Traveling from the collapse

Begin Traveling from the Breakdown Chapter 164

After coming out of the door of space, what everyone came to was not the Digimon world, but a forest with deep colors and heavy air.

The fallen hell beast raised its eyebrows, how could it come to this place.

Jiaer frowned and said in a trembling voice: "Falling Hell this the Digimon World?"

The fallen hell beast looked at Jia'er with a bit of pain, and knew that she could not adapt to the dark power here, and then looked at the celestial beast and the shaguya beast. The sacred powers on both of them were flickering, as if anytime. They would all degenerate into the Monster Girl Beast and Guzu Ha Beast, thinking of this, the Fallen Hell Beast immediately wielded a force to isolate them from here.

Without the influence of the dark power, Jia'er, the Celestial Beast and the Shaguya Beast breathed a sigh of relief. Jia'er looked at the Fallen Hell Beast and asked, "Where is this place?"

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled helplessly, and said: "It was originally a passage to the Digimon world, but I didn't expect it to jump into the dark area."

"Dark area!" Everyone was shocked.

The Fallen Hell Beast shrugged and said, "Now let's find where the seal of this place is." As he said, he walked forward slowly, and everyone could only follow him.

"Didn't you be sealed here before? Are you still looking for a seal?" The celestial beast asked suspiciously to the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast walked forward without looking back, and said slowly: "I was sealed in the dark zone before, but it's not here. Don't be mistaken."

"Not here, are there other dark areas?"

"There is only one dark area, but the dark area is also divided into different places. I was sealed in the Dark Mangyuan, and this is the dark forest. I came here for the first time. If I remember correctly, I was sealed here. It should be Lilith Beast, you better hope that Lilith Beast will not suddenly rush out and kill you." Fallen Hell Beast said lightly, but when it came to the last sentence, there was a hint of evil in his tone.

The last words of the Fallen Hell Beast made everyone's steps stiff. Azhu touched the back of his head and said stupidly: "That... Fallen Hell Beast, you will protect us."

The fallen hell beast stopped, turned his head, looked at Azhu like an idiot, and sneered: "I never said that I want to protect you, why I have nothing to do with me for you. Where's the kid fighting Lilith Beast?"

The fallen hell beast deliberately bit the words "it has nothing to do with me" a bit harder. The girls naturally understood the meaning of the fallen hell beast, and a faint light flashed in their eyes.

The Fallen Hell Beast was about to move forward, and he was taken aback for a while, then smiled and muttered, "Here is..."

Everyone was puzzled, but in the next moment, they understood.

A black shadow flew from the sky, even in a place with a deep color like the dark forest, that black shadow looked extraordinarily "dazzling".

The black shadow flew fast, and appeared in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.

Almost half of her coquettish and beautiful face, purple eyeshadows and lips, a graceful and luxurious purple palace dress, sleek shoulders exposed, and the huge Saintess Peak are almost half exposed to the air.Six Demon Wings, but I don't know why, it looks a bit nondescript.There is a purple bat mark on the smooth forehead, and all these together are the goddess of darkness-Lilith beast.

The fallen hell beast has long known that his appearance will definitely attract Lilith beast. After all, she is the demon king of this area. If outsiders suddenly appear in her territory, she can almost die if she does not know it. Up.

After seeing the Fallen Hell Beast, Lilith's eyes were surprised, but the appearance was still enchanting. The golden glove on her right hand slowly stroked her purple lips, and smiled: "Long time no see, Fallen Heaven and Hell beast."

The Fallen Hell Beast also smiled and said, "Yes, it's been a long time, Lilith Beast." After all, the last time the two met was before they were sealed, which was tens of thousands of years ago.

The seven demon kings are in the same position, and there is no relationship of mutual rule, so the relationship between each other is good.

The Celestial Beast looked at the Fallen Hell Beast and Lilith Beast, and she felt a strong jealousy in her heart. As the archangel, she and Lilith Beast, the female demon king, were very uncomfortable at first, and now they are even more upset. Snorted coldly.

Lilithmon turned her head to look at the Celestial Beast, with a more seductive smile on her face, and then suddenly stretched out a claw to grab the Celestial Beast.

"Nazar's Claw!!"

Chapter 222-Break the seal again!

"Nazar's Claw!!"

The golden glove of Lilithmon’s right hand carries powerful dark energy towards the Celestial Beast. The Digimon caught by Nazar’s claws will be completely corroded. Given the Celestial Beast’s current strength, if it suffers With this blow of the Lilith Beast, it is not dead.


Everyone didn't expect that Lilith Beast would attack suddenly, so they had time to exclaim, but they didn't have time to help.

boom!!With a bang, a silver giant sword crossed in front of the Celestial Beast, blocking the fatal blow of Lilith Beast for her.The hardness of this silver giant sword is very hard, and with the strength of Lilith beast, it can't be grasped at once, but the corrosive power of Lilith beast's Nazar's claw is not blown. After a few breaths, the giant sword is corroded. In half.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the corroded giant sword in his hand, and threw it on the ground. Looking at Lilith Beast, he said: "For so many years, the strength has progressed well. It made superalloy in one blow. His sword corroded like this."

The sword of the Fallen Hell Beast is the giant sword that slashes the Angel Beast. It is made of superalloy both inside and out. It is considered a top-level weapon in the Digimon world.

For ordinary Digimon, the three words Superalloy represent a barrier that is absolutely impossible to break. Even if it is a Digimon Ultra, if you want to destroy a Superalloy, you have to have the strength of the Late Ultimate. In front of the Digimon who was named the Seven Demon Kings, Super Alloy could only temporarily delay the time of death.

