cheeks and asked: "Then Jiaer would like to fall into the heavens in the future? What about the hell beast's wife?" Think about her dignified archangel celestial beast actually came out to pimp a demon king, but it was an eight-year-old little loli, the world is hopeless.

Jia'er's face flushed, she lowered her head, her little hands kept playing with her clothes corners, but her heart was pounding: Do you want to be the wife of your elder brother?Jia Er... Jia Er... Uu Wu... Jia Er, you are so shameless!

The celestial beast looked at Jiaer's shy appearance at this time, and couldn't guess what Jiaer was thinking, and said: "If Jiaer doesn't speak, I will take it as your default. From now on, Jiaer will be the wife of the fallen hell beast."

"The celestial beast!" Jia'er pouted, looking at the celestial beast with watery eyes, and his big eyes were full of shame.

"Coco, Jia Er is so cute."

On the other side, Iori Taiyi and others were confronting the Fallen Hell Beast. Taiyi looked at the Fallen Hell Beast coldly, completely unaware that his sister had been abducted.

"Falling hell beast, what is your purpose?!" Tai Yi asked, glaring at the fallen hell beast.

The fallen hell beast yawned casually, and said, "What purpose do you think you are the weak little ghosts, is there anything that I can care about?" Then he looked at Guangzilang and said:" Hey, kid, don’t you know how to use computers? Check their information."

Photozilang immediately knocked on the computer, and the data read by the computer surprised all the children.

"Lilac Beast, complete body, data type, fairy-type Digimon, innocent and lively personality, likes all kinds of flowers, the trick is lilac shower, graceful slap and one or two pollen."

"Wicked beast, complete body, virus species, female fallen angel type Digimon, with a cold and merciless character, and will never show mercy to the enemy. The trick is the blood bat and the magic sword."

"Shaguyamon, ultimate body, data type, god-type Digimon, can freely use onmyoji, and has the ability to use the god-type Digimon. The trick is Iizuna and Vajra Mandala."

"Rosemon, Ultimate Body, Data Species, Fairy Digimon, with the appearance of a beautiful adult female. Ultimate Digimon is powerful, and the tricks are the Whip of Thorns and the Sword of Rose."

"Two of the four are Ultimate Body!" Guangzi Lang looked at his computer in astonishment. He really did not expect that two of the four female Digimon beside the Fallen Hell Beast were actually Ultimate Body. , At the beginning, the Fallen Hell Beast defeated all of their seven Digimons with one ultimate body. Now that you add two more, it is not...

The fallen hell beast smiled coldly, lifted Iori Taiichi with one hand, and stared at him indifferently, saying: "Little devil, don't think that you are just as good as a selected child. Isn't he just a human kid, I can pinch you to death with just a pinch."

"The Vampire King..." "The Vampire King..." "The Vampire King..."

As soon as the words of the fallen hell beast fell, the people in Piccolo Bay opened their eyes one by one, and said mechanically like controlled puppets...

Chapter 220-The Death of the Ultimate Vampire Beast!!

The fallen hell beast looked at the people in Piccolo, smiled slightly, and said, "The blood-sucking beast will be resurrected."

"What?!" The selected children were surprised. The blood-sucking beast they finally killed was about to be resurrected?!

At the beginning, the sky was obscured by bats, and then people chanted the name of the King of the Undead Digimon.When the number of Digimon is enough, the undead king appears.When angels shoot arrows of light and hope at the beloved of those they protect, miracles will happen.

The prophecy recorded in the "Digimon Apocalypse" will soon happen in reality.

The fallen hell beast looked at the dim sky and said indifferently: "Vampire Beast is an immortal Digimon. If you don't completely destroy his data, he will naturally have a way to resurrect."

At this moment, the time reached 6:6 minutes and 6 seconds, and a strong light suddenly burst out from the direction of the TV station-the light of evolution.


Immediately afterwards, a huge figure appeared in front of everyone, directly shattering the TV station building and turning it into a pile of rubble.

"That is!" Guangzi Lang looked at the huge Digimon in surprise, and quickly tapped the laptop in his hand.

"Ultimate Vampire Beast, the ultimate immortal Digimon evolved from the Vampire Beast, completely lost intellect and rationality, the trick is a highly toxic stream!"

"Ultimate blood-sucking monster..." Fallen Hell beast lazily looked at the huge Digimon in the distance, and pulled out his ears, "So weak."

The women around the fallen hell beast all smiled slightly, agreeing with the saying of the fallen hell beast.

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