The hardest metal in the Digimon world is Huanglong Mine, which is an absolute hardness that is difficult to destroy even for ultra-final bodies.Long before the six-winged beast, the king of the Digimon world was the Huanglongmon. The whole body is fused with the absolute hardness of the Huanglong mine, which has absolute defense power.

Although Hexaptera defeated and sealed Huanglongmon to become the king of Digimon World, it was only a seal. With the strength of Hexaphinus at that time, it was impossible to kill Huanglongmon whose whole body was fused with Huanglong mine.

The second superalloy is a man-made synthetic metal. Although the method of synthesizing superalloy is extremely difficult, it is always much more than the natural ores of Huanglong mine. The hardness ranks second and the density is low, but the mechanical properties are worse. .

Ranked fourth is the black meteorite used in the positron cannons and shotguns that were originally used to make the fallen hell beasts. It has low density, high hardness, and the world's first mechanical properties. It is the most suitable metal for making weapons.

The third-ranked bronze ore is a special ore that has been buried deep underground for more than a thousand years. This ore has high hardness, medium density, and medium mechanical properties. However, there is a very important point. The attack of Lilith Beast has a very powerful bonus effect. Both Lilith Beast’s Nazar’s Claw and Sand Beast’s Vajra Mandala are included here, so both Lilith’s Golden Gloves and Sand Beast’s Vajra Pewter Rod It is made of bronze ore.

Lilith beast’s attack was stopped by Fallen Hell beast, without showing any dissatisfaction on her face. The golden gloves stroked her character’s lips, her eyes glanced at the giant sword that was only a little bit on the ground, and she smiled: "This sword seems to be a cut. Strike the angel beast's sword, don't tell me you have absorbed the information about slashing the angel beast."

The Fallen Hell Beast shrugged, indicating that it was like this.

Lilith Beast smiled and looked at the Fallen Hell Beast, and said: "It seems that your strength has increased a lot." Then the expression in her eyes changed. Although the smile was still enchanting, her eyes were extremely serious, "Your strength, How strong is it?"

The Fallen Hell Beast glanced at Lilith Beast, and said: "Ultra ultimate body mid-term."

"What?!!!" Even the Lilith beast's accumulated experience and xinxing over the past tens of thousands of years was shocked by the words of the Fallen Hell beast, super ultimate mid-term!!That is the strength that can completely destroy the entire Digimon world. The Fallen Hell Beast was a little stronger than the Lilith Beast, but today, the Fallen Hell Beast has reached the stage of the super ultimate body. In comparison, the strength of Lilithmon's ultimate body peak is nothing.

Lilith Beast did not doubt the words of the Fallen Hell Beast, she also knows the character of the Fallen Hell Beast, with the arrogant temperament of the Fallen Hell Beast, she does not bother to lie, which is a great shame to the pride of the Fallen Hell Beast. Especially things related to his strength.

Everyone looked at Lilith Beast and Fallen Hell Beast with a little surprise. What is the Ultra Ultimate Body?Will make Lilith beast surprised like this.

Lilith Beast took a few deep breaths, and finally digested the news about the strength of the Fallen Hell Beast's super ultimate body. The word of the Fallen Hell Beast almost scared Lilith Beast to death.

"Unexpectedly, your strength has reached such a high level, no wonder you can break the seal of the ultimate angel beast." Lilith beast smiled slightly.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled. He was able to break through to the ultra-ultimate body. The most important thing was that he was not afraid of death and completely swallowed the information of the Kirubi Beast, and said: "Okay, take me to the seal." The Lilith Beast did so many things, but the main reason was not to know whether the Fallen Hell Beast broke the seal of the dark and rugged original by luck or relying on its real strength.

Lilith beast smiled slightly, and walked towards the Sealed Land in a sexy catwalk.

The Fallen Hell Beast looked at the back of Lilith Beast and cursed viciously in his heart: This dead fairy!!Lilithmon is a lust demon. Even a random movement is full of seductive power. Even the ultimate Digimon can hardly resist the charm of Lilithmon. She will be lured by her to get together by her Nazar. Claws to death.

The Fallen Hell Beast held his head in both hands, followed the Lilith Beast lazily, and said: "Hurry up, or I don't care if I die in the dark area."

Then a very strange picture appeared in the dark forest. Lilith Beast was walking in the front, Fallen Hell Beast lazily followed, forming a second group, Wicked Girl Beast, Sand Gutooth Beast, Lilac Beast and Rose Beast Following the fallen hell beasts, they stretched out their hands to form a third group, and then the rest gathered together to form a backward group.

After walking for a while, the Lilac Beast suddenly came to the side of the Fallen Hell Beast, and asked a question that everyone wanted to know: "The Fallen Hell Beast, what is the super ultimate body? The ultimate body can still pass. Are you going to evolve?" Except for the Fallen Hell Beast and the Lilith Beast, none of the people here know the concept of the ultra-ultimate body. They have only heard of it.

The Fallen Hell Beast hugged the Lilac Beast's waist very naturally, and kissed her pink face. The Lilac Beast blinked with big cute eyes. Obviously, he was used to the actions of the Fallen Hell Beast, and he was still curious. Gaze at the fallen hell beast.

The Fallen Hell Beast smiled, and said: "Ultra-ultimate body, no matter how hard you work, ordinary Digimon can't reach the highest peak. It has the powerful power that gods deserve to have, and it can disrupt the balance of the Digimon world's ecosystem and make the world The power of complete collapse.

In my cognition, only I and the six-winged beast have reached this level."(Some ultra-ultimate bodies that have not yet appeared, such as Arcadimon Ultra-ultimate Body, Ultra-Ultimate Monsters, etc., are not included for the time being)

Lilith Beast turned his head and glanced at the Fallen Hell Beast, and said, "Your current strength should be stronger than the Six-Wing Beast."

